Love Behind Lies

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

“We didn’t make a deal,” Brent forced words out between clenched teeth.
“Too late,” Chang said. “Richard is all yours though.”
Brent was about to argue with Chang when Sam walked up behind him.
“Let her go. I know it’s hard, but if we have Richard, he can help us get her back,” Sam whispered into Brent’s ear, talking to him for the first time since Brent told the truth.
Brent just nodded his head, trying not to show any emotion. He didn’t want to show the enemy how hard it was for him to watch Catherine go.
“Fine. Bring Richard to us,” Brent said to Chang, who turned around and left the room the same way Kang had left with Catherine.
“Nobody say a thing,” Brent informed the group. “They might have cameras or voice recorders. Just stay quiet until he comes back.”
A few moments later, Chang returned with Richard, and everyone kept quiet.
“Are you happy,” Chang asked Brent.
“Not has happy and I could be, but we’ll take it,” Brent replied. “Don’t be surprised if we come back before the end of the week.”
Chang just nodded his head and pushed Richard towards Brent, who turned around and began walking.
Thomas had gone outside to wait so that Richard wouldn’t communicate during the exchange, so when Richard walked outside following two strangers, he was completely surprised to see Thomas standing there.
Thomas ran to his dad and gave him a hug, but then the celebration was over and there was some major explaining to do.
The boys all hopped in the rental car, and drove back to the hotel. The car was silent.
As the arrived at the hotel, everyone got out and they met up in the living room.
“Let’s all go and sit down on the couch,” Brent told the group.
They all sat down and Brent stood, as usual.
“Okay, first of all, Richard, I am Brent Cloud. I work for A33 or the American Spy Organization, same as you. I work in a different department in the organization, which is why our paths have never crossed before now. This is Sam Knight. He goes to school with Margaret and Catherine.”
“How do you know my family,” Richard asked, defensively.
“Please, let me finish.” Brent replied and then went on. “A few months ago, my boss Evan Coore asked me to keep a close eye on Richard’s family. He said that since Richard accidently had Nick Sayner’s dad fired, and that Mr. Sayner made some very serious threats against Richard’s family, there was a very high possibility that trouble would occur later on down the road. The organization has had problems with the Sayner’s previously, and didn’t want anything to reoccur.” Brent paused.
Sam couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Sure enough, something came up. Mr. Sayner asked Chang and Kang from the Chinese restaurant to kidnap Richard when he was on a business trip to Italy. When this happened, I was told to go and get Richard and bring him back no matter what the circumstances were. Right before I was about to leave, Evan stopped me. Chang had contacted Evan, informing us that Catherine was the key to bringing Richard home safely.” Brent paused again. “Nick’s dad has been working with Chang obviously and I believe Nick is the man who wants Catherine. So I wouldn’t be surprised if Nick was in the building right now.”
“Are you crazy?” Sam stood up and began walking over to Brent. “She loved you Brent. She trusted you and now you are just pushing her to the side as if nothing ever happened?” Sam had Brent pinned up against the wall.
“Guys, stop fighting!” Thomas was up off the couch now, trying to separate the two. “We aren’t going to get Kate back if you two are fighting.”
“Can someone please explain more. I am still lost.” Richard was still sitting on the couch.
“The rest of the story,” Brent said, pushing Sam off of him, “Is that Evan told me to meet with Catherine and talk to her about working with me. She accepted, knowing that she could help save her father. It was just going to be the two of us traveling, but Sam’s friends had Evan kidnapped so that Nick could talk to Catherine to see what she knew about the trip. Sam and her met that evening and they seemed to work well together, despite all the fighting they go through. Evan knew they had met and had me ask Sam to join us and he agreed. Sam and I wanted one more person to bring, to even things out and we knew that Cat trusted Thomas the most so we decided to bring him along with us as well.”
“So you basically tricked all of us into coming here,” Sam sounded bitter.
“Please! Be quiet!” Brent snapped and then finished the story. “We all flew here yesterday, spent all day looking for clues on where you might be,” Brent said, pointing to Richard. “We stopped in at the Chinese restaurant, knowing you were close by and Chang and Kang told us to come back later. When I was talking to Catherine, I told her why she really came, and of course she got mad at me and then about an hour ago we showed up at the restaurant again. We negotiated and talked with Chang and they took Catherine away from us and gave of you instead. That brings us to where we are now.”
Richard was shocked. “You’re telling me, that my daughter is where I have been for the past couple weeks?”
“Yes sir,” Brent said. “I’m very sorry, sir. I was told to retrieve you by any means necessary.”
Richard has nothing else to say as he put his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.
“Well how are you going to get her back, Brent?” Thomas asked. He was so mad. “Because this is all your fault.”
Brent stood up. “Look you guys. I know you all probably hate me right now, but I loved her too. I didn’t plan to fall in love with her and you have no idea how hard it was for me to watch them take her. So, I’ll take the blame for all this and I am going to get her back. I promise. I’ll come up with a plan.” With that, Brent left the room, leaving everyone to think.
About an hour later, all the boys were crowded around the table, sharing ideas. They had a plan forming. It would take a lot of work and it could be done, but they all had to work together, and that would be the hardest part.