Sequel: Chances Risked

Chances Taken

Chapter Seventy One

I smiled as I held the phone up to my ear as I drove to the rink for practice, “So when are you getting there?”

“Probably, the twenty fourth, that’s when we can start showing up, practice doesn’t start till the twenty sixth,” Pat said and I pulled into a parking spot in the garage, “I’m so excited that we made the team.”

“Was there any doubt?” I giggled and Pat laughed, “I’m just happy that we made the same team.”

“I know, you’re totally rooming with me, since Tazer can’t!” Pat said and I let out a laugh.

“Oh, am I?” I smirked and then turned my vehicle off and sat back in the seat.

“Yeah, come on, don’t leave me by myself!”

“You won’t be, you’ll have a roommate,” I laughed.

“Room with me,” he said and I could hear the smirk on his face.

“You do realize that Mikey made the team too, he’s gunna wanna room with me,” I said and saw Max heading into the rink.

“Tell him to room with Malkin,” Pat said and I giggled.

“Boy you planned this out,” I said and Pat chuckled.

“Yes, now are you goin’ to let that go to waste?” he said ad I smirked and rolled my eyes.

“I suppose not,” I said and laughed when Pat cheered, “But if Mike tries to kill you, don’t come crying to me.”

“I’ll risk it,” Pat said ad I giggled.

“Well, all righty then, but I have to leave you, time for practice,” I said and opened my door and got out.

“All right, talk to you later,” he said and I locked the door.

“Good luck at your game tonight,” I said and Pat chuckled.

“It’s the Preds, gunna be an easy game,” he said and I rolled my eyes, he was in Nashville right now for the Predators game that night.

“Enjoy those wanna be cowgirls,” I said heading for the door and heard Pat laugh.

“You jealous?”

“Me? Naw! You remember where I’m from sugar?” I spoke, bringing out my Texas accent.

“That’s right, you’re the original cowgirl,” he said and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, sure, we’ll-“

“Um, excuse me,” I heard and turned around to see a girl about my age walking towards me, “Can you help me?”

“Uh, Pat I gotta go, I’ll talk to you later,” I said, looking at the girl.

“All right, see ya, cowgirl,” he said and I smirked ad we said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone.

I walked towards her and was by my Escalade, “Um, I don’t think you’re supposed to be back here.”

“I’m looking for someone,” she said and I saw that her stomach was a little plump.

“Are you pregnant?” I asked and she smiled and nodded her head. I smirked and shook my head, “Max or Jordan?”

“Excuse me?” she asked confused.

“The father,” I said and she nodded her head.

“Neither,” she said and I just looked at her, “I’m looking for Kris,” she said and my eyes widened.

“Kunitz?” I hoped she meant Chris, but she shook her head.

“No, Letang,” she said and I gulped.

“Letang?” I verified and she nodded her head and I glared at her, “You Catherine?” I asked and she looked at me surprised and nodded her head.

“Do I know you?” she asked and I took a step towards her and she backed up and ended up backing into my Escalade.

“You’re the one who ruined my relationship with Kris,” I growled and she looked at me and then nodded her head and smirked.

“So you’re the other woman,” she said and I clenched my fists.

“We were perfectly fine until you came along,” I growled and she rolled her eyes.

“Well obviously he wasn’t happy enough if he came to me,” she said and I tensed up and she widened her eyes.

“You’re fuckin’ lucky you’re pregnant, or I’d kick your ass right now,” I growled and she just looked at me.

“Not my fault that you didn’t make him happy,” she said and I threw my fist.

I was in the locker room with some of the other guys getting ready for practice, Maggie and I had come separately because Emma and I were going out after practice. I was getting ready to put my skates on when the door kicked opened and Maggie walked in, a pissed off look on her face.

“You all right?” I asked and she ignored me and threw her gear bag on bench and I looked on the ground to see blood drops.

“Mags! Your hand!” I heard and saw that Maggie’s hand was cut up and bleeding.

I grabbed her hand and looked at her, “What happened?” I asked and she looked at me and then looked past me.

“You’ve got a visitor in the parking garage,” she said and I looked at her confused and then looked behind me to see Kris looking at her.

“Me?” he asked and just glared at him, “Who?”

“Go find out,” she growled and Kris sighed, stood up and headed for the door, “I guess congratulations are in order.”

“For what?” Kris asked as he got to the door.

Maggie turned her head towards him, “For knocking up your whore, you’re going to be a father.”

My eyes widened and I think everyone was in shock at what she had just said. Kris walked out of the room and I grabbed Maggie’s shoulder, “What did you do?”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t touch her,” she growled and then shoveled me off and tensed up. I watched as her fists were clenched and she was shaking with anger.

“Maggie,” I breathed and saw her eyes were closed and I sighed, “Mags-“ my eyes widened as Maggie growled and then punched the mirror in her stall, “Maggie! Stop!” I yelled and grabbed her wrist because she shattered the mirror with the fist that was already bleeding and cut up.

“Move!” I heard and felt myself being pushed back and saw Max moving in front of Maggie, “Maggie, Maggie! Hey, Bella, look at me, look at me,” Max cupped Maggie’s face and forced her to look at him, “Breathe, just breathe,” he said and showed her how to breathe, “You’re having an anxiety attack, if you don’t calm down, you’re going to blackout.”

Max grabbed Maggie’s fists and forcefully opened them and held her hands, trying to get her to calm down. Everyone was standing up and watching Max trying to coax Maggie to breathe. Sidney walked over and stood behind Maggie and placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Maggie, just relax,” Sidney said and between the two of them, I watched as Maggie’s body started to relax and she leaned back into Sidney.

“Maggie, what the hell?!” Kris yelled as he walked into the locker room with a girl behind him.

“Not now, Tanger,” Jordan said and pushed him out of the locker room behind I glared at him and wanted to go at him and Maggie tensed up against and was breathing heavily.

“Maggie, Maggie,” Max looked at Sidney and then at Maggie and sighed. Max threw his arm under her knees and behind her back and carried her into the medic room.

“Best if you stay out there Mikey,” Sidney said and Mike sighed and nodded his head, “Don’t do anything stupid.”

Sidney closed the door and then pulled all the blinds down so that Maggie didn’t see Kris and do something stupid. I looked at Maggie and cupped her face, making her look at me and tried to get her to breathe again. When her body started to calm down, I sat her on the table and Sidney came over with the first aid kit.

“Go get Doc, Sid, I’ll watch her,” I said and Sidney nodded his head and walked out of the room.

“Max,” I heard and looked back towards Maggie to see her looking down, “Is there something wrong with me?”

“Why would you say that?”

“Kris, did I do something to make him cheat?” she asked and I sighed and wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her.

“Mags, you didn’t do anything. He’s an idiot for do this to you,” I said and she looked at me and I saw her eyes were teary. I wiped away her tears and picked up her hand to see glass in it, some from the mirror, but some of it was darker, “Did you punch another mirror?”

“It was either her face or my back window,” she said and I sighed and started to take the tweezers from the kit and pick the glass from her hand and wrist. I looked up towards her and saw that she was just staring off, wincing every now and then when the glass dug into her skin.

The door opened and Doc walked in with Sidney, I had already gotten some pieces out and were in the little cup on the table next to her. Doc came over and replaced my spot and looked at Maggie and then at her hand, he sighed and then took her hand, “What trouble did you get into now?”