Pixies and Vampires Just Don't Mix

Feelings & Sacrifices

Seth's P.O.V

He panted in his large bed. His eyes were closed and his mouth hung open slightly, letting in useless air that he didn't need, being a vampire and all.
I stood in the corner of his large bed-room while the family of the king gathered around his bedside, chattering slightly to each other about his condition. Jasmine decided to stay down stairs with the other guessed that Matthew's mother told to stay.
She was only going to allow family in the room with Matthew's dying father. I happened to sneak in without being seen, which it why I stood, silent in the corner where no one bothered to look.
I just stood there with my arms crossed over my chest and a soft scowl on my face, I was annoyed at all of this. Someone, right now, was dying and I was forced to just stand on the side lines and watch as their soul leaves this world, I could feel it.
In every breath he took, in every move he made and every word he tried to speak, it was useless. He was dying. It was too late.
I looked away from the other people in the room and looked out the wide window beside me. I looked up at the sparkling stars that gathered around the bright, shining white moon like the vampires that gathered around their dying king.

At that thought, I heard the large bedroom doors open and in came Matthew, he looked like a mess. His hair practically shot out in every direction, I glared. My fists tightened against my arms as I focused on his face, the fear that waded in the tears the threatened to spill from his eyes. I was so busy thinking about how much I didn't enjoy Matthew's existence to notice his hand was gripped tightly to the girl that seemed to be my reason for being here, literally.
The look on her face was fear but in two different ways, she seemed frightened for the people around her and for the king and yet for herself as well.
It didn't take long until my eyes widened and my scowl withered back down into my darkening heart,
The plan...
I shook my head slightly, my eyes never leaving the frightened look in Lenore's eyes. The way her eyes watered but still didn't bother to spill as Matthew pulled her towards his father's bed.

He was still going to kill her.

Lenore's P.O.V

I moved and pushed my way through the other people that were crowed around the room with one hand since my other hand was occupied by Matthew. He was pulling me through the crowd, yelling for people to get out of his way. It wasn't too long until it was clear of people and they were all behind us as we stood at the bedside of Matthew's father.
The sight frightened me. The way the a large blanket covered most of his body besides his head, which was moving from one side to another in discomfort. It looked like he was sweating but I doubted that was it...

As I watched him, I felt something inside me twist and turn and it made me feel odd. I was confused by this feeling that just suddenly came to life in my gut, it made me feel empty but full at the same time. It made me feel as sick as he looked. My shoulders dropped as my eyes studied his position. The way his legs were moving around under the covers.

"Father." Matthew spoke slowly as he took a step towards the bedside to be next to his father.
His father, the king of vampires, moved his head to face Matthew and he finally opened his eyes. His eyes looked angry but his face was calm yet sad, his eyes shined a bright brownish-red color as they searched around for the source of the voice.

"Matthew, my son," He said, moving his hand from under the thick covers to Matthews cheek. Matthew leaned closer to his father and I saw the hurt in his eyes.
I felt the agonized feeling around the room, mainly from Matthew's expression.
I looked away but it didn't help. I looked around the room and the faces of the other people around us mimicked Matthew's but just a little less in pain. The people didn't even seem to notice me staring at them, they just saw Matthew and his father.
Then I saw Matthew's mother. The woman I used to see as an ugly vampire now looked like a beautiful, pained woman that was about to lose her husband. Then I looked beside her.
It was Nichol. Her bouncy red curls seemed to have less life when she was frowning, when her eyes were dead, when she was in pain. She had her hand cradled in her mother's in fear.
I felt the feeling growing inside me, the feeling of guilt, sadness, grief, and pain. The looks on all their faces seemed to shoot through me and hit at my heart.
It hurt to see that most of these people were about to spill tears for their beloved family.
I remembered the tears that I wanted to fall when my parents were killed. I remember the pain that shot through my very soul when I was given the news, I remember it so well..
And this moment just brought it all back into view.

I was brought back to reality by a wet sensation over both my cheeks. I raised my hand up to my face and felt the wetness of tears. I knew I didn't have any wounds and yet the tears still continued to fall. The potion from Seth did much more than change my size and get rid of my wings, it changed my powers. But, withdrawing that, it was changing me. This whole experience was changing the way I saw life, the way I saw the others around me.
The people around me, the blood thirsty beasts that killed my parents, weren't heartless.
They had hearts, though they ceased to beat.
They had feelings, though some don't show them.
They had lives, though they didn't live.
They had love. Just like us.
Who was I to judge all vampires on the act of once of their kind?
I wasn't anyone.
I finally seemed to realize that life wasn't worth living if I went along blaming my problems on others.
I wasn't worth anything it I weren't willing to forgive and forget.
I looked at Matthew, his eyes glued to his father.
I looked at his mother, her eyes sparkling with tears.
I looked at Nichol, her eyes shut in pain.
Then I looked at the king of vampires, Matthew's father, and a pulse ran through me instantly.
I stepped forward and sat on the bed, moving my long light blonde hair to one side of my neck, showing my bare flash for the king himself.
"Drink." was all I said.

