Pixies and Vampires Just Don't Mix

Best Friends & Trickery.

I sat on the table, bored out of my mind as the girl sat on one of her many wooden stools, pouring water into large tea cups. Around the table, little furry dolls shaped to look like animals were placed on the stools to play what she called, "tea party"

I had no idea what this 'tea party' was and what it meant, but whatever it was, it was boring as hell. I looked around her brightly colored room and then back at her as she placed a huge 'tea cup' in front of me. I stood up and looked over the edge of the cup, in it was brown water.

"Drink up, Tinker-bell." She giggled.

I huffed; Tinker-bell' is what she's begun calling me for some reason. I don't 'tink'... and I'm most certainty not a bell.
I reached out towards the water and quickly pulled back noticing that it was hot, I waved my hand around trying to cool it down. I flinched when I felt my left wing moving, it hurt badly. This green dress was beginning to annoy me with all it's whooshing around when ever I moved.

"Don't you look pretty in the dress mama gave you?" And she's began calling herself 'mama' as if I'd ever come out of anything as ugly as her.
I rolled my forest green eyes and looked back at her door.

"You'll look great for your party with Mr. snuggles." She smiled, gesturing toward a large fuzzy bear-like doll.

Mr. snuggles? Who in the name of the queen is 'Mr. snuggles'? This girl talked nothing but nonsense to me, she went on about her life and her family, her toys, her friends, and other stupid things I didn't understand.

After a long while there was a knock at the door, "Nichol, are you in there?" The boy's voice asked from the other side of the door.

My eyes widened and I panicked, I looked around and ran towards the edge of the table.

"Come in, Matt." The girl known as Nichol giggled.

I dropped myself from the edge of the table and hit the floor with a thud. The girl must've noticed and looked at me.

"Where are you going, Tinker-bell?" She asked, getting up from her chair.

I panicked again, I saw the girl's huge bed and ran towards it, noticing a gap between it and the floor. I ran under just in time for the door to open and Matt to walk in without seeing me.

"Tinker-bell!!" Nichol whined, reaching under the bed for me.
I jumped out of the way of her grasp every time she got close.

"Nichol, what are you doing?" Matthew's voice was calm and smooth as if he didn't really care but decided to ask for the hell of it. Nichol's arm retreated from under the bed and I watched her stand to her feet. I examined her shoes, and his shoes that walked closer to hers.

"The doll you left on your bed ran away from me when you knocked on my door!" She whined.

There was a silence and I knew I needed to get out of here.

I looked around under the bed and noticed metal springs and bars, I jumped up and grabbed hold of one of the metal bars. I pulled myself up just in time for the bed to be pushed up and flipped over, I couldn't be seen since I had climbed up the side of the mattress.

I was breathing heavily as I listened to the boy screaming in anger.

"Nichol, how could you do this!! That was the only way we could cure our father!!" He yelled, his voice like a lion's roar to my ears.

I heard the little girl whimper and start to whine, "I thought she was a doll you bought me." She said.

"No!! If it was a doll I'd bought you it would've have been in MY room! Nichol, that 'doll' is a pixie!! Her blood will heal our father!!" I was shocked, they were going to kill me so they can heal their father...

I shouldn't be shocked, that's all you'd expected from a monstrous vampire and their blood thirsty ways. The bed rolled around until it was up-sided-down, making it harder to hold on. Nichol's screams could be heard and then they were stopped when she sniffled away tears.

"She's not here!" Matthew yelled; more cries from Nichol.

Matt yelled in frustration and looked around the room in panic.

"Where is she?! She has to be here somewhere. Maybe she went in the hallway." Large footsteps were heard as Matthew left the room, slamming the door behind him.

Now the only thing keeping the room from being completely silent were the sobs and gasps for air by Nichol. I sighed and crawled down from the bed, appearing under the bed(that used to be the top), I was lost under the covers. I listened to Nichol's sob and I made my way out of the covers, before I exited into Nichol's sight, an idea popped into my head.

I smiled.

I appeared from under the covers and stared at Nichol, I spoke to her for the first time.

"Nichol." I whispered, "Nichol."

