Status: Done!

The New Kid

Part One.

Sitting in homeroom Meaw was trying her best not to fall asleep. It had been a big weekend for her having attended her brother’s wedding and then trying to cram three essays into her Sunday that she may have forgotten about. She had been up until 4am trying to finish her history essay and that had left her with only two hours before she’d had to wake up again to attend school. Needless to say Meaw was exhausted. Just as she was beginning to drift off to sleep she was very rudely startled away by the arrival of her crazy and caffeinated best friend Andrea.

“Hey Meaw what’s up? How was the wedding? Did you take pictures? Have you finished all your assignments? Oh and did you hear, there’s a new guy starting today and rumour has it he’s sexy and going to be in our homeroom!”

It took Meaw a few seconds to fully comprehend everything her friend had just said and once she did she began answering. “Hey Andrea, nothings up, just incredibly tired from being up all night. The wedding was absolutely beautiful and of course I took pictures! Yes, I finished all my assignments hence the late night and no I had no idea we were getting a new guy. How was your weekend?”

Before Andrea could answer the teacher arrived and behind her was perhaps the most gorgeous boy Meaw had ever seen. “Class, this is Zachary. He’s new to the school and will be in our homeroom. Make him feel welcome and all that. Zachary, if you could please take your seat next to Meaw and Andrea we’ll begin roll call.” Zachary looked at the teacher blankly before she realised. “Oh, sorry, girls please raise your hands.” Zachary quickly moved to the seat next to Meaw as the teacher completed the attendance. “Alright class, talk amongst yourselves.”

Meaw, seeing Zachary looking uncomfortable and just a little lost, decided to introduce them. “Hey, it’s Zachary right? I’m Meaw, this is Andrea. So, where are you from?”

Smiling at each girl in turn he decided to try and make some friends. “Yeah, it’s Zachary but I prefer Zacky. I’ve just moved from Huntington Beach in California. Dad got a new job, you know how it goes. So I hope you don’t mind me asking but is there any chance I could get one of you to help me around? You seem nice and I’m clueless.” Pulling out his schedule Zacky put it on the table for the girls to see.

Grinning, Meaw grabbed the schedule and looked through it. “Oh hey, you have all your classes with me except for music and gym. Our friend Matt is in history and math with us so he’ll be able to show you to the gym and then back again and Jimmy takes science with us so he can show you to the music hall. And don’t worry; the school is pretty small so you’ll get it in no time.”

The bell rang then and Meaw said goodbye to Andrea before heading off to History with Zacky following behind her. Walking in, she dragged Zacky over to her and Matt’s usual seats and introduced the boys. As she suspected they were almost instant friends and Matt was more than happy to show Zacky to gym and math. All three of them kept up the conversation during history, discovering they all liked a lot of the same things.

They parted ways after history and Meaw went to her photography class where she met up with Andrea. Andrea was quick to bombard her with questions. “So, what do you think of Zacky? Isn’t he just adorable? Did you learn much about him? Is he single?”

“Calm down Andy, you’re like and ADD kid on crack. Zacky’s cool. We like a lot of the same things and he and Matt are getting on great. We talked all through history and I learnt a lot. He mentioned that he doesn’t have a girlfriend and yes, he is adorable.”

“OH MY GOD! You have a crush on him don’t you? You so do! Aww you guys would be perfect, you should ask him out!”

“Andy, you seriously need to calm down. Yes, I have a little crush but I am NOT asking him out. We’ve only just met and who even knows if he likes me?”

Sighing, Andrea let the subject drop and the girls tuned back in to their lesson. Andrea began scheming ways that she could find out if Zacky liked Meaw as well, knowing that all she’d need to do was drop a few hints and hopefully get Zacky to make a move. After all, who wouldn’t like Meaw? After photography the girls went to math where they met Matt and Zacky. The group we’re mainly quiet during that class, each lost in their thoughts or trying to actually learn.

It went on for weeks in a similar fashion and Andrea was getting seriously annoyed. It was obvious to everyone that Meaw and Zacky liked each other but both were too shy to make a move. It was at lunch about five weeks into the school term when Andrea decided to set her plan in to motion. “So Meaw, a little birdie told me that Johnny Seward was planning to ask you out.” Looking over at Zacky she saw a spark of jealousy in his eyes and she immediately knew that her plan was going to work.

“Really? But we’ve hardly ever talked. We don’t even know each other.”

“Duh Meaw, that’s the whole point of going on dates.”

“Oh, well I suppose. We’ll have to see what happens I guess.”

Zacky, upon hearing the news, immediately began planning how he was going to ask Meaw out. He knew it had to be done soon. He could not let that Seward kid take Meaw. Deciding he would do it after school Zacky spoke up. “Hey Meaw, would you mind waiting with me after school? My mum said she’d be late and it’s boring waiting alone.”

“Sure Zacky, I have to wait for my mum anyway.” Knowing looks went around the table completely unseen by the pair. All their friends were happy that Zacky was finally going to make his move. Zacky quickly texted his mum and asked her to be a few minutes late, claiming he needed to talk to the music teacher after school. He also started planning where he was going to take Meaw on their date if she said yes and checked his bank account to make sure he had the money for his plans.

When the last bell sounded Zacky was quick to go to the front gates. He saw Meaw already waiting and walked over to her. “Hey, thanks for waiting.”

“No problem. Like I said, I was going to be waiting anyway.”

“So, I have a confession. I asked my mum to run late because I actually had something I needed to ask you. It’s been awesome getting to know you as a friend these last few weeks but I would really like to get to know you romantically as well which is why I was wondering if you would go on a date with me this Saturday?” Blushing, Zacky looked down at his feet waiting for Meaw to answer.

Meaw was silent for a few seconds before she pulled Zacky in for a hug. “Of course I will, I’d love to. I’ve had a crush on you since you first started and I never thought you’d like me back.”

“Of course I like you back, what’s not to like.”

Blushing at his compliment Meaw gave Zacky a kiss on the cheek as she saw her mum pull up. She bid him goodbye before getting in to the car. Zacky watched her leave before getting into his own mum’s car when it pulled up. He couldn’t wait for this date. It was going to be the best date ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I decided not to write their date. I may come back and do it in the future but for now this is how the story ends. Hope you enjoyed it.