Pixies and Vampires Just Don't Mix

Guilt & Conversations.

I sat on a mantel above a hole in the wall that held burnt wood and ashes. Next to me were picture frames of people I didn't know, a clock that went off once when the long hand was on the 12 and the short hand was on the 3.
I hadn't the slightest idea why it did that or why they had such a stupid thing in their house. But I didn't understand vampires, so why should I care.

The room I sat in was large and dark, the curtains were shut and the were wasn't a fire burning in the hole in the wall. Around the room there were chairs and couches, desks, large paintings on the wall of people. I had crawled under the crack in the door while the vampires were still in the hall, chasing me of course.

They had looked in this room but I hid behind the clock I had just told you about. I was scared, I heard them talking about my blood when they came in here to look around and sit for a while.

Matthew's P.O.V

(A while ago)

"Smooth, Luke. You just scared her and now she's gone." I glared at Luke as we walked down the stairs, towards the last room we hadn't checked.

"Shut up. The stupid pixie should know that's no way to talk to a vampire if they value their life." He grumbled, staring at the ground.

"I value her life." I stated bitterly, my scowl doing anything but lightening up.

Luke looked at me like I had gone insane. "You got a soft spot for the pixie?" Luke asked.

Seth walked behind us, staying silent like he was thinking.

"No! Not like that. I have to keep her alive until the full moon so my father can drink her blood." I explained, my expression changing to shock instead of anger.

"Why don't you just kill her now, save her blood, and give it to your father on the full moon. It'd be a hell of a lot easier." Luke stated as he pushed the door to the sitting room open.

The room was dark like it always was since no one ever really comes in here other than the maids to clean.

"Because. I read that as soon as a pixie's blood is spilled, it instantly sours and turns to poison." I said, sitting myself down on the black, leather couch next to Luke while Seth stood up looking at the large picture on my father that hung over the fireplace.

"What?" Luke asked.

"Pixie blood is the purest blood in the world... as long as it's in the body of the pixie. Since pixies live in the forest where most of the pollution the humans put on the world in overwhelmed with the fresh air of the trees and such, it doesn't effect the pixies, making their blood pure. If the blood happens to be spilled, the pollution in the air will sink into the blood and poison it."

"But if that's true, why isn't it the same with us. We keep away from humans most of the time, why doesn't our blood turn to poison?" Seth asked, now entering the conversation but refusing to look away from the picture.

I sighed, "For one, all of us have drank human blood at some time in one lives."

Luke nodded.

"For two, it's just how the pixies were made. It's a defense mechanism. If something goes after them to eat them, say a wolf," I was interrupted by Luke, "A wolf." he joked.

Both Seth and I glared at him, now was not the time for joking. He cleared his throat and looked away.

"Go on." Seth said.

"To protect the others that may be around them, their blood turns to poison so when the wolf eats the pixie, the blood will poison their body and kill the wolf. Keeping the wolf from harming the other pixies that may be around." I explained.

Luke nodded in understanding.

"But how do you know the poison won't kill your father when he drinks it." Seth asked as he turned his head back to the picture of my father.

"On the full moon is when the pixies' blood is at it's purest, making the time it takes to sour and poison longer. So, if he drinks it fast enough, he'll heal. Also, vampires are the only creators that are able to drink pixie blood without dying since we drink it straight from the body. However, there's still a large risk." I stared calmly at the picture of my father, staring into his eyes, thinking of how right now he was lying in his bed coughing, each second wasted was a second closer to death for him.

That overwhelmed me, I picked myself up from the couch and looked around at the others, "Come on, I doubt she's here. Let's look somewhere else." I was eager to find her, I needed to save my father... save the king.

The others nodded and followed me out of the room.

Lenore's P.O.V

My knees were drawn close to my chest and I sighed into them. He knew too much of me and my kind, it frightened me so much. I didn't know much about vampires other than the evil stories we'd been told by the elders.

How I miss them, even if they'd yell at Anthony and I for getting in trouble so much.
I let out a large sigh, what I'd give to go back home.

