Pixies and Vampires Just Don't Mix

Pizza Burn & Thirsty Vampires.

"What is this?" I asked, looking at the plate filled with the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.

Jasmine only smiled and took a bite out of her 'food', "It's a slice of pizza. Y'know, like in Italy?" She spoke with a mouth full of 'pizza'. And what in the world was an Italy? Jasmine sighed once she'd noticed that I had no intention of eating the 'pizza', the 'Italy', or whatever it was. "Look, I'm eating it. It's okay. You're not going to die."

I scoffed, not meaning to, thinking about Matthew and his plans. Jasmine only giggled and continued eating.
I looked down at my -so called- food and made a face showing my disapproval but slowly reached towards it, picked it up and moved it toward my open mouth. I took a bite and quickly spit it out. "Ow!!" I yelled in discomfort.

"What? What?!" Jasmine yelled over my voice.
"It's hot!!!"
Jasmine calmed down and began to giggle while I fanned my tongue, this wasn't funny at all.
I soon began to cry as I stuck my tongue out to let the tears slid down my cheeks and into my mouth. The burning eventually stopped.

"Wow. So it's true. Your tears really can heal." She smiled in awe. I only nodded and pushed the plate of 'pizza' away.
"Fine, if you're not going to eat that, I'll get you something cold."
"Like what?"
"Ice cream!" She squealed, picking herself up and skipping towards the booths. I only sat there, glaring down at the food before me, wishing it would just go away.

After a few minutes of waiting, I looked over to wear Jasmine had gone skipping off to and noticed she was stuck standing in a line of people. I sighed.

"Hey there." A voice that came from nowhere said from behind me. I turned in my seat to see a boy that looked about Seth's age.
The boy had longish black hair that was pulled into a slick pony-tail, really pale skin and light brown eyes. The features of his face were hard, like he was stressed.

"Hello?" I asked more than greeted.
I didn't know who he was and I'm sure I didn't want to.
"You...uh... smell nice." He licked his lips slightly, glancing from one side of the room to another.

I shot myself up from the seat and glared at him, my feet rooted to the ground. Though it would have been useful to be able to lift my feet from the ground a flout away. I sensed I was in danger and I was pretty sure I was right.
He only smirked and chuckled, "Someone's jumpy today. Here, I can help."

Suddenly, I noticed other boys from behind him appear and I began to panic. "What do you want?!" I yelled. Heads turned but they didn't seem make the boys any less content on me. I took a step back, the front man took a step forward. With a few more steps backwards, I ran my hip into the table and looked back in fear of it being another gang. At that moment I sensed the boy lunging towards me and I jumped to the right and broke into a sprint out of the 'food court' and through the large hallways.
I ran past thousands of people, gaining dirty looks of my way. I damned Seth for taking away my wings,
my powers,
my freedom.
I began to gasp for breath as I continued to run down the halls, passing stores and people in them.
Suddenly I felt pressure against the front of my body and I was pushed backwards onto my butt. I moan in discomfort and rubbed my head, slowly coming back to reality.

Once I regained my thoughts, I looked up, horror in my eyes. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The man standing in front of me said. My sight focused on him and I instantly recognized him.

"Luke..." I said just above a whisper.

He blinked in confusion, "You know my name?" he smirked, obviously enjoying the popularity.
I ignored him and picked myself up, looking back, noticing the time that had passed and remembering the other boys.
That's when I saw them, running past the other people in the crowd. I panicked again.
I knew I had some time since they couldn't use full speed since they kept running into people. But speed or not, they would catch up with me sooner or later so I turned towards Luke and swallowed my pride.
"Help me." I said, I knew he didn't know who I was and that would give me some time before he recognized my scent.

I wasn't completely clueless when it came to vampires, at times we'd come across a vampire's corpse that a werewolf had ripped up and we'd examine it.

