Status: First story I've written in over two years, just trying to get back into the swing of things... So please any constructive critism is appreciated and don't be tooo harsh.... :3

I Confess

I Confess: This Is Me

She yanked her long red hair up into a pony tail in a rush. Once again she was late to get out the door to work.

"I'm going to be late AGAIN!" she said in frustration.

She yanked on her top and began to button it as she ran down the hallway.

"Have I got everything? Lunch? Phone? Drink?"

She straightened her top and grabbed her handbag.

"Yes, yes and yes. Come on lets go."

He answered, grabbing the car keys. He shut the door behind her and pushed the garage button.

"You know, you really should get up earlier, babe. You're getting worse at it."

Yeah, yeah. I know." She muttered. Mackenzie never had been a morning person.


"I'll see ya's tomorrow!"

"See ya, Kenzie!"

Mackenzie grabbed her bag and headed out the door. She opened the car door and jumped in, instantly putting the window down. God, why did it have to be so hot?

"How was work?" Her amazingly hot boyfriend asked as he backed out of the carpark.

"Okay, I spose" She murmurred. Her head was killing her.

"Whats wrong?" He asked, flashing a concerned glance her way.

"Nothing. Just have a headache. As usual."

"You really should get that checked babe."

She didn't reply. It was a conversation they had a lot and she wasn't in the mood to go round in circles today. She closed her eyes, resting her head against the head rest. Her head was throbbing but she tried to ignore the pain.

Once home, she dumped her bag on the table and headed to the bathroom.

"I'm gonna have a shower, Babe. I feel gross from this heat"

She shut the door and started to get undressed, trying to avoid the mirror. Everyday she fought a war against it; she couldn't stand the person staring back at her. But, as usual, she gave into temptation and began to analyze the reflection with a fine toothed comb, picking up every little flaw.

She hated the way her hair curled around her ears, and how it was so boofy and thick. She hated her deathly white skin, red splotches and all. She hated the stretch marks that scarred her hips and thighs. She hated the shape of her legs, like fat pins. She hated the pale scars from her surgery two years earlier. She hated the number on the scales when she stepped on. She hated her height and how she always felt a fraction taller than her partner. She hated her breasts, and how one was obviously larger than the other. She hated the emotion that swirled in her piercing blue eyes, like everyone else could so easily read the pain inside. She hated that she had to keep so much bottled inside, that she didn't know how to talk to someone.

How ridiculous is that? She didn't know how to talk to someone, how to let someone in. She had built so many walls around herself that she didn't know how to let them go. It was like she was Rapunzel, locked away in a tower. But no matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to let down her hair and let her handsome prince in.

She turned her back and stepped into the shower, silent tears gliding down her checks. And just like that, the water works started. That was another thing she hated. She used to be so in control of her emotions. She was so good at faking that smile. Just grin and bare it, fake it till you make it.

But now the cracks were showing. She had bottled so much up over the years, it wouldn't be long before something had to give. She feared that day. The day she toppled over the edge.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay let me apologize for this first chapter. It sucks. Real bad. And I know it but I just can't seem to make it how I want. I know where I want to go I just need to get it flowing... Sorry for this one. Once I get into the flow I hope it will get better. Bare with me please...

Please don't be a silent reader, I could really do with some feedback. And the more feedback I get that faster I will update <3

Comment, subscribe, recommend, do yo' thang peeps.

And thanks for reading :3