Status: Finished! (Nov 25-Mar 12)

She's a Lady

Forty One

Bella’s POV
I heard a beep like the sound of a car locking and I looked up. I put my book down and sat up a little. It had been a few days since my fight with James. Since the lunch I had with the boys he kept calling over and over again and I ignored him. If he wanted to apologize he was going to do it upfront and in person. I heard the doorbell ring and I walked over to the door.

“coming!” I said.

I opened the door and James stood there, holding flowers and my chocolates. I stepped back signaling him for him to walk in. He stepped inside and looked down at me. I guess he noticed I didn’t look mad because he cleared his throat making me look at him.

“So, How’s work??”

“It’s well” I said as he handed me the bouquet.

Hmm even bigger than the ones he dropped off at work. I walked into the kitchen and he looked at me. He set the chocolates down and took a deep breath.

“Can we talk?”

I put the flowers in water and I looked at him.

“Sure” I said.

I dried my hands and made my way over to the couch. I sat down and I looked up at him.

“You can sit down too” I said.

He sat down and looked at me. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

“I’m sorry”

I blinked and he looked at me. He looked at me straight in the eyes and rubbed his neck.

“I know you are” I said.

He took a deep breath and looked at his hands.

“I’m sorry I yelled at you, and all those things I said about your career”

I nodded.

“I know” I said.

He looked down at his lap and played with his hands.

“If you want to break up with me, You were always to good for me”

I cut him off.

“Why would I do that? James never think that” I asked him.

He looked up at me. I sat a little closer to him and pulled him into a hug. He hugged back instantly pulling me closer to his body and I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around him. I was mad at him, but I had missed him. I had missed him, his voice and even the way he smelled. He put his head in the crook of my neck and my hand went to his head. I played with the tips of his hair and he let go off me slowly as I pulled away.

“I was mad at you, but I wouldn’t break up with you” I told him as I touched his cheek.

He nodded and I smiled at him.

“You aren’t that bad to be around and never let anyone tell you I’m not good enough for you. If anything James you are a catch” I told him.

He laughed and my phone vibrated. I looked at my phone and put it away.

“I’m still sorry, I said hurtful things and you had every right to be mad at me”

I nodded.

“It’s alright” I said.

He looked at me.

“How can you be so calm?”

“Do you want me to yell at you?” I asked him as I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Not really. I just thought I’d dug my own grave when I said your career wasn’t important”

I smiled and shook my head.

“Nah, you are fine” I said getting up.

“Come on the guys are outside, the came to visit Beau and they would love to see you” I said.

I walked to the back and Beau looked up. He saw James and he nodded. Eric got out of the car and looked at me.

“Here yah go”

I took the case from him and walked over to the guys.

“You know how to play a guitar?”

“Pshhhh of course. I also know how to surf” I said.

Beau high fived me and I looked at Jayson and Olli.

“I’m going to like having you two around” I said.

Jayson nodded and James looked at him.

“Found a place to live in yet?”’

“No my mom is still looking”

“You’re looking for a place?” I asked.

He looked at me and I saw as Beau looked at me.

“We can make room for you”

I nodded and Jayson looked at Beau.

“No offense Beau, but I don’t want to live with you again. You’re kind of a slob”

We all started to laugh except for Beau who frowned.


James smiled down at me and I bumped him with my hip as his teammates joined him in their conversation. Today’s topic, boobs.
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So i got food poisoning and i am currently dying. I didnt attend my calculus class because i was to busy puking my brains out. On the bright side, today in my Chemistry class some really cute boy bought me a gatorade.

I'm feeling a little better so i'm going to head on out to my other class i have in an hour or so.