Status: Active

Life After Death

Chapter 5

Johnny stirred awake the next morning feeling the familiar chill in the room.

"Morning Lydia." He said yawning.

"Morning Johnny." Lydias voice said.

Johnny looked around and saw that the ghost of the young woman was nowhere to be found.

"Lydia where are you?" He asked getting up.

"I'm here well my voice is." Lydia said. "Sometimes I forget how to make myself visible to the human eyes." "It just happens sometimes I want to make myself visible but it just doesn't happen."

"When does this happen?" Johnny asked.

"Every once in a while but mostly during the day." Lydia answered.

"Lydia have you ever thought since you died at night you can only appear at night?" Johnny asked heading to the bathroom.

"No I haven't thought of that." She said laughing.

Johnny laughed with her before getting in the shower. After showering he got dressed.

"Lydia are you still there?" Johnny asked slightly worried.

Lydia laughed. "Yes I was just waiting for you to get dressed." "Just because you can't see me Johnny that doesn't mean I can't see you."

Johnny blushed at the thought of Lydia seeing him naked.

"Thanks for your courtesy Lydia." Johnny said.

"You're welcome." Lydia said. "So what are your plans for today?"

"I'm going to help you like I said." Johnny said putting his shoes on. "First I'm going to at police records see all the witnesses and guests accounts of that night."

"If that doesn't work I'll keep trying." Johnny said walking towards the door.

"Good luck Johnny and thank you." Lydia said.

"You're welcome see you later." Johnny said exiting the room.

He took the elevator down to find Bernard at his usual place.

"Good morning Bernard." Johnny said with a smile.

"Morning Johnny you seem really happy." Bernard said.

"Bernard you're not gonna believe me but I saw and talked to the ghost of Lydia Foster." Johnny said.

Bernards face paled. "You talked to her?"

"Yes." Johnny said.

"She must like you cause no other guest have ever talked to her." Bernard said

"Well I told her I was going to help her by solving her murder." Johnny said.

"No offense Johnny but that's kind of a feeble attempt." Bernard said.

"I know but I've got to try." He said. "Lydia deserves it."

"Well I'm willing to help to if you need information about this hotel." Bernard said with a smile.

"Thanks Bernard." Johnny said. "Do you still have the records of everyone who was staying in the rooms of the year 1946?"

"As a matter of fact we do." Bernard said gesturing for Johnny to follow him to the back. "This hotel never throws away records."

He went to a file cabinet that said 1940s on it. He went to the folder that said 1946.

Taking it out and handing it to Johnny. Johnny looked through it and took out the paper that had the rooms and the people who were staying in them.

"Bernard where is the one for room 1612?" Johnny asked.

Bernard took the paper looking at it then his eyes widen slightly.

"Someone must have taken it."