Wasting All These Tears (On You)


No one mourns the wicked.

At least not those who know they shouldn't. Sure, a few kind souls may pray for their soul but no one misses them.

It took me years to realize this. You trapped me in a life with you. You had me wrapped around your finger. I died to make you happy.

Then one day I snapped.

I didn't want you happy. I didn't even want you alive.

I grabbed the gun and as you slept peacefully, like I never could, I pulled the trigger.

Your eyes didn't open. You didn't make a sound.

You were, then you weren't.

You lived, then died.

Part of my soul died when you did. After I realized what I did, my tears began to overflow. I killed a person. I killed you. I left your house and never returned.

Finally I'm through wasting all these tears on you.
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Let me know what you think. This is a very rough draft but I'm trying to figure out how to flesh it out so it's more complete.