The Elf and Her Tale.

The Creature Fell

In the morning, a council meeting was taking place in Rivendell. Erestor looked down the whole time, not even taking part like he used to do. At the end of the meeting, Elrond stayed behind with Erestor.

"What is wrong, my friend?"

Erestor at first shook his head, but then he decided to tell.

"Last night- Mirima didn't want to take part in our union."

Elrond nodded his head in understanding,

"Hm. Hm."

"What is it?"

Elrond arose from his seat and stood in front of his friend and adviser,

"Did she have some sort of past memories that might be making her not want to have sex with you?"

Erestor shook his head, he never asked her. To be honest, he didn't want to find out. He too, now stood up and walked to his and his wifes' bed chambers.


Mirima was sat on their bed, reading a book from the library. She closed the book and stood when she saw her husband enter the room,

"Erestor, I am sorry for my behavior last night."

Erestor rose his hand, causing Mirima to stop speaking. Erestor placed his hands on Mirima's shoulders, he rubbed them and kissed her brow.

"No, my love. I am sorry for my behavior. I should not have tried to rush things with you."

Mirima smiled and hid her face in his chest, Erestor kissed her head and rubbed her hair before departing from the hug.

"I love you, Melamin."

Mirima smiled brightly, little did Erestor know that it was fake. Mirima sat back on the bed, Erestor sitting beside her.

"What are you reading?"

Mirima looked at the front cover of the book,

"I have no idea, to be honest with you. I just found it to be interesting, and it is."

Erestor wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. Then, he thought about what Elrond had asked him. Had Mirima really had a tough past with lovers? He decided it was time to ask her, and he was not going to let it rest until he got her answer.

"Mirima, if you don't mind me asking, what was your past with lovers like? Before you met me?"

Mirima closed the book and placed it on the bed stand, she stared at Erestor with wide eyes. This, of course made Erestor concerned. He tucked her hair behind her elven ears, she began to get nervous.

"It...was fine."

At that, she left the room.