Status: Slow going, but I'm doing my best!

A Curse on Your Lips


“You’re staring.” A voice pummeled through the dense sounds of club music to warn her. Marilyn turned to look at her friend and gave a sheepish grimace. “Thanks, I’ll just..” She trailed off, looking down at her beer. “You said it was amicable.” Her friend’s chide was gentle, but it stung. “Yeah. It is.” Marilyn felt lost in the sea of people. Her anchor chatted with their friends by the entrance.

“Honestly, I think it’s for the best. He seemed like a real dick. He’d bark out things at you, and I didn’t like the way you’d jump to attention. Most of us thought it was abuse, you know.” She pursed her lips and glanced back at the offending party. “He’s one of the sweetest guys I know, Karen.” With an eye roll, she took a small sip of her drink, “And I can’t believe you can still hang out with him. I can never stay friends with my exes.”

“It is a bit strange. For me, at least. We were just together for so long, it’s hard to adjust.” Marilyn began to feel lightheaded, “We should meet up outside of work more, running into you was a nice surprise.” The two smiled sincerely at each other. Karen sighed, “You better get back to your group. Sorry to hear about all that. See you tomorrow.” Her group; thicker than thieves, they liked to think. She downed her drink and gave her goodbye. The easiest route was through the mob of ecstasy addicts.

Noticing the smoldering eyes across the way, her skin tingled as he watched her move across the floor. Last week he would not have let her past the reach of his arm. Things were different now, though. She sighed to herself, pushing a civilian away from grinding on her ass. “Marilyn!” Jimmy screeched, pulling her into the huddle. “Time to drink!” Someone passed her another Shiner.

“Thanks. Sorry that took so long. Next round on me, guys.” She avoided Brian’s eyes. This was the first time she’d spent over thirty dollars around him without his approval. “All-right!” Leana put her fist in the air. Zacky glanced at Brian, while Matt turned his confused gaze toward him as well. “Are you guys fighting?” Johnny asked incredulously. Marilyn let out a strained laugh, “Of course not.”

Brian took a lengthy pause before answering, “We invited you all here for an announcement.” The group’s eyes went to Marilyn’s left hand. She blushed with embarrassment, and shifted her weight to the other foot. “We’ve broken up.” She said, with a small, crooked smile looking across the circle to her former lover. “Jesus. Really?” Jimmy put a hand on her arm. “When?” Matt, who was standing next to Brian, turned to ask. “Four days ago.”

“You waited four days to tell us? Fucking hell, Brian. You call us three seconds after you realize you have a zit.” Matt gave a breathy laugh; the group stayed quiet. “What happened?” Leana finally asked, looking at Marilyn. “Nothing. We just decided..” She looked up to Brian for help. “We don’t think we want to spend the rest of our lives together, in that sense. And if that’s the case, then what’s the point.” He finished his drink, “I’ll help you with the drinks. Same ol’, same ol’, guys?” They all murmured assent, letting the two go towards the bar.

“You okay?” He leaned next to her to ask, after ordering the drinks. Marilyn nodded slowly, “It wasn’t that bad.” He gave a grim smile, “They’ll be fine.” She had left her unfinished beer with the group but desperately wished she had not, now that she had nothing to do with her hands. Brian also felt unsure without a hand in his own. Nothing felt more natural than intertwined fingers and kissing her soft lips.

Zacky watched the two leave, “Four years. Do you think Marilyn will.. I don’t know. Give up on the rest of us?” Jimmy shook his head. “This was on Brian, I’d bet. She’s not the type to throw away something good for the possibility of something better. Hell, she still has that pair of jeans from high school.” The group laughed and mimicked her, “But they still fit!” Matt pursed his lips, “We should offer to let her stay with one of us. I’d bet anything she’s still there.”

The men looked at Leana. Jimmy, with exceptionally sad eyes, “Baby?” She rolled her eyes, “Of course she can stay. Jesus. She’s my friend, too, but she’s going to refuse.” Johnny raised his eyebrows. “She wouldn’t feel comfortable. That’s just her.” Matt looked out into the crowd, mulling over the dynamic changes in their group, “I’ll talk with Brian. Tell him he needs to ask her to leave. Otherwise she’ll stay. He probably thinks he’s doing her a favor, but with all the.. stuff they..” The other men nodded. “It’s for the best,” Zacky said. “Here they come.”

“Done talking about us, then?” Brian said with a wide smile. Marilyn rolled her eyes and handed out the loot. “You’re so vain,” Jimmy joked, “I bet you think this erection’s about you!” The group groaned in protest. “What?” He put his hands up. “So, Marilyn. Do you want to move in with us?” Brian looked across to Leana, “She’s going to stay until I can get her set up on her own.”

“Thank you, though,” Marilyn smiled. “That’s healthy.” Matt muttered. “You guys are making a big deal of this, aren’t you? Really, everything is fine, we just aren’t dating now.” She retorted, garnering sidelong glances from her friends. “Whatever, kid. Let’s get back to partying.”