Status: In Process (as we speak)

When Love Is Lost.

Whatever it is, it feels like it's laughing at me, through the glass of a two sided mirror.

I watch him from time to time, at my purch in heaven. Im waiting on him to move on, and live life the way God intended him to. He hasn't. His heart still aches for me. I can feel it. He remembers every memory like it's cocaine on a bad day; it makes him happy to think of me. He thinks the same thoughts as me, constantly "What If" like I do. I watch him, and can hear his laugh like he's laughing right in my ear. I feel his hand, entwined with my own. I miss him, so much it hurts.

I laughed as Jani made sutle jokes here and there. We listened to the music low. Jani turned her head to me, and smiled. He braces always looked so pretty to me. She cocked her head to the side. "Do you think we should call and invite Heather? We have three hours til the movie, and I'm sure she would want to go." She asked me questioningly.
I smiled at her question. "Yes! I need my Heather fix, and I need it now." I asnwered her honestly. Heather always had a smile, and always knew the PERFECT way to cheer someone up.
"Well, you call her, I can't talk and drive you know that." She said smuggly. I picked up my phone typing my passcode, and finding Heather's name on my phone. I clicked the call button. The phone rang twice before Heather picked up.

"Hellooo." She said.
"Hey Heather! Do you wanna come want the movie at the Ritz with me and Jani? We're gonna get something to eat before so I don't blow all my money on popcorn, and candy." I asked.
"Yeah! When y'all coming to get me?" She questioned.
"Right now! Be ready. 5 minutes, GO!" I yelled, while hanging up.

Five minutes later, we pulled into Heather's drive way. We waited in the drive way, until we saw the door open as Heather walked out. Being the asshole that Jani is, everytime Heather reached for the door Jani would back up. This happened about 3 times before Heather just sat down on the ground and stayed there. Jani rolled down the window, smiling stupidly at Heather. "Are you gonna get in the car or what?" She laughed. Heather jumped up fast as lightening and grabbed the handle, jumping in quickly, laughing. Heather smiled at us and said "What movie?". Jani said, "Whatever movie they're playing, we just wanted out the house." Heather slinked back in the seat putting on her seat belt. I stole a glace at her. Heather had prefect teeth thanks to her othodontist. Hell, we all did. Her hair was past her shoulders, and slightly curled. She has blue eyes, with bursts of brown here and there. They were so different from Jani's icy blue/grey eyes. Jani's eyes sent chills down your spine, where as Heather's made you want to frollic in a meadow, they would remind you of an Autumn day, with beautiful blue skies. She had a flawless ivory skin. She was dressed in a flannel shirt, even on this hot night. The shirt paired well with her denim shorts and combat boots. We decided on going to Taco Bell. I had a weakness for Taco Bell, we all did. I think that's what made us good friends. Any off day Heather had, or afternoon after school, we would head to taco bell. We pulled into the parking lot.


I turned to Jani asking if she had a lighter I could borrow. She grabbed the lighter tossing it at me. I pulled my Pall Malls out of my purse, and handed one to her. We sat in the car for five minutes smoking our cigarettes, while Heather complained of the smell. She was a track star at our school. She was pretty amazing. We got out of the car walking the five feet into Taco Bell. Jani said something off the wall about how anytime you got near the mens bathroom it smelt of piss, causing us to all go into fits of laughter at the random thought that had just came out of her mouth. Jani ran towards the counter as the woman at it greeted her by her first name. The woman knew us all by our first name. Jani told the woman she wanted a Beefy Five Layer and a medium drink. I was next deciding I wanted the same thing; Heather said, "I just want a CrunchWrap, and a medium drink. The woman rattled off the total, throwing in some Mtn. Dew icees for free. We thanked her handing her the money finding seats. I sat with Heather in the booths, getting situated, when the bell over the door rang out that someone had just walked in. Jani's mouth dropped open as she simply stated, "Oh my god." Heather and I turned to each other then back to the door. 5 boys filed in excited, and loud. I noticed one of them as the boy that was in the hospital when I recieved the horrible news that had claimed my life. I cant remember his name.. Hunter.. No.. Har.. HARRY! The five boys glanced our way, smiling and waving. We smiled and waved back. The one I knew as Harry began to walk over the where we were sitting. He smiled down at me, and said "Kile, It's good to see you again. How've you been?" He asked nicely. I didnt notice he had an accent before, british most definitely. I think I was just to worried about my appointment to care at the time. I just shrugged my shoulder looking up at him and "Good, I guess." I lied. "This is Jani, and Heather." I said point out each of my friends to him. Harry waved ath them both before the four other boys had called him back to order.

Some how they ended up finder their way to our booth, joining us to eat. Zayn, so I heard the boys call him, sat beside Heather now, stealing glances here and there at her. Her cheeks instantly blushed every time she caught him. It was precious and they were definitely precious together. Zayne had dark hair, dark skin, and even darker tattoos covering the skin. He had accent; they all did. The one they called Niall sat beside Jani while they were talking animately back and forth, laughing and cutting up. He had icy blue eyes, the same if not prettier than Jani's. He was different though. He was Irish unlike all the other boys that surrounded the table.
"So, We have two hours before our movie. What is the game plan?" Jani asked me laughing.
"What movie are you all going to see?" Niall asked, as his face lessened in redness from laughing.
"What ever movie is playing at the Ritz." I replied.
"Is it alright if we tag along. We need a good movie anyways." Harry asked, elbowing me in my arm.
"Yeah! Y'all come along! No one is EVER there, and we always get bored halfway through the movies." Heather answered honestly. She mentioned that when we get bored and there are a few people in there that we'd waste all our money getting popcorn to throw at people, which by the way, we weren't to proud of, telling them of the time I threw a Cookie Dough Bite at the person sitting three rows up, hit someone square in the back of the head, which resulted in us getting kicked out. I had accidently hit the owner. The boys laughed at my expense claiming they did the same things as us, minus getting kicked out. I think we all decided right then and there that we'd be good friends, all of us. We headed out of Taco Bell getting out into the parking lot. I pulled at my purse drawing out my cigarettes, and lighter. Popping one on my lips, and lighting it. Harry leaned over, smiling taking the cigarette out of my mouth. "You know these things can kill you, right?" Yeah, they'd kill me if I wasn't already dying. Harry leaned a little taking a hit of the cigarette, before returning it back to me. I inhaled deeply before replying, "I guess I have a death wish," as I let the smoke spill out of my mouth.


We finally loaded up the two cars, and headed to the Ritz to find we'd all be watching Thor 2. I expessed my love of Loki, and how the bad guys were always hotter than the good ones. Zayn and Heather were laughing when he put his hand on the small of her back, and her eyes lit up, making the Autumn of her eyes almost unbearable. I stole a glance at Niall and Jani as I saw the two blue eyed beauties staring into each other's eyes, laughing about Jani telling him embarrassing stories of us all. Lous and Liam were the first to pay and go in, waiting on the inside for us all to join. Harry and I stood in the back. Chatting like most friends do. I was next handing my money, and getting my ticket. I waited for Harry to recieve his ticket stub, turning when he was handed it. His hand ever so gently found the small of my back leading me in. The touch send a jolt of electricity through me, and I smiled up at him. He smiled back, and I felt a flush come to my cheeks, as his dimples set deeper and deeper as the smile grew. My heart sped up, and I looked away. Ready to see this movie, and ready to rid myself of this feeling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jani.| Heather.

Thanks for reading! Give me feedback! PLEASE! Im thinking no ones actually reading this!