Pixies and Vampires Just Don't Mix

Love & Departure

Seth's P.O.V

The room was silent now, not a sound could be heard. Even the music down stairs ceased to play in it's slow rhythmical beat. I sat silently in a wooden, flat-back desk chair that I'd moved to the side of the bed in which Lenore slept, her breath finally even once again. That was the only thing that soothed me at the moment, the sound of her breath breaking the silents with the slightest of care. Her breaths were light, airy, and small and each intake made my heart jump and sink slowly when she exhaled so softly.
Matthew and the others were gone. Gone out into the forest to feed, I guess it'd been a while.
The king told me that he'd been living off of deer blood for the whole while he was sick, as did the queen since she refused to hunt without her husband. I found that sweet in a sickening way. Nichol went along without a second thought about it, finally being able to hunt with her 'father' again took all other concerns away from her.
Matthew left as well, but hesitantly, not wanting to leave Lenore with me. Actually, he refused to leave Lenore alone with me. But that was before his 'hunger' reminded him how long it had been before he'd fed. He was reluctant when his 'mother' told him it'd be okay but eventually, he left with them all. I couldn't help but think about the little reminder he left me to scowl about. The reminder that Lenore was 'his'. He walked over to the bed, leaned down slowly in front of everyone and kissed her softly on the lips before glaring at me and walking out with his parents.
It had been maybe thirty-five minutes after they left that Lenore began to stir in her sleep, awakening. I smiled when her eyes fluttered opened, the gleam of confusion glistening within her stare. Her beautiful blue eyes looked around until they finally focused on me, she didn't return my smile but I could tell it was just because she was confused or at least I hope so.
"Good morning, Lenore." I said. It was one-in-the-morning so I suppose that was accurate, though it would confuse her later when she expected the sun.
That's when she smiled and relied with a 'good morning' in her wonderful hoarse voice that sent shivers down my spine.

Lenore's P.O.V

After I woke up and opened my eyes, I noticed that the figures that stood around the bed were gone I was alone. I looked around the room, scanning the pretty crimson red walls the were covered in paintings of castles and people in dress clothes. I saw the white ceiling that was only seeable because of the lamps around the room. It wasn't until I scanned the left of the room did I notice Seth sitting beside me in a chair that looked less than comfortable.
"Good morning, Lenore." he said to me, the smile on his face looked blissful yet distressed. The look in his eyes told me that he'd been waiting to see my eyes open again for what seemed like an eternity, but they also held a bit of grief in them. Like something was bothering him
"Good morning." I relied back. I didn't say anything else because my voice sounded horrible since I'd been asleep for a while and it was settling itself.
I looked around again after a few minutes and asked, "Where's Matthew?" I meant to say 'everyone' but Matthew's name came out instead. I guess I was wondering where he was, too, but I don't see why he'd be the name that came from my lips.

The look that shifted in Seth's eyes frightened and confused me even more than I already was, "Lenore..." Seth whispered slowly, his hair moved so I was unable to see his eyes or his face for that matter. This is where I began to worry, thousands of thoughts ran through my mind when he did this. Had Matthew said something about me? Did he never want to see me again? Did he hate me? Then I wondered why I cared so much.
I didn't say anything, too scared that if I opened my mouth, I'd start bawling into his chest. It was too silent, I felt the air thicken with each second that went by until he looked up, looked through his hair and into my eyes and spoke, "Why did you do it?"
His voice surprised me. These people seemed to be surprising me over and over again, it was starting to anger me how every time I thought I knew these people, they started changing on me. But every time they've changed it's been for the better, hasn't it? I mean, Luke was a total asshole to me when he knew I was a pixie. But when I was just a girl in distress, he became a hero. I thought Matthew was a heartless bastard and now... now I don't know what to think of him. I always thought Seth was the nicer of Matthew's friend group but what was he about to turn into now? The way his eyes looked into mine showed that he was pleading in some way, like he was having a mental battle with himself. I didn't know what he was pleading for. He looked scared and angry and the same time.
I couldn't force myself to look away from his deep sea blue eyes until the answer kept to the tip of my tongue, "I-I don't know. Just the way he looked, the pain he was feeling. I could feel it, too. He was about to lose his father... just like I lost mine." my voice trailed off during the sentence as I slowly ripped my eyes away from his.

Because I refused to look him in the eye again, I didn't know what he was feeling, I didn't know what to say next.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know." He broke the silence that seemed to crush my very being, lifting it off of me, letting me breathe. I finally moved my eyes up to stare into his, "It's alright. I've forgiven Matthew's race for what they did." Seth looked confused, like he had no idea what that meant.
I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, now laying on my back, "My parents were killed by vampires when I was younger." I noted like it was really no big deal even though I had just felt my heart sink deeper into my chest.
He didn't say anything for a while until he just apologized again, making me laugh. He chuckled a little, too, as I picked myself up. I closed my eyes and lifted myself in a sitting position to laugh a little more but when I opened my eyes, Seth was right in front of me on the bed, staring me in the eyes intently. I took a sharp breath in, taking in his scent with the air it mixed with. He smelled of mist, the smell that rushes through your noes as you're standing at the top of the tallest tree on a windy day. He didn't say anything, he just sat there, staring at me. I didn't know exactly what to do at the moment he was breathing down the font of my neck. Should I push him away? Should I hug him?
That's when he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine with a force that seemed patient but pleading. My eyes widened even more than before and Seth continued to hold his lips to mine, he moved his hand up to my face and cupped my cheek gently as if he were holding a snowflake but still trying to keep it from melting.
Finally he pulled away and sighed, looking down at the bed sheets as if in shame. I didn't know what to do. I'd never been kissed before, I've never showed and signs of love before, nor have I been shown any until now. I was confused and agitating that I didn't know so much.
"Why--" I started.
"I'm sorry." He interrupted before I could ask the question. I wanted to know why he had done such a thing.