"Hello there." Said a male voice.

I shot my head up, gasping at the sudden company. I looked around until my eyes stopped when I looked up from behind the clock. Dark blue eyes looked down at me, Seth. I didn't say anything, I just crawled away in fright. Seth backed away from the the 'fireplace' and smiled.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said.

I scoffed.

"Yeah, I can see how you wouldn't believe that." He scratched his head, thinking what to say next.

I now stood straight up with my back against the wall, waiting to fly away if he tried to catch me.

"Okay... you don't have to trust me. I just want to talk." He said, his voice showing no sign of lies.
I continued to glare at him, not saying a word.

He sighed and looked at me again, "Look, see. I'll sit all the way over here and you can stay over there. That proves I'm not after you, right?" He asked, smiling at me as he walked to the big black thing Matt and his stupid friend were sitting on before.

My glare softened slowly until I just stared at him. I didn't take my eyes off him and he didn't take his off me.

I walked away from the wall and sat on the edge of the mantel, letting my legs hang off the edge. I bit my lip waiting for him to say something.

He didn't so I asked, "Where's the Vampire?"

Seth raised an eyebrow at me in confusion, "Vampire? We're all vampires here." he said.

I sighed, I didn't want to call him by his name. I WON'T call him by his name.

"The one who took me from my home." I said through gritted teeth, I wanted to kill him but I couldn't.

"You must mean Matt. I didn't realize he took you away from your family." He said, he was acting so innocent.

I glared again but not at him, at the ground recalling how it all happened.

"Do you want to tell me how it happened?" He asked.

I looked up at him and then down, shaking my head. "He's going to kill me." Was all I said.

"He's not going to kill you, Matt would never..."

"Is his father sick?" I asked.

There was a silence. "He's going to let his father drink my blood to save him." I said.

Seth only sifted in his seat and looked down at the ground.

He didn't say anything, I knew what he was thinking. He was thinking 'that's what vampires do. They drink blood.' I understood that they drink blood. But...

"I don't want to die." I said not only to him but to myself. I stared hopelessly at the ground and pulled my knees to my chest. Every plan I had in my head that formed a slight bit of hope, I always found some flaw in the plan that drug me back into hopelessness. I had nothing to do but wait for my own death. What was I to do? But wait?

Seth stood up from the chair he was sitting in and sighed, "I'm sorry for you." He said.

I couldn't tell if he meant it or not, but I really didn't care if he cared or not.

"Come on, you really need to get a bath. I'll help you take off that dress." he took a few steps towards me and stopped to show me that he wasn't forcing me to do so. I didn't quite trust him but I did want to get the 'dress' off of me, though I didn't know what a bath was.


Matthew's P.O.V

I sat on the foot of my bed, the head in my hands. "Shit." I said to myself.

I had sent Luke back to his house because it was his temper scaring her off in the first place.
I let her get away though, it was also my fault. How the hell am I supposed to explain this to father? He's going to die. It was bad enough that I had been so careless as to not make that tracking device waterproof. Or in this case, grape juice proof. When she was splashing around in the juice, the tracking device instantly shut down.
She was probably gone far off from here by now, gone back to that stupid willow tree she's always thinking about. Back to her stupid friend, Anthony.

I couldn't help but read her thoughts while she looked so gloomy, I had already learned what I wanted to learn from the book I was reading. 'Pixies' a huge book about Pixies. How they live, why they live, what they do, how they do it. About how their were different kinds of pixies, which made me wonder what kinda of pixie she was. About how some pixies' hair changes during seasons, how some look like small humans while others had different part of their bodies that were pointed, how some had pale or tan skin and some have green or blue skin. About how pixies mainly do things for themselves and their kind, unlike fairies, who take care of nature and it's creatures.

I wondered if it were a fairy's blood that was the purest, if the fairy would gladly give it's blood to my father just to let him live.

