Pixies and Vampires Just Don't Mix

Pixies & Vampires.

I flew quickly through the forest, my frightened face wet from tears. My best friend, Anthony, flying close behind me. His fiery orange hair flowing back as he flew as fast as he could. "Hurry, we can make it" He yelled.
Flying around trees and birds and other things, anything to get away from the worst monster of them all. I head in the direction away from my family and the queen so they wouldn't bother them as well. I looked back to get a glance at them. While doing so I yelled, "Anthony, please. Head home, tell them of this. I'll stall them!" I yelled. He thought for a moment until I screamed, "Go!" He nodded and flew in the other direction.

Once Anthony was out of sight, I looked back at the monsters to see if they noticed him.

They didn't.

They drove a metal contraption, carrying sticks with nets on the end. They yelled for me to slow down so they could talk but I knew better. They didn't want to talk, they wanted to do disgusting things to me, eat me, capture me.


Frightening creators, they are.

I looked forward again and continued my flight to safety. Though not knowing wear it could possibly be, I flew!
My wings beginning to grow tired, my breath heavy, and my little heart pounding; I struggled to keep myself from falling to the ground.

That's it, I couldn't go on. My energy was fading away and I was lowering towards the ground.

"She's falling, she's falling!" The voices filled my ears as my eyes closed and I began to fall head first to the ground.

"Catch 'er!"

I fell into a bag, my wings bent up past me, I opened my eyes. It was dark, they had locked me in a sack.

"No!" I yelled, though it would sound like a tiny bell ringing to the humans' ears.

I flew around in the hand sized sack and pushed at the closed opening.

"Let me out!" I yelled, more ringing to the humans. I punched at the opening but it didn't budge, "Please!"

"Who are you!?" One of the humans yelled, I flew back to the bottom of the bag and listened. Silence filled the air.

"Answer us!" The human yelled.

Suddenly I felt the bag being dropped and I hit the ground(still in the bag). I heard the human gagging and choking.

"I never answer to a filthy human." A calm, cold voice said. More gagging from the human.

"Sh-shoot him!" another one yelled.

Suddenly I heard a bang. I didn't know what it might have been but I didn't like it.
I heard silence. Nothing... Wait, I heard foot steps, leading away.

"W-what are you?" one asked.

I figure the one that had been choked had died already. I head running foot steps and screaming. The humans must've ran away. I sighed in relief, I wasn't going to die today.

I heard more foot steps, they were walking away. It took me a second to realize what was going on.

"Please, help me!" I yelled, hoping the savor could hear me.

Yes, he heard!

"Please, in the bag!" The foot steps grew louder until they stopped. The bag, then, was lifted from the ground and I wobbled to keep my balance.

"Please open the bag!" I yelled again.

The top of the sack was instantly opened and I shot out, stretching my arms.

"Yes! Thank you!" I yelled, joyfully. My eyes were closed as I flew around in circles, laughing.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, tha-" I opened my eyes and gasped when I saw what my savior was. A vampire, why did his lifeless heart feel the need to save a pixie like me?

"A- a vampire?" I asked.

He stood there looking at me as I flew above him. His silky black hair falling in his perfect pale face. His dark, emotionless eyes staring up at me. He must have been 6'2" but to me he looked like a giant. His bored expression showing me he didn't care much about saving me and probably didn't plan to.

"And you're a fairy." He said.

"Pixie!!" I yelled, he didn't even flinch. I flew closer towards his face, "I'm a pixie."

"So, you're a pixie?" He asked, as if making sure. He stayed in his one stance, staring up at me with his depressed eyes.

I crossed my arms while my wings flapped up and down with the speed of a hummingbird's and smirked.

"No, I'm a magical tooth-pick with wings."

He continued staring at me, not fazed by my sarcastic words. I raised an eyebrow and turned to fly away,

"Wait." he said calmly.

I turned my head to looked at him but before I saw him, everything went dark again.

I was back in the bag?!

"No!!" I yelled,
"What are you doing!?" I threw myself at the sides on the sack and kicked at them.
"Let me out!!"

The foot steps began as I was being carried off somewhere.
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Please don't criticize too much.
I'm honestly a beginner and haven't had much practice.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.