To My Now "Non-Gay Best Friend"

but I miss you love...

Let’s see, where should I start? Well, right now I’m mad at you, out of nowhere, again! So I’ll start here… You are the most sensitive idiot I’ve ever met, and fallen for. Just a few minutes ago we were making each other laugh over dumb jokes, and now I wish I had a genuine reason to be telling you why I’m angry. It’s like “10 things I hate about you” except you are no Heath Ledger jumping through hoops for me… not anymore… and you really weren’t for long anyway, and I kind of blame myself for that, I do because I acted like it didn’t matter for a while; but it did! And I wish you would have kept trying! Because now that it’s over it’s all I have to hold on to when I need reasons to hate you, NOT ONE FLOWER, NOT ONE! Not even the kind that grows with the grass? Really? Sure, you had many other details I loved, but I feel like you focused so much on the “material”, the nice dinners, the cake, the stuffed animal (yes one), that you forgot about the basics, the things that really count, like ringing the door bell, is that so hard? Or Opening the car door for me…

Everyone kept telling me “he doesn't do this…” and “he doesn't do that…” and I defended you! And never told you anything and defended you! I don’t even know why, I guess I didn't want to annoy you. I actually didn't care for a while, because I wasn't even used to having a boyfriend, but those last few weeks, gosh!

We never fought, and I feel like we needed that, not like a huge blown out deal, but a little discussion, neither of us wanted to, so we never brought anything up. I never brought up the fact that you:
• Never got out of your car and rang the door bell
• Never got the car door for me
• Never got me any goddamn flowers!
• Hated it, HATED IT when you told me you were at your house with your friends (girls) from school playing cards and watching movies… and it never even crossed your mind it would probably kill me inside…
• Sometimes you don’t respect other’s opinions

I can’t really think of anything else at the moment. But there’s one for each month we were together. Some of those things still hurt and you’ll never know. There is so much more I could tell you about how mad I am at the moment, but since I have no genuine reason right now, I can’t think of anything, a week ago I could have written a novel.

The only reason I hope I get to meet the next lucky girl is to see you struggle to keep her happy, and so when you ask me for advice I can tell you “get out of your stupid car and ring the hell out of that door bell, and then you’re going to get that car door for her and you’ll have the flowers that you never game me waiting for her on the car seat. Then you’re going to tell those girls that if your love isn’t there you can’t hang out with them; and for a bonus you’re going to learn to accept other’s opinion.” And that way neither of you will feel sorry every time you hear Bruno Mars telling you that you should have bought her flowers.