
You're adorable as hell but I'm glancing at your wrist


Jack had an eating disorder. I knew it the second we sat down at the table. He stared at his food as if It was going to kill him. We were having baked potato soup, and he hadn't taken a single bite. It was about 15 minutes into dinner. We had exactly an hour to finish our meals.
"Jack you haven't touched your soup" Alana pointed out loudly, causing everyone to turn and look at Jack. Jack's face became pale, and he started to stutter. "I um, I-I'm not hungry" He managed to say. "Well if you don't eat you're going to pass out" Alana said bluntly.
"Dude just eat it, It's awesome" Rian added, failing terribly at his attempt to cheer Jack up. "Are you scared of the food? Hmm?" Jaime asked rudely. "Guys leave him alone, he obviously has an eating disorder!" I exclaimed, looking over at the miserable boy. That shut everyone up.
Jack's face went from pale to red. Then a look of anger crossed his face. He slammed his fist on the table and began to yell.
"Shut up Alex! You don't know shit about me! None of you do! I hate this place and I want to go home!" He stood up and ran out of the room. "I'll go take care of him" Dr. Thomas stated, standing up calmly. She pushed in her chair and quickly headed out of the room to go find Jack.
I did not finish my soup that night.


I couldn't take this place. I needed to go home. That stupid asshole Alex had to announce it to everyone that I had an eating disorder, and they all looked at me like I was a fucking alien. I know they would have found out eventually, but I was hoping It wouldn't be on my first fucking day. They're going to think I'm a freak. You never hear about guys with eating disorders, only girls.
My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of Dr. Thomas' heels clicking on the tiled hallway floor. I was currently sitting in the fetal position, leaning against the door to my room. I saw her approaching and hid my face.
I didn't want her to see that I had been crying.
I felt a hand on shoulder and knew that she was standing over me. "It's not going to be easy" She murmured, rubbing my shoulder gently. I didn't say anything, I just continued to weep silently. "Would you like me to let you into your room so you can be alone?" She asked.
I looked up at her and nodded, thankful that she understood that I needed my alone time. I heard her fumbling with her keys and I slowly stood up, turning to face the door. "Is there anyway I could play my CDs in my room?" I muttered, praying to god she would say yes.
"Yes, we have a small radio, I will go grab it once I finish unlocking your door" She replied, as she began to unlock the door. I thanked god silently, then patiently waited for her to unlock the door.
Once she was done, I went in my room and sat on my bed, waiting for her to come back with the radio.
I grabbed my MCR and Blink 182 CDs and set them down next to me just as Dr. Thomas returned carrying a small portable radio. She set the radio down on the night stand next to my bed then turned towards me, giving me a sad smile.
"Do you need anything else dear?" She asked, walking over to the door. I nodded my head to say no. "Okay, just relax" She replied, shutting the door slowly. I quickly put my MCR CD, "Three Cheers for Revenge" in the CD player, and cranked it up as loud as it could go.


After dinner We all had to go back to our rooms and rest for an hour. Since it was Friday, at 8:00 we all gathered in the living room to watch a movie and sleep out there together.
I honestly don't know why Dr. Thomas and Alana still let us do it, considering last week Oli and Tony almost killed each other.
We shouldn't all be in a room together for an entire night. None of us were mentally stable, so we should just be sent away to our rooms like usual.
I'd been in this place for over 3 years. Out of all the patients here, Lights and I have been here the longest. The poor girl was only 11 when she arrived, she wasn't even old enough to be here. They accepted her because her mom said that if she stayed at home her dad would kill her. Her dad had been abusing her since she was 4, and she was covered in burn marks and bruises.
When she first came, she was terrified of everyone. She refused to let anyone touch her, and she often had terrible nightmares that resulted in her screaming and crying and waking everyone in the building up.
She's come a long way since then, she lets people touch her, she doesn't have as many nightmares, and her scars and burn marks have healed up pretty well. I had a lot of respect for the girl. When Beau showed up, it was an instant connection between them. To this day, they are almost inseparable. Beau loves the girl to death.
Being in here three years, I have seen people with various disorders come and go throughout this place. Some people stay for a month, others stay for years.
As I was walking to my room, I heard "Helena" By MCR blasting from the room at the end of the hall. I hadn't heard that song in forever. Hell, I hadn't heard music in forever. I picked up my pace as I speed walked towards the room at the end of the hallway. When I reached the room, I peered in to see Jack laying the bed, singing the lyrics to himself. He was crying. All because I can't keep my stupid mouth shut.


"Hey dude you ready for movie time!?!" Zack cried, pretending to be overly excited over movie time. "Shut up" I laughed as I pulled on a pair of grey sweats. "I hope they don't make us watch another stupid Pixar movie" Zack groaned, rolling his eyes.
"Oh god they seriously made you guys watch a Pixar movie? What are we, in third grade?" I exclaimed as I threw on my favorite Blink 182 hoodie.
"Yeah dude, last week we watched fucking Finding Nemo" Zack replied, reaching over his bed to grab his plaid pajama pants. "That's so dumb" I laughed, running my fingers through my messy hair. I was doing a lot better now that Dr. Thomas had let me listen to music. Music has always been my escape when the world wasn't kind.
"Jack? You there?" Zack asked, waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh?" I had zoned out. "I said are you ready to go watch some gay ass movie?" He replied, walking over to the door. I wonder how he could say something so vulgar and not feel terrible. I sighed and followed him out of the room.
Everyone was sitting in the living room conversing with one another.
When they saw me enter the room, they fell silent. Rian was the first to stand up. His hands were in his pockets and he looked sympathetic.
"Hey man, I'm really sorry if I offended you earlier. I had no idea you had an eating disorder. I'm really sorry man" Rian apologized, giving me a small smile. Jaime quickly stood up.
"I'm sorry too man, I sometimes speak without thinking, and I feel really bad for hurting your feelings" He added shyly, true empathy in his voice. I smiled, then shyly thanked them for apologizing. But the one who really needed to apologize hadn't said anything. I looked over at Alex, who was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed over his chest. Whatever Alex, I don't care what you think about me. You don't know a thing about my life.
I sat down next to Hayley on the large blanket she had laid out on the ground, then rested my head on her leg. "Hey doll" She murmured, rubbing my head. "Hey" I replied, smiling up at her. I sighed, then waited for Alana to turn on the movie.
I looked over at Alex and Tony who were whispering loudly about something. "It doesn't matter Tony, I fucked up" Alex muttered, pulling his knees up to his chest. He wrapped his arms around his knees, and that's when I saw it. The scars.
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sorry guys this was kind of just a filler, don't hate me pls. Thank you all so much for reading this story, you guys are the best & I'm going to try to fit in another update tonight, bear with me. Love you all x