Luke looked surprised, "With what?"
I looked back and the boys were only feet away from us. I yelped and ran behind him, hiding from the boys.
"Huh?" Luke really had no idea what was going on until the boy stopped in front of him and growled.
"Hand over the girl. She's ours." The one with long black hair growled.

Luke's stance stiffened and he stepped forward, growling back. "She doesn't seem interested."
I couldn't believe it, Luke, the same Luke that had threatened to kill me, was saving my life.
What was with these vampires and their sudden mood swings?
I mean, first Matthew saves me and now he wants to give my blood to his father.
And Luke threatened my life before and now his saving it.

Vampire's are so confusing.

"I said hand her over." the boy took a step forward so his face was inches away from Luke's. I looked to my right and saw railing, I looked over it and noticed it lead to a bottom floor. I wondered if we were on the first floor or not. I wonder what Jasmine was doing right now. She's probably looking for me.
"You want her?"
Luke wrapped his arm around my waist, picked me up and held me in his arms. I was about to scream, and throw every punch my huge human sized fists could handle in his face until...
"Go get her."
Luke jumped up slightly and threw me over the railing.
I watched as the boys looked from the railing and watch me fall, the air that was rushing passed me blocked out all my screams and I'm sure I was not the center of attention.

Suddenly, when I thought I'd hit the floor, I was back in someone's arms.
Huge manly arms that were cold to the touch. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Luke smirking down at me. "How?"
"I'll explain later, hold on." I saw a glimpse of the other boys as they ran at their normal vampire speed towards Luke and I before Luke sprinted away. I watched the floor pass by and it only looked like a blur, I saw nothing we passed. I couldn't hear a thing as I shut my eyes and clung onto Luke's shirt for dear life.

Suddenly we jolted to a stop and Luke huffed, "What the hell?!" He yelled out.
I opened my eyes and turned to the front. I smiled at the sight of Jasmine standing in front of us with her feet rooted to the ground and her arms folded in front of her chest,
"What the hell are you doing with my friend?" She asked, a scowl playing a wicked note of growls in the back of her throat.

Luke looked down at me and let me down to my feet, "You don't understand. She's being chased by some idiots."
"So, you just go around running like a vampire for any cute girl?" Her expression didn't soften.
"Look, Jasmine..." He knew her? Probably from hanging out with Seth, "It's obvious she's not human." He kept his voice low so the people walking by couldn't here them, hell, I could barely hear them.
"And every other creator knows about us. So, she must have known. But either way, she knows now." He laughed slightly.

"Why were you being chased?" Jasmine ignored Luke, walking over towards me and taking my hand so I'd follow her away.
"Some others were interested in her smell. They thought she'd... taste nice." He took a long, deep whiff and breathed out, "In fact, you do smell really good."
Jasmine yanked me behind her and growled, "Have you no self-control?"

"Hey! I haven't killed her yet." He smirked. I glared his way, what a pig.
"Hey now, is that any way to stare at you savior?" He asked, smugly.
I scoffed but nodded my apologies. I didn't know what it was and I didn't know why but something in me, something in my soul was changing. My temper had calmed itself and I rarely shout anymore. I didn't like the changes, they scared me. I think I've had enough of an experience with fright for the rest of my life.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." a low growl echoed through my mind and I looked up from my dazed expression so see the boys from before. "Looks like we have some competition, boys." The man in the front smirked wickedly, his eyes glued to mine. I was stuck, I couldn't gather up the strength to rip my eyes away from his. His dark red eyes -once brown- filled with hatred, wickedness, hunger.

"What's with the games, huh?" He asked, walking a bit closer before stopping, never taking his eyes off me. "Just give us the girl and you can go. Otherwise, we won't leave you alone."

I tightened my grip on the back of Jasmine's shirt and heard a low growl rumble in the back of her throat. "Be gone or you'll die." her voice was dark and demanding. It scared me slightly to see her lips curled over, revealing her fangs.

The front man just smirked wickedly and clasped his hands together, "You don't really want to settle this here, do you?"

