Status: Active

My Teacher's Wife

Chapter 1

Seventeen year old Zacky Baker walked to his school Huntington High bummed that the two week Christmas break was already over with.

The beginning of a new year and the end of my junior year he thought as he continued walking.

He was dressed in a white dress shirt, now tie, black dress pants, his snakebites were out, and his hair was slicked down and his bangs were to the side. Courtesy of his mom who made him dress up.

She said since it was a new year he should want to look his best. I look like I'm going to fucking prom he thought bitterly.

Finally he arrived at school to see his friends under their usual tree. He walked over to them.

"What's up Zacky?" Matt said snickering a little at how he was dressed.

"Nothing much Matt." Zacky said.

"Dude why the hell are you dressed like that?" Brian asked laughing.

"My mom made me asshole said since it's a new year I should wanna look nice." Zacky said glaring at Brian.

"You do look nice." Matts girlfriend Valary said with a smile.

"Thanks Val." Zacky said returning the smile.

He did standout out like a sore pink thumb among his friends who were dressed in band shirts, ripped jeans, piercing, chains, and showing off their tattoos while his were covered.

That's not the only reason he stood out. All the guys had their SO with them.

Matt had been dating Valary ever since the ninth grade. Brian had been dating her twin sister for two years now. And Jimmy had finally come out the closet and admitted his feelings for Johnny who felt the same way and they've been inseparable since.

Then there was him alone. Zackys girlfriends had either cheated on him or broke up with him. His last girlfriend Gena had cheated on him and broke up with him saying that no girl would ever want him. It had really hurt his confidence.

"So Zacky you ready for Mr. Long Face?" Jimmy who was playing with Johnnys Mohawk asked him.

Mr. Long Face was Mr. Hardwicke the gangs math teacher. Mr. Hardwicke was a hard ass who cut absolutely no slack. He always found reasons to get students in trouble and to fail them. With Zacky being his personal favorite to mess with.

"Hell no I'm not." Zacky said.

"Maybe this year he'll be better towards you." Johnny said with an encouraging smile.

"Thanks John but I don't think so." Zacky said.

At that moment the bell rung signaling first period. Zacky groaned not looking forward to class.

They went inside and after Matt and Brian kissed Val and Michelle goodbye they entered the classroom to find a surprise.

Instead of Mr. Hardwicke was a very beautiful woman at his desk. Her hair was a light brown, skin was a light caramel like coffee that had a lot of creamer in it.

She stood up to greet the arriving students with a smile. She was wearing a black pencil skirt that framed her body perfectly. She wore a white button up shirt that was slightly see thorough. Zacky could see her black lace bra through it which held her beautiful sized breasts that weren't too big or small but just the right size for hands.

Zacky went to his seat still looking at the beauty as she closed the door and went to the front of the classroom.

"Good morning everyone." She said with a warm smile.

"Good morning." Everyone said.

"Mr. Hardwicke is currently out of town on business so I'll be your substitute teacher for about a month." She said. "Is everyone fine with that?"

Everyone especially the guys said yes happily.

"So my name is Mrs. Hardwicke." She said.

This made everyone especially Zacky gaped. How could this beautiful creature be the wife of a total and complete dick like Robert Hardwicke.

"Close your mouths students wouldn't want you to shallow a fly." She said with a laugh. Everyone closed their mouths.

"Okay so I'll call roll." She said grabbing the roll book.

"Hayley Armstrong." She said.

"Here." A voice said.

"Zackary Baker." She said looking at him with the warmest chocolate brown eyes as he raised his hand.

"Here." He choked it causing some including her to laugh. He looked down blushing. She got done calling roll.

"Okay so let's begin." She said going to the board.