She heard me and whipped her head around, staring at me with her teary eyes. I smiled at her and walked over towards her knee, patting it with my hand.

"Matthew is very mean to you." I said.

She sniffed and nodded her head, wiping away some tears on her cheeks.

"He's just jealous that you have a new toy and he doesn't." I stared into one of her huge blue eyes.

She scowled, "Mm-hm." She agreed.

"He doesn't want you to have any fun." I told her. She nodded.

"He wants to take you away from your best friend." I climbed up on her knee and sat on it, smiling.

She smiled at me, "Best friend?" She asked, happily.

I nodded, "Best friend."

She giggled and gave me her hand to step on, I took it and sat on her flat palm.

"And you know what best friends do for each other?" I asked, she looked at me and shook her head.

"They help each other and do favors." I said.

She nodded her head, "I can help my best friend!" She smiled.

I nodded, "Yes, you can." I hid behind my blackish blue bangs and smiled wickedly.

I looked back up at her and smiled sweetly, "Will you do a few favors for me, Nichol?" I asked, kindly.

She nodded quickly, she looked around the room, "Do you want to play with my toys? Wear a different dress?" She asked, guessing what I wanted.

I shook my head and chuckled, "No Nichol. What I'd like you to do for me first is..."
I looked her in the eye, "Heal my wing."

She looked over to my left wing that was still bent out of shape and broken. She gasped as if just noticing it.

"Yes, I'll help you." She leaped with joy. I laughed, fake, and looked over to her wooden table.

"Take me over to the table." I ordered and she did so.

"Set me down and push one of those 'tea cups' my way." I ordered, again.

She raised an eyebrow but slowly did what she was told. "What are you going to do?" She asked.

"Please don't ask questions." I said.

I leaned in, leaning over the cup's edge and looked straight into the empty bone dry bottom. I thought long and hard until quickly a stream of tears flew from my eyes and dripped into the cup, one by one.

Nichol gasped, "You're crying. Are you okay?" She asked,

"Yes, Nichol. I'm fine." I answer quickly, letting the tears fill the large cup.

Once the cup was some-what full, I blinked away the finishing tears and looked back at Nichol. She was still shocked that I had been crying but she calmed down when I spoke,

"Will you hold the cup steady?" I asked carefully. She nodded and held the cups handle.

I carefully placed my legs into the cup until I dipped in and was head deep in my own tears. I swam over to the surface of the water and breathed, feeling my body begin to tingle. All the pain that had been in my body quickly disappeared and my wing began to straighten back to it's right form, Nichol screamed in delight and amazement.

"That's so cool!" She giggled.

I nodded and felt it was time to get out, I flew out of the cup and stretched my arms.

"It feels good to fly again." I laughed.

Nichol only smiled and nodded her head, "What else can I do?" She asked.

I looked down at her from over her head and nodded, "Please open your window." I said.

She scowled instantly, "Why?" Her sweet voice replaced with a harsh sting.

I sighed, it was apparent that I wasn't going to get out that way, she knew fully well that as soon as she opened that window I'd fly out to freedom.

"Well," I began thinking of a lie, "It's such a beautiful day outside, wouldn't you like to go play out there with me?" I asked.

Her scowl remained, "I can't go out the window." She said quickly.

I laughed, as if she was just being cute. "You don't have to go out the window, Nichol. All you have to do is go out the front door. Now if you'll just open the window, I'll meet you--"

"You're going to go out the front door with me." She demanded.

I sighed, "What if Matthew sees me, he'll take me away from you." I flew closer to her face and smiled into her eyes.

She thought for a minute and then smiled, snapping her fingers,

"I'll take a jacket, you'll hide under that!" She said.

I looked around the room, trying to think of another reason for her to just open the window but nothing came to mind. I shrugged my shoulders as if it didn't bother me and said, "Alright."

I gave in.

She chuckled and ran over to her closet, taking out a brown jacket and slipping it on. She patted the pocket and I flew over to it, slipping inside.

The plan was working, I'm going home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Meh, not one of the best chapters. xDD
Oh well.
Nichol is one of my favorite characters, along with Anthony. You'll see more of him later.