I looked up at Jasmine once again as her expression calmed. Luke walked back towards us, away from the blood thirsty vampire gang and whispered down towards Jasmine and I.

"Don't worry. I have an idea."

Jasmine shot her head up in his direction and whispered harshly, "Nothing stupid, I hope."

Luke scoffed and straightened his posture. The look on his face was calm and cold like he was some big time business man. He looked my way and winked with a smirk before he stared intently at the vampire in the front and said in a quick voice, "She belongs to Matthew."

I arched my eyebrow in confusion along with Jasmine and the whole vampire gang.
"What?" The head vampire spat, glaring towards me before focusing back to Luke.

"She belongs to Prince Matthew." What?!
How could he have known? How did he find out? Why didn't he kill me on the spot?!
Wait... belongs to Matthew?
Ha! I don't think so!

As much as I would have loved to scream out in defense, I was
---One.) Too scared to move an inch of my body not just because I had a gang of vampires after my blood but because Luke had figured out that I was the pixie from before and would surely kill me once those idiots were gone.
Two.) Too thoughtful about WHY Luke hadn't killed me before. Probably doesn't like to share if you get what I mean.---
not particularly in the mood for yelling at that moment.

I watched as the front vampire of the gang's posture weakened once Luke spoke his last words and he stepped back, causing his gang to do so as well.
"Oh..." Was all he said.

Luke nodded once, telling them to get lost and oddly enough they did so. They moved away from Luke and passed up, walking down the hallway. Jasmine moved around me as they walked, remaining between the gang and myself until they were out of sight.

I looked over toward Luke once he turned and smiled a beaming grin in our direction.
Before I got the chance to ask him how he found out about me being the pixie with Matthew he broke out in a fit of laughs, causing both Jasmine and I to jump in shock.
"I can believe they fell for that!" He beamed, his voice roaring over the load chatter from the people around us.

Jasmine scowled, "You were bluffing? What if they hadn't believed you? What would you do then?"

"I don't have to think about it. They fell for it!" He laughed, again. "Truth is, Matthew ain't got the heart to enslave any humans." He looked around to see if anyone was listening, though it would've been to late if they had.
"All his human maids get paid like any other vampire." He scoffed.

I stared thoughtfully down at the flood, taking in every word Luke spoke. I was thinking about so many things at once it was hard to keep track of where I was or who I am...
One.) Doesn't have the heart...? It wasn't hard to believe with him being a vampire and all but... not having the heart to enslave human but is willing to kill for family? What did this mean? Matthew was a good guy? No! He couldn't be... could he?
Two.) Luke was to stupid to realize I was the pixie from before and only lied about me belonging to Matthew.
Three.) Why did they -the blood sucking gang- back down when Luke told them that I did belong to Matthew? What was so intimidating about the word 'prince'?"

Jasmine finally sighed and squeezed my hand, turning to walk away.
"Hey, wait! Where are you going?" Luke asked, following behind us.
I followed Jasmine like a little child being drug around by their busy working mother.
"We have shopping to do." Was all Jasmine replied. It was obvious that Jasmine enjoyed Luke's company just as much as I did. Maybe I enjoyed it a little more than she did. Only because he saved my live, I mean.
"Eh, women and their shopping." He grumbled under his breath.
Jasmine stopped, causing me to bump into her back slightly before she turned around to face Luke. Her face was twisted with pure frustration. "For your information, we're shopping for dresses so we can go to the ball tonight." She smiled mockingly before turning back around and walking away quickly, dragging me along behind her.

During all the running I had to do just to keep up with Jasmine only one question ran through my head,

"What's a ball?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Another chapter. Finally.
I know, it's been forever since I updated and I'm truly sorry for that.
I hope I haven't lost any readers because of this.

And honestly, I don't like this chapter very much...
It's more a filler and I personally hate writing fillers because they never really come out well.
Oh well...

Yeah... so... enjoy!


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :DDDD