Status: fin.



he’s flicking my leg with a pencil
we’re sitting in the DMV lobby
I’m holding my number in my hands
123, lucky, lucky
they’re just now calling 119
“maybe now you can go see your
parents more often, huh?”
he’s joking
he knows they don’t want to see me
not unless I’m alone
not unless I’m home to stay
away from him
I laugh, shove his arm off my shoulders
and he grins, flicks my leg a little
leans in close and tucks my hair
behind my ear
“I’m going to fuck you senseless
when we get home,
got it?”
I want my number to be called
half an hour passes and
we’re in the back row, where no one can see
and his hand slides down my thigh
the pencil has long since
and I sit very still
hoping no one notices
and then