Status: In progress

The Baby Project Series One


10 teenagers are about to be chosen and paired up for the ultimate experience in their school's history. Yep, it's the ever-so-infamous Baby Project.
Oh, you don't know what the Baby Project is? Well, I'll be glad to tell you. The Baby Project is a very important project that you have to take in order to pass Health class. You get paired up with somebody and you are given a plastic doll to "care for" for the weekend. Sometimes it's even a week. And these "babies" aren't easy to take care of, not even close. Even though they don't move at all, they still cry and keep you up at night.
Things are going to be slightly different for students at Rossdale High, though. The advancement in technology has made these baby dolls seem lifelike, and they sure do act lifelike as well. It's almost like you're not even caring for a doll!
So follow these 10 teenagers for the ride of a lifetime.
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Well, seem interesting? Creepy? :) Tell me your thoughts! I won't bite.