Status: Finished! (Nov 25-Mar 12)

She's a Lady

Forty Five

James’ POV
I woke up when I heard the front door slam close. I groaned and turned to my side. Still to early.

“Lazy ass people come on up”

I opened my eyes to see Chris making his way over to the kitchen. Jas followed him and I saw Bella. She gave me a smile and I curled up when Chris turned on the light. Bella turned off the light and hit Chris in the shoulder.

“We were up pretty late, so keep it down”

“What time did you go to bed?”

“Well after you guys left we watched up. James fell asleep halfway through it and Adam and I managed to watch a bit of 17 again before we called it a night cause you know how insomniac Adam is”

I heard Adam groan and I looked down at him. He lifted his head and reached for his phone. He made a face and groaned again. Bella laughed and Chris walked over to us.

“Get up it’s 11”

“Fuck off”

Chris chuckled and Adam hit him in the face with a pillow. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Bella smiled at me and I noticed she wasn’t wearing scrubs anymore.

“Sleep well?”

I nodded and she walked over. She pecked my lips and smiled at me.

“What do you want for breakfast?”

I shrugged and she laughed as she began rubbing my bicep.

“I’m good with leftovers” I told her.

She nodded and looked up. I followed her gaze to see Eric walking out from the hall.

“Morning guys. What do you guys want for brunch?”

“Anything” I said.

He laughed and looked at me.

“I’ll see what I can make”

He made his way over to the couch and he chuckled when he saw Adam still asleep. I laughed when Adam groaned as Eric laid on him.

“Get off you’re heavy”

“Merry Christmas Adam”

Eric laughed and got off of him.

“What time did you go to bed?”

“Like 5, James snores”

Eric nodded and rubbed his back.

“Well sleep for a while”

Eric looked at me and laughed. Bella smiled at me and shook her head.

“He breathes really deep in his sleep”

Eric nodded and looked at Adam.

“Yea he needs it to be somewhat quiet when he’s about to fall asleep”

I nodded and noticed Eric was still rubbing Adam’s back.

“If you snore I would have heard you by now”

I laughed and he nodded as he stood up. He tucked in Adam and looked at us.

“Did you hear TJ like at 2?”

Bella nodded and she looked at her older brother.

“James had fallen asleep by then, but yea TJ was puking. I made him some tea”

“That’s good”

Bella nodded and she looked at Chris who grinned at Eric.

“Brought him some electrolytes”

He pulled out an IV bag and I laughed.

“You could have brought him some Gatorade” I told him.

“It’s better if it’s straight to the vein”

I laughed and I saw Ali walk down slowly. Chris rushed over to her and helped her down the stairs.

“I’m so not digging this pregnancy thing”

“You just carry her around and let TJ puke”

She smiled and Chris sat her on the couch, not before he hit me with the pillow I was using though. I looked at her and gave her a smile.

“Did you just get up?”

I nodded and she looked at the bundle that was Adam. She gave him a smile which well he didn’t acknowledge since he was asleep.

“Once the boy is asleep he can sleep through an earthquake”

Bella nodded and stood up.

“I’m going upstairs to check on TJ”

Ali nodded and Bella got the IV bag.

“James, go up with her will yah?”

I raised an eyebrow and they all nodded.

“Teej is weenie when it comes to needles”

I nodded and stood up. I followed Bella upstairs and she walked into the room. Oshie was lying on his stomach and he looked in pain. He looked at her and made a little noise as Bella lifted his shirt to touch his stomach. She nodded and tapped his shoulder.

“Is this how you normally look? It suits you”

TJ groaned and Bella smiled.

“Come on let’s sit you up”

He groaned and she reached for some pillows. She helped him sit up and he groaned when she felt him touch his arm.

“James is here”

He frowned and she easily found his vein. Like TJ didn’t even flinch or anything.

“You’ve gotten really good at that”

Bella smiled and helped him sit up right. He sighed and closed his eyes as Bella began moving things around in order to get the IV working.

“So what is this supposed to do?” I asked.

“Hydrate him, his team doctor probably has to give him a few of these”

I nodded and TJ looked at Bella.

“When will this all end?”

She felt his forehead as she rolled her eyes at his dramatic tone.

“You have a slight fever. Is it like this every time?”

He nodded slowly and looked up at her.

“I’m like this like once a week. This is why I wanted you to visit”

She nodded and rubbed his shoulder.

“You’re sore aren’t you?”

He nodded and sneezed. He flinched and groaned as he lied back down.

“Parise texted me asking me if you could help him. His foot is killing him; remember he went to North Dakota Bells. He’s also American”

Bella nodded and she felt his neck as a smile appeared on her lips.

“Of course I remember, that’s all you guys would ever talk about. What exactly happened to him? I know he has a contusion though, so he must be limping”

He nodded and looked at her.

“Yea he stopped the puck with his foot”

She scrunched up her nose and continued touching his face and neck


She helped him sit up a little and she sat down.

“Well tell him he”

She frowned when she saw his phone was dialing a number. She took the phone from him and I looked at him. Bella stood up and made her way out the door as she began talking on the phone.

“You feeling alright?” I asked.

He looked at me.

“Right stupid question” I said as I sat down on the bed.

“I’ll live”

I nodded and he looked at me.

“You take care of Bella”

I gave him a smile.

“She’s like my little sister. She deserves to be happy you know. She’s had it rough”

I nodded and looked at him.

“I’ll take care of her man” I told him.

“You better because Chris will chop off your balls”

I grimaced and he laughed.

“Thanks for reminding me” I told him.

Bella walked into the room with her laptop in her hands. Never mind it was Adam’s laptop. She opened it up and sat on the bed. She nodded and began typing in stuff. TJ glanced at the screen and Bella smiled.

“Ok then, I will email it to you and just have your trainer massage it. Not too much because it gets sore, but enough to make it feel better. I’m not a gen doctor, so that’s all I could do”

She laughed and looked at me.

“You guys are all nosey”

“It’s fine, we North Dakota students have to take care of each other”

She laughed and smiled down at the laptop as she began typing. She cocked her head to the side and hummed.

“You and your foot and you have a wife that is expecting twins. At least you aren’t puking your brains out”

“You keep yourself hydrated and you give your wife whatever she wants because at the end of the day she will be right and you will be wrong”

She smiled and looked at the IV bag.

“He may be Canadian but I’ll always be Team USA. He knows it already”

I laughed and she looked up at me.

“Yea, well it’s Christmas”

She hummed and smiled.

“That’s cute, you keep doing that and give yourself some brownie points”

She laughed and looked at me at me again. I raised an eyebrow and she winked at me. TJ made a gagging noise and then almost did in fact puke.

“I’m sure he’s earned his fair share”

She smiled.

“Ok Zach, hope you feel better and if you need any help just email me. You should have asked Patrick he would have called me in no time. You know how bad TJ’s memory is”

TJ frowned and looked at Bella who reached for TJ’s ear.

“I’m right here”

She turned to look at him like it was the most obvious thing in the world and she shrugged as a smile appeared on her face.

“Well Teej it’s true. You birthday was 2 days ago and you are an old fat who forgets things easily”

He looked at her and frowned, but closed his eyes when she began rubbing his ear.


I chuckled and she smiled. She was petting him like a dog, and he was enjoying it.

“Ok then I’ll tell them that. Merry Christmