Status: Well! this is my first story hope you enjoy. Comment, subscribe, vote i love to here what you think ;) thx~!

The Destined Mortal

Sector 1

The morning light woke me, preparing myself to leave i took a quick long shower a quick shower allowing the heat to batter against my skin, getting out i gazed at my reflection my mother was a brunette and so was i my brown hair cascaded down my back, after many reasons to cut it in the past it only grew longer my eyes however alienated me from everyone else it dimed a dark purple which mum claimed i took from my father. My skin was a natural pale with no trace of tan to darken it. Searching my wardrobe for anything appealing to wear i fond none other than my usual plain white t-shirts and a black jeans, reaching into my right pocket of my jeans from the previous day i gazed upon the address aware of where it was i simply wrote a note to mum that i wold be borrowing her car. Grabbing my sweater i left through the doors.

To be continued.....
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Not the end yet tell me what yo guys think.
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~P.S~ Next Chapter ''Ayslin'' wold be coming pretty soon so lets see ;)