Status: Active

Life After Death

Chapter 2: Present

Johnny Christ of Avenged Sevenfold drove down the streets of New York. His brown eyes focused his brown Mohawk down and to the side.

It was a year since Jimmys death. Everyone especially Johnny was feeling the impact of his death as if it happened just yesterday.

The band was currently off tour. Not doing anything not even writing or working on a new album.

On one hand Johnny was happy they weren't. It was still too much for him of go in the studio knowing Jimmy wasn't there or be walking through the door.

On the another hand. He wanted to do something to keep his mind off of his breakup. It just wasn't working between them and they had separated on good terms. But it still hurt.

The guys suggested maybe if he got out of time that would get his mind off of things. He doubted it but it was worth a try.

After driving around some more catching and seeing the sights.

He decided to stay somewhere for the nigh. He saw a sign that said The Chelsea Hotel.

After finding somewhere to park he grabbed his belongings greeted the bellhop.

"May I take your bags sir?" The bellhop whose name was Marcus asked.

"No man you don't have too but thank you though." Johnny said giving him a smile.

He walked into the hotel and looked around in awe.

The hotel had velvet carpets, paintings everywhere, a crystal chandelier was in the middle of the ceiling.

The hotel had an old fashioned 1940s feel to it.

Still admiring the hotel Johnny walked up to the front desk ringing the bell.

A clerk whose name tag read Bernard appeared.

"Welcome to The Chelsea Hotel." He said with a smile. "I'm Bernard how can I help you."

"A room for one please." Johnny said.

Bernard's eyes widen seeing him.

"You're Johnny Christ from Avenged Sevenfold." He said excited.

"Looks like it." Johnny said not in the mood to deal with any fans right now.

"I'll tell you want Mr. Christ." Bernard said. "If I can just get your autograph you can have one of our suite room free of charge."

Johnnys eyes widen a suite room all he had to do was give him an autograph.

"You've got a deal Bernard." Johnny said smiling and signing the piece of paper Bernaed had out.

Bernard turned to the key rack grabbing a pair of keys.

"You're room is room 1612." Bernard said. "Dinner is served at seven." "Enjoy your stay here."

"Thanks." Johnny said grabbing the keys and his bags and walking to the elevator.

He finally arrived at the top floor. He walked down the hallway looking at the doors till he reached room 1612.

He unlocked the door and stepped inside. The room had a huge bed in the middle.

He walked to the bathroom seeing the bathtub was huge as well.
The best part was he had a balcony overlooking the city. Setting his bags down he walked to the balcony looking out.

What a sight it was. As he stood there he felt a chill. He shivered slightly but thought nothing of it. It was a little chilly outside.

He walked back inside. It was five minutes before dinner. He got back on the elevator and walked to the dinner room.

He sat and a table and waited to be serviced. After getting a plate of baked chicken and rice which was good.

Johnny sat there alone eating quietly. He looked up to see a couple very much in love gazing into each others eyes before kissing.

Johnny got up not wanting to see the sight. He envied the couple he also envied the guys. Matt had Valary, Brian had Michelle, Zacky and Gena had divorced and he was now dating a model from his clothing line.

And then there's me Johnny thought. Alone and with no one. He sighed sadly reentering his room and going to the shower.

Letting the warm water fall on him relaxing his muscles and washing away the days events.

After getting out he dressed got in bed and fell asleep instantly.

Sometime later Johnny woke up feeling the chill he had felt earlier. He looked at the clock 10:14 it read.

He got up and walked to the balcony to close the door. He stopped in his tracks at what he saw.

Standing at the balcony was a blonde female in a backless dress.

He stared not knowing what to say and thousands of questions going through his head.

As if she sensed she was being watched the woman slowly turned around looking at Johnny.

His breath caught in his throat not only cause she was looking at him but at her beauty.

The woman gave him a sad look before turning around and holding her arms out.

"Wait!" Johnny yelled running forward.

The woman fell over the balcony just as Johnny reached her.

Johnny looked over the balcony seeing no sign of the woman.

I just saw a ghost he thought.