Status: Active

Life After Death

Chapter 6

"How could someone take them Bernard?" Johnny asked looking through the 1946 folder to make sure he didn't overlook anything.

"The only way someone could take them is they either took the papers when no one was looking of they were masquerading as a hotel employee." Bernard said.

"Son of a bitch!" Johnny said angrily. "Whoever killed Lydia wanted to make sure they couldn't be found or traced to her murder."

Bernard nodded in agreement. "What'll we do now?"

"I'm going to police headquarters to see about witness accounts." Johnny said handing him the folder.

"It's not that busy today I'll look through this drawers some more." Bernard said. "Someone will take my place at the desk."

"Thanks Bernard." Johnny said heading for the door.

"Johnny is she nice?" Bernard asked.

Johnny turned. "She is she's really sad though which is understandly." "She says you're really sweet too.

Bernard's eyes widen. "She can see me?"

Johnny nodded. "Since she was murdered here her spirit is bound to the hotel she can go anywhere in the hotel." "She says she's seen you around."

"Why hasn't she ever shown herself to me?" He asked.

"Don't know guess she didn't want to scare you." Johnny answered.

"See you later then." Bernard said.

Johnny nodded and left the hotel getting in his car he drove to the police station. He walked to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"I'm here to ask about a murder case." Johnny said.

"A murder case?" The receptionist asked. "Who was murdered?"

"Lydia Foster." Johnny answered.

The receptionist gave him a confused expression. "Why are you interested and want information on a sixty-five year old murder case?"

"I know this sounds crazy but I'm one of the many guests to see the ghost of Lydia Foster." Johnny said his voice lowering. "But I'm the only one to actually communicate with her."

The receptionist listen with interest. "And you want to help solve her murder setting her free?"

Johnny nodded.

"Follow me then." The receptionist said getting up. "My Jane is Alice by the way."

"Nice to me you Alice I'm Johnny." He said following her down a hallway and to a big door that said records.

"Okay so I'm guessing you want witness statements and people who were checked in the hotel that night?" She asked.

Johnny nodded.

"Okay I'll start looking here you start looking over there?" She said turning to a cabinet.

"You don't think I'm crazy Alice?" Johnny asked.

"I believe anything is possible." Alice simply said.

They looked for about ten minutes before Alice gave a scream of victory. "Found it!"

Johnny turned around as she began to look through the folder.

"Here's the witness list." She said handing it to him.

Johnny looked through the names before stopping at a woman named Molly Caldwell. It said she knew the victim and couldn't think of anyone who wanted to hurt her.

"Is this Molly Caldwell still alive?" Johnny asked.

"As a matter of fact she is she lives by herself near the railroad tracks." Alice said.

"Thanks Alice." Johnny said taking the papers with him.

"Johnny good luck." Alice said giving him a smile.

"Thanks Alice." He said getting in his car and driving to the railroad tracks.

As Johnny approached he saw an fading red house he read the address and the mailbox. Getting out he aprroached the front door.

Taking a deep breath he knocked. No answer. He knocked again. Again no answer. He knocked a third and hard time.

"Whoever the hell you are stop knocking goddamn it!" An angry voice said. "I may be old but I'm not deaf!"

After a few minutes the door opened revealing a gray haired woman wearing a pink flower duster.

"Who are you and what the hell do you want?" She asked annoyed.

"My names Johnny are you Molly Caldwell?" He asked.

"Looks like it doesn't it cock a doodle do." Molly said eyeing his Mohawk which was up.

"I have some questions to ask you." Johnny said ignoring her insult.

"Take your questions and shove them up your ass." She said starting to close the door.

Johnny stuck his foot in it. "Please Miss Caldwell it's about an old friend of yours Lydia Foster."

The old woman stopped and looked at Johnny. "Did you say Lydia Foster?"

"Yes ma'am." Johnny said. "This sounds crazy but I'm the only person who's talked to her ghost and I wish to help her." "And I'm sure you have some information that may be useful."

"Come in." Molly said opening the door.