I Forgive You


I still remembered the night you probably forgot. It was the one where you ruined all possibility of me ever being okay. You left me literally for dead. Though you must have called an ambulance, because of the paramedics that frantically busted down my door.

They talked too fast for me to understand anything they were saying. One wrapped a cloth around my wrist while the other brought up a stretcher. They put me in the back of an ambulance and whisked me away. Three days later I was stuck in an insane asylum, pardon me, I mean a mental health clinic. Everyone there asked if I realized what I did. Of course I realized it. That's why I did it.

After two long painful months full of counseling sessions I was released. In the beginning I hated you for what you put me through. How you left me, how you called paramedics, how you told me you couldn't help me anymore. I hated you. But slowly my hatred for you turned to like and eventually love. I wasn't "In love" with you. No, that was the last thing I needed. I loved you still nonetheless because you saved me. You saw me where I was and while I yelled at you to get out when I really wanted you to stay, you helped me.

I forgive you.
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Once again, this is a very rough draft of a drabble. I'm posting it early so I can get some feedback and see where I can improve in this.