Seth's P.O.V

I sat in front of Lenore on the king's bed, trying to control my heavy breathing.
My heart was beating faster than it ever had before and it took me by surprise. Though I don't know why it possibly would, I know I love her. I should have guessed something like this would happen. Now that I've had a taste of her, literally, I don't want to let go. I didn't want to go back to heaven and leave this all behind. Amazing, isn't it? How a man would give up the greatest of all places, heaven, for the woman he loves. But I suppose even heaven would be hell without the woman I loved, Lenore. I could sit up in the bright clouds, having everything to my desire while Lenore stayed down here with Matthew and I would still envy him.
This was a new feeling for me. Well, not exactly new. I've felt it before but not like this and not in thousands of years. I could feel it in me. God beckoning for me once again. Telling me to come back home.
My body began to shake and I couldn't take it. I was fighting God, I didn't want to leave.
I felt the pain in my back begin and I ripped off my shirt.

Lenore's P.O.V

That's when Seth screamed. The first time I'd actually seen him out of his calm state. A manly like scream as he pushed himself off the bed and onto the floor. There, he grunted and groaned in what sounded like pain to me; he looked as though he were reaching for his back, trying to scratch at his shoulders blades.
"Seth..." It was no use calling his name, he couldn't hear me. He screamed just as loud as before. I pushed myself off of the bed and dropped to his side, holding onto his shoulders. "Seth! Please!"
He still didn't respond, he squirmed under my hold and breathed heavily between groans. The sight before me struck fear into my very core. I tried to find the source of the pain but there was no wound, my eyes had already began to water, ready to heal him but there wasn't anything to heal.
That was, until I noticed two lumps slowly growing on his back next to his should blades. My breathing began to pick up in pace as as the lumps grew bigger and bigger until I heard cracking. At first I didn't realize that it was from inside Seth until he let out a piercing scream that was so loud I had to cover my ears.
Then wounds formed on his back as blood seeped from the rips in his flesh.The blood multiplied as the wound grew larger when two bones rose from Seth's back. I bit my lip to keep from screaming as Seth wiggled about on the floor, remaining on his side, facing away from me. The bones sprouted from his back with great speed now, and once the bones were as high as they could go, feathers began to grow from the bone itself. The feathers just looked ratty at first but then grew into beautiful silky white feathers that had a certain glow to them.
Even as the blood stained the silk dress I was now wearing, I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful sight. Then I looked down and saw the wounds in his back and they healed, in a matter of seconds they healed. Seth's breathing remained heavy as he lied there, not saying a word.
I looked back up at his amazing white wings that looked like they could almost reach the ceiling. Yes, I had wings but they were nothing like this. They were more like a butterfly's wings, small and colorful. They weren't made of feathers, they weren't as breath taking as his. But then again, they were never painful. Then I wondered what it would be like when I got my wings back, would it be as painful as Seth's experience? Would I be screaming in agony like him as well?
I looked back down as Seth and sighed inwardly. I reached down to touch him but before my hand managed to make contact with his skin, he looked up at the open window on the far wall. I looked to where he was gazing but only saw the night, start sky along with the tops of dark, dead trees. I looked back at Seth but he still gazed out the window, that's when I noticed his expression. He looked like an animal, his eyes were wild and his breathing was still heavy. That was wrong with him? "S-Se--"
That's when he looked at me, his eyes still as wild as before. He quickly sat himself up and whispered harshly into my face, "Lenore! Trust me, please. I love you. But I have to go now. Wait for me, I'll come back, I promise." He groaned in pain slightly before continuing, "Matthew's coming back. Don't tell him of this. Please!"
My heart was pounding in my chest in the few seconds he took to get those words out. In a flash, his hands were cupping my face as he stared into my eyes, "Lenore, I swear I'll be back for you. But for now I'm in trouble. I'll see you again. I promise!" He, then, pulled me into a tight hug for maybe ten seconds before pulling away and running towards the open window. I watched as he jumped out the window. I picked myself, fear poking at my heart when I didn't see him rise. But then I saw him, his beautiful wings flapping against the winter air, his light blonde hair flowing back as he disappeared into the night.

I was left to make scene of it all. Left with the blood of Seth-the-angel on the floor of Matthew's father-king-of-vampires' bedroom floor. Though I wasn't left for long. Maybe four minutes after Seth left, Matthew ran into the room with a slam of the door, huffing like a mad-man, eyes scanning the room frantically until they landed on me. Then he calmed down, walked into the room, looked at the blood on the floor and asked,

"What happened?"
♠ ♠ ♠
It's a week until Christmas. :]]]
So I guess this is your Christmas present from me.
Merry Christmas.
The next chapter will be the last! OMG!
But there will also be a banner chapter where all the banners that people have made for me will be published. (Beautiful banners should never go unnoticed) So, if you want a banner that you've made up on the chapter, make one and send it to me. ;DDD
There will also be a Character chapter. Finally showing all of you how I picture the characters. Now, if you want to continue picturing the characters that you've created in your mind, don't look at that chapter.

(And there just may be a bonus chapter. ;DDD
If you're lucky.)