That was when all eyes were on me. I felt the thickening of the air, the confusion around the room, and shock from a pair of eyes in the corner.
"Lenore." Matthew spoke quietly.
I smiled, "Shh. I understand now. You love your father, you all love him."
Matthew stared at me in disbelief, he also looked like he wanted to add on to the sentence I'd just said but he remained silent as I continued,
"And what is the life of a pixie compared to the king of vampires'?" I blinked a few tears from my eyes, feeling the wetness on my cheeks dry up, beginning to feel sticky.
"Your highness." I remember the conversation Matthew and I had when I was still a pixie, about how you call those higher than you 'your highness'. "My blood is pure, and the moon is full, drink me and live." I said.
He stared at me in disbelief, as did Matthew and everyone in the room.
He then lifted himself up from his pillow and placed both his hands on my shoulders. He hesitated slightly before leaning in...

Matthew's P.O.V

'You love your father.'
But I love you, too.
'What is the life of a pixie compared to the king of vampires?'
Lenore's words rung through my mind as the scenery blurred before me.
I remembered saying those very words to her face when we'd first met.
I remembered every second I wasted yelling and insulting her.
All of it seemed to flash before my eyes as the king sunk his fangs into the light, soft skin of Lenore's neck.

I remembered the day Lenore came into my life;
How I cherished her so little.
I remembered when she'd broken her wing;
How I taunted her.
I remembered her trying to escape with the help of Nichol;
How I underestimated her wit.
I remembered the day Luke threatened her life;
How much I didn't care.
I remembered the day she looked at me with fear for the first time;
How much it hurt.
I remembered the day she escaped;
How empty I felt without her.
I remembered the days I spent alone without her;
How I just sat, drawing her from memory.
I remembered when she came back to me;
How I didn't even know it was her.
I remembered when I found out it was her;
I felt Blissful, hopeful, happy, in love.
I remembered a seconds that passed before she decided her fate;
How I started to cry.

I watched as the king's lips sucked against Lenore's neck and I watched as her face twisted and turned in pain and horror. Why was I letting her do this? Why wasn't I stopping her.
The answer was because I couldn't move, the shock was too overwhelming and it was costing me the life of thepixie woman I loved.
I didn't feel like myself, I felt like a broken, shattered, crumbling version on myself. A me that didn't know what to do until it was too late.
I watched as Lenore's eyes slowly closed as my father's fangs slid out of the holes in her neck.
Blood trickled from the two circles in her vein, shooting a delightful smell up my nostrils. I stopped breathing.
My father still looked sick but he wasn't as bad as before, he was getting better. "I think I over drank." Was all he said as he studied her position. He looked a bit frightened.
Lenore fell to the side of the bed and her eyes shut completely.

"Lenore!" Two familiar voices shouted out.
It wasn't until I saw a figure beside me that I realized I was one of the voices that yelled out her name.
And it wasn't until I looked up to see Seth staring down at Lenore in horror that I realized he was the other.

Seth's P.O.V

Rage, worry, fear, sadness, helplessness, hopelessness and confusion.
These were the emotions that ran through my veins as I stood stiffly at the king's bedside, staring down at Lenore's limp body. Her eyes were closed, her face was peaceful, her body motionless.
My eyes scanned over her body, for any sign of life in her, I found none.
I continued to stare in fright at Lenore's lifeless body when I felt eyes on me.
Many pairs of eyes were staring holes into my head but it was a certain pair of eyes that I noticed the most. I looked to the right to see Matthew glaring into my eyes, a growl rumbling in the back of his throat.
And oddly enough, I couldn't care less.
I didn't care that I was surrounded by thousands of vampires that were ready to attack me at any given moment by the command of Matthew, the queen, or the king. I didn't care that Lenore was meant to be with Matthew. Matthew just let the love of both his and my life die without even putting up a fight. I was outraged! It wasn't until I heard the queen's voice did I realize that my firsts were clenched, my teeth were being ground, and I was glaring into Matthew's eyes as well.
"I-it worked?" The queen spoke softly before the squeal of a little girl filled the room and Nichol jumped into her father's arms, laughing with joy.
Joy and relief thinned out the air around Matthew and I but the air between us was anything but thin.

And while I listened to the cheers around the room by the vampires around me, I thought.
I began to question it.
Was I wrong about the plan?
Was Lenore supposed to die?
She wasn't supposed to live a full life as queen of the vampires.
She was just a tool to show the world that races can care for other races.
She wasn't supposed to live, she was meant to die... like this.
But that was also when I refused to believe it.
I shook my head, lunged for Lenore and gathered her into my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. This one is short.
Sorry guys. I'll post again soon, though. :]]]

Hope you guys liked it.