After I learned about the pixies' poisoned blood, I popped into the pixie's mind. I did feel a little sorry for her and how she'll never see her family, but then I thought about myself, my father, the king. If I didn't kill her, my father would die. The vampires, my fellow vampires, would be without a king. Meaning my mother would have to marry again, and my father is a great, honorable king, no one can replace him. I didn't want to wait for the full moon to save my father, it might be too late by then. But there was nothing I could do. . .

I picked myself up, I had to go looking for her again. I couldn't just let my father down by letting him die. I stormed towards my door, opened it and walked down the hall to the stairs. Once I was down the stairs, I realized I need something to catch her with if I were to find her, I turned my head and saw the kitchen door.

The jar she was kept in was on the counter in the kitchen, I walked towards the door.

I pushed it open and walked inside, my eyes enlarging at the sight I saw.

There before me sat Seth on one of the stools in front of the counter and on the counter was a bowl of water with a naked pixie in it. Seth must have ripped off a small bit of a wash-cloth and gave it to her because she was rubbing herself with something. The water had a few bubbles in it, I was pretty sure she was bathing.

While she did so, Seth talked to her about what to do. Since she's a pixie, I'm not sure if she did know how to clean herself. I was amazed.

I walked up to Seth and sat down next to him, he noticed me and turned in his seat to face me.

"Hey." He said, smiling.

"Um, hey." I said, unsure.
I looked around the counter, anywhere but at the naked pixie. Her dress was lied down by the sink, stained purple.

"You helped her get her dress off?" I asked, pointing out the obvious just to make conversation.

He only nodded, and looked back at her. Her back was turned to us, I'm sure Seth told her to do that.

He was never the kind of guy to bother women about sex and all that, he was polite and a gentleman. Whenever the boys and I would go out and look for girls, everyone would play a game where we walked up to a girl and said some stupid pick up line just to see if it'd work. Of course, we could get girls whenever we wanted. Human or vampire. But it was a game we'd play just for the hell of it. But Seth, he'd sit it out, he thought it was 'sexual harassment' when it was just fun.
Really, when we first knew Seth we all swore he was gay but he's not. I believe any girl would be lucky to get him but he always goes on about 'looking for that special someone' and I don't get it. We never got him, but we still hung out..

"Where did you find her?" I asked, keeping my voice down as if if she heard me, she'd fly away again.

He shrugged, "I just came across her. We talked a little..."
I interrupted, "You talked with her?"
He looked at me like a was insane, "Yeah." He answered.
"As in, a real conversation?" I asked.

He only rolled his eyes and looked back at the pixie.

"It was mainly about you," I looked over to the pixie and thought about the things she probably said about me, about how I was a monster. "and your father." Seth finished.

I shot my head back to face him, "What did she say about my father?!" I yelled out.

Pixie, I've actually come to call her as a name, turned around and gasped and my sudden noise. The fear that was held in her eyes almost made my beat-less heart drop.
Seth grabbed me by my arm and pulled me a few inches away from the counter, "No need for shouting, Matt." He said.

I slapped his hand away from my arm and nodded, "Sorry." I said, plainly.

"She only told me that she was going to die because the king was sick." Seth held a bit of sadness in his voice, like he didn't want her to die.

I ignored it. "Yeah, what else?" I asked, interested.

He paused and looked back at her... I waited for a second until he looked at me in the eyes and said, "She told me she didn't want to die." he said, as if he was trying to make me feel guilty.

I closed my eyes.

Why? Why was this getting so damn hard to do?! I've only known her for two days, and I barely know her at all. I don't even know her name! But it...


I picked myself up from my seat, making it fall back and make a huge crashing sound. Pixie lifted from the water and flew up as a reaction to the sound.

I glared at her, "I am not going to feel guilty for saving my father!" I yelled not only to her but...

...to myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, I know, I know.

I'm just as mad at me as any of you are.
And don't start telling yourself that you were never angry about my laziness because we both know your were!

I know I am.

Well... sorry.
I'll try harder.

Hope it's long enough for you. :]]]

Oh yeah, and enjoy.