Status: Updates, whenever I can. :)

If it Hurts This Much, Then it Must Be Love.

What If I Can't Forget You?

*Flor’s POV*

It’s been two years since the year I participated at Warped Tour.

Things we’re great.

Alex and I dated, and I even started my own band.
Life was good.

But then like always, life has a way of fucking me over.


I was coming back to Baltimore after my UK tour with my band ‘Hope and Aspire’. We got pretty big after we did a couple of collaborations with Of Mice and Asking Alexandria. We gained a couple of fans here and there. We even got offered to be a participating band in Warped UK!
It was fun, and way better than Warped Tour in the US, weather wise of course.

I dragged my bag behind me as I walked the scruffy steps towards the door of Alex and I’s apartment.

We started getting pretty serious and decided that sharing an apartment was a good idea. I thought it was a magnificent idea, now I don’t have to take a plane ticket from Texas all the way to Maryland to see my love-bug.

I bend down and pick the key up from the fake rock by the door and slip it in the key lock.
I decided in not telling Lex I was coming earlier than usual, I wanted to surprise him.

I twist the lock and with a little ‘click’ the door opened. The lights were off and the house was quiet. Way too quiet.
I closed the door behind me and set my bags aside in the nearest couch.

“Lex?” I call out as I slowly step inside the living room.
No answer in return.
I jog up the stairs and walk towards the room Alex and I share.
I open the door and I swear I felt my heart drop to my stomach.

There in the bed Alex and I share was him laying down practically naked with his ex ‘on and off’ girlfriend Lisa.
The sheets were a mess, there was under garments thrown around the floor, and to top it off her leg was hanging from the bed.

How fucking classy.

I blink back the tears that are fighting to fall down my cheeks.
I bit the inside of my cheek and storm off the room. Running towards the kitchen I grab a glass cup and fill it with water from the kitchen’s faucet.
I sprint back towards the room not caring if I drop water down while climbing the stairs. I flick the lights on.
They don’t even shift. I huff angrily and walk towards Alex’s side of the bed and tip the cup of water and spill it on his face. He jumps up and screeches causing Lisa to stir and wake up as well. I stand next to his the of the bed and cross my arms and wait for him to acknowledge my presence.
He rubs his eyes and looks around and his eyes stop at me. His eyes widen with shock and he gets up.
“Flor, it’s not what it seems we-“ he says before I cut him off by saying “Cut the crap, Gaskarth. I trusted you. I’m not even going to stay and listen to your bullshit excuses. But there’s one thing you should know, I actually thought you were different. But like always I was wrong.” I say sternly. He looks like he’s in the verge of tears and as for Lisa, she ran off the moment she woke up.


“No no.. I’m sorry please Floresita hear me out, I-I love you.” He says while tears start spilling out his eyes.
I've had enough.

I head towards the door and Alex runs and stands in front of it forbidding me from going past it. “Alex move.” I say trying to sound as stern as possible even though on the inside I feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest without hesitation.
“Please.. I made a mistake I'm only human…” he says while trying to control his jittery voice.

I don’t want him to make me feel bad, if anyone should be crying it should be me.

“Dammit, Alex. GET. OUT. OF. MY. WAY” I say while trying to push him off the door. He grips the door frame tightly.

“For fucks sake, Flor PLEASE.” He says grabbing my shoulders. I push him off and grab the closest object to me which happens to be the glass cup I used to wake him up and throw it against the wall.
It breaks and the glass shatters everywhere.

Alex quickly stays quiet and looks at me, almost scared with tears running down his cheeks.

“Do you fucking see the glass? Okay, well that’s my trust for you. Broken.” I sigh and walk away and rapidly jog down the stairs and pick up my bags. I finally let the tears fall and head out the door and out of Alex's life.


So, Alex cheated and I ended up heading back to Texas and putting all my time and effort in the band. We we're currently on a Hiatus because our drummer’s fiancé just had her baby and the baby needs his father around. To my surprise Alex never hesitated to contact me. Rumors went around that he got back with Lisa, and that they we’re now engaged.

I was hurt of course, but I’ll never admit it if you ask.

I sigh and clutch my arms closer to my chest. I was waiting for the Of Mice and Pierce guys to pick me up from my house to go to California with them. The Kerrang awards will be in a week and to my surprise I was nominated for ‘Hottest Female’. I really don’t know how I could ever even make the list of nominees but I am not complaining, wink wink.
They even started a new award and it was called the ‘Best Couple’ award. Cute I assume, until me and Alex got nominated. We aren’t even together but the fans still believe him and I can ‘work things out’.
Yeah right, once a liar ALWAYS a fucking fake.

A red bus stops in front of my apartment and honks. The door opens and out comes Phil running towards me at full force. He ends up tripping on his own shoe lace and grabbing my shoulder for support causing me to fall back as well.
“Clutz!” I say in between laughs and getting up. “Shut it.” He grumbles while getting up from the concrete and brushing off his knees. “So are you ready!?” Phil yells with a fist in the air.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” I say smiling. He smiles and gives me a reassuring hug while taking my bags as we head inside the bus.

I really hope I don’t run into Alex over there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit: Caraphernelia - Pierce The Veil.

