The Elf and Her Tale.

With unused wings


Mirima flung herself into the arms of her lover. Her boyfriend and future husband, she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, pulling him down enough for their nose tips to touch. Erestor held her delicate waist, gently rubbing her sides.

"I missed you!"

The elf smiled at the young elleth, they kissed and enjoyed being in each others embrace for another minute or so.

"You too, Melamin."

Erestor closed his eyes as he inhaled the sweet scent of the thick, brown hair that lay upon Mirima's head.Everything was perfect. They lived together, they would soon be wed and start a family of their own. Mirima's cheek was squished as she lay her head down upon the elf's shoulder, she could feel his well toned muscles tighten underneath the tunic that he wore. Lifting her head up, her gentle, soft lips kissed Erestor's cheek. Feeling happiness fill up his heart to the point of possibly tears, he held his beloved closer if possible. She was so fragile, and so precious to him that if he was to ever loose her, he would surely pass into the halls of Mandos.

Something interrupted the advisors thoughts. His eyes darted behind Mirima, only to see Elrond's twin sons, Elladan and Elrohir. Elrohir had his arms folded across his chest while Elladan's hands remained behind him, both the elfs had smiles across their faces.

"Forgive me, Melamin. Though we seem to have extra company."

Mirima turned around and smiled as she saw the twins. She escaped Erestor's arms and embraced her two friends in happiness and joy, laughing as they returned the gesture in a sort of group hug. Yes. Everything WAS perfect.

"Mellonea, it's been a long time."

Elrohir looked towards his brother then back at Mirima, his eyebrow raised in confusion.

"We saw you yesterday."

Mirima blushed lightly in embarrassment, but quickly brushed it off.

"A good few hours is long enough!"

Everyone laughed together. Erestor's arms crossed his chest as he smiled at his lover, his heart seemed to stop beating for a few seconds whenever her gaze fixated on him once more. He was going to have to make sure that he would never loose her. Ever.