Status: Yeeeah, it's slowly going

Save Me

Stuck In A State Of Questioning

“Jamie, look what I found.” My mom said, walking into my room with a box in her hand. She sat down on my bed and I walked over to join her. She handed me a picture out of the box and smiled at it.

I examined the picture for a while before looking at my mom and then back to the picture. “M-Mom... Is this-” I paused and shook my head, carefully examining the picture again.

“You’re father?” She questioned before chuckling and nodded, setting the box aside and leaning over my shoulder to look at the picture with me. “Yep, that’s him. That is actually the last picture I got with him before he left.”

I smiled. The both of them looked extremely happy as they clung to each other, both of them making silly faces at the camera. It was absolutely adorable and I had the urge to squeal. “That’s freaking adorable.”

She giggled before flicking her hair over her shoulder. “Yeah, we were pretty cute.”

I frowned and set the picture in my lap. “Why do you think he left?” I questioned her, glancing at her before back down to the picture.

She sighed and shrugged, ‘I’m not sure. I think he might have just gotten scare of the idea of being a father. I knew that he wasn’t ready at the time. We had talked about it, but it never was officially planned... He had other things planned in his life and I know having a kid at that age wasn’t on his list.”

I chewed on my bottom lip before nodding at her and sighing. “I wish I had met him before passed... He seems like he was a good kind of person.”

She comfortingly rubbed my back and sighed, nodding as well. “I know, I wish you had met him too. He was such a sweet, loveable goofball and I know that you two would’ve adored each other.” She pursed her lips and stared at the ground before opening her mouth to say something, then quickly shutting it making a loud click as her teeth come together.

I raised my brow at her before tilting my head, “What?”

She shook her head at me and shrugged, “Nothing. I’m going to take Flea for a walk.” She grabbed the box from beside her and stood up, heading for the door. She paused and turned around, looking at me, “Oh, um... You might want to shower. Jeremy is coming over and he wants to take us out for a birthday dinner.”

I mentally rolled my eyes. “Alright.” I watched her close my door before I groaned and fell back onto my bed. I did not want to go to this dinner tonight.

Couple Hours Later

I ran my hand through my short dark brown hair and looked at myself in the mirror, showing that I was wearing a black Disturb shirt with black skinny jeans and white and black Vans – not exactly something most people would consider appropriate for a birthday dinner, but I didn’t care. I knew my mother didn’t care and it was likely she would be wearing almost the same thing, except with blue jeans or something.

I walked of my room, deciding that I was thirsty, and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen were I saw my mom walking around on the home phone.

“Look, I know, but I think it would mean a lot. It would not! She’s just- Hold on.” She stopped talking and covered the mic on the phone and held it away from her mouth. “Hi, sweetie. What’s up?”

I furrowed my brows for a second before shaking my head. I grabbed a cup out of the cabinet and shrugged at her. “Nothing... I’m just thirsty.” I got some ice in my drink before pouring some lemonade that I received from out of the fridge.

“Oh... Okay.” She waited until I looked at her, making a weird face at her. “Who are you talking to?” I asked, curiously.

“Jeremy.” She replied quickly – too quickly – almost cutting me off. She seemed slightly nervous as she pursed her lips.

I stared at her for a second before nodding and pursing my lips, turning and heading out of the kitchen and back up into my room. I set my drink on my dresser after I took a sip of it and connected my iPod to my stereo, putting all my music on shuffle. It began playing Saxon’s Crusader. I enjoy older music, especially hair metal bands such as Motley Crue, Ratt, Van Halen, Whitesnake, Guns ‘N Roses, and Kix. I really enjoyed some of today’s music, but that older stuff is what has my heart.

I was slightly suspicious of my mother and the way she replied to my question of who it was. She answered far too quickly and seemed far too nervous for it to be Jeremy on the phone. I guess it honestly didn’t matter, nor was it any of my business, but it was rather odd.

After a couple of hours had passed of me straightening up my room and being bored, I heard the doorbell go off and I knew that he was he and I was not excited – not one bit – about it. I shut the music off and walked out of my room, closing the door behind me and walking down the stairs into the living room where my mother and Jeremy were.

Jeremy was my mother’s boyfriend of about a year now. He’s a very clean cut man who’s short with super short brown – almost black – hair with a bit of facial hair and big brown eyes. He always dressed very nice and fancy no matter where he went. He obviously had a lot of money and he enjoyed to flaunt it. He hated me and I him and he knew it. He acted and pretended like he liked me when my mom was around but when I was alone with him – even for a minute – he was the biggest asshole I’ve ever met. Such a bullshitter. I had attempted to tell my mother on several different occasions that he was like that, but she never really listened to me. I gave up on telling on after a couple of weeks of her not listening and decided to put up with it.

I pursed my lips and stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching the two of them embrace in a hug and give each other a quick kiss on the lips. Gag. I rolled my eyes.

“Jamie! Happy Birthday!” Jeremy greeted with a smile, which was fake and I knew it.

I fake a smile back and greeted him only with a nod.

He outstretched his arm and handed me a white rectangle box, saying nothing.

I raised a brow and grabbed the box, looking at it and then to him. “What’s this?”

“Well, why don’t you open it and find out?” He flashed a smiled at me, showing her perfectly white and straight teeth.

I nodded and looked down, lifted and folding back the top of the box seeing the necklace with three white diamonds on a thick but still small silver rope. Two small diamonds on either side of a large one. I pursed my lips and nodded, looking up at him. “Wow, you shouldn’t have,” I mentioned, my tone sounding rather dull in which he chuckled.

My mom ran over to my side and looked inside the box at the necklace. “Oh my god, that’s beautiful, Jeremy! Don’t you think, Jamie?” She grabbed my shoulders and grinned.

I nodded, “Oh, yeah, just gorgeous... It looks expensive.”

“It is.”

Bullshit. It was fake and we both knew it. He probably got it at Walmart for a good, eh, fifteen bucks, if not a little more. “Thanks.” I mumbled, before closing the top of the box and leaning against the railing of the stairs.

“It was no trouble at all, Jamie.” He flashed another smile and then looked at my mother, “Tammie, dear, are we all ready to go to dinner?”

She looked at me for a confirmation.

“Let me grab a jacket.” I ran up the stairs and into my room, dropping the white box on the dresser before grabbing my Pantera jacket and heading back down into the livingroom. We all piled into Jeremy’s fancy black Dodge Challenger and headed off to whatever over extravagant restaurant that he decided on.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, chapter two. We meet Jeremy. Ack. What do you guys think of Jeremy so far? Eh?

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