Status: Active

My Teacher's Wife

Chapter 3

After taking care of his problem. Zacky walked outside in search of his friends. He found them under the big oak tree they hung around.

"Yo Zacky what did Debra want to talk to you about." Matt asked.

"Debra?" Zacky said looking confused.

"It's Mrs. Hardwickes first name dumbass." Brian said.

"Shut up Brian." Zacky said. "She wanted to talk to me about after school tutoring."

This caught all the guys even Jimmy and Johnnys interest.

"And you said he's right?" Brian asked a smile forming.

"Yes I did." Zacky said.

Brian got up laughing and slapped his back.

"Looks like you're finally gonna get some Z." Brian said.

"Asshole she's just tutoring me." Zacky said irraited.

"Sure." Brian said slowly not believing him. "She's tutoring you all right and it's not about math."

"You guys are sick she's older than me." Zacky said.

"So?" Matt said getting up. "She's hot and smoking and you couldn't keep your eyes off her during class."

"He was probably imagining bending her over that desk and fucking her senseless." Brian said with a smirk.

"Or having those long legs wrapped around his ass." Matt said.

"It's okay that you want to fuck her." Brian said not joking this time. "I think she wants to do you too."

Zacky raised his face up looking at his friends.

"Out of everyone in the classroom she was looking at you the most." Matt said.

"Sure she was." Zacky said sarcastically.

"Okay don't believe us but don't be surprise if something happens between you two." Brian said smiling.

"Guys she's married on top of that to that asshole Mr. Hardwicke." Zacky said.

"And?" Matt said. "Since she's married to that asshole she's for sure looking for some new guy."

"Whatever." Zacky said walking away.

A pair of brown eyes watched him talking to his friends. Mrs. Hardwicke hummed under her breath watching him.

She had been watching Zacky real closely ever since he walked into the classroom.

He was so adroable. With his black emoish hair, dress shirt with the bowtie, those green eyes she would love to wake up to in the morning.

Instead of Roberts dull blue eyes. Zacky wasn't muscular or particularly skinny but she didn't mind.

Her husband was such a douche. And he could never satisfy her needs. Especially in the bedroom.

She hadn't had sex in months! She needed and wanted release so bad.

This was also the main reason she offered to tutor Zacky. She wanted to get closer to him and be alone with him.

She had saw him looking at her throughout class. She had purposely moved her body in certain ways to give him a better look at her assets.

He seemed shy and low confidence.

Don't worry Zacky I'll take care of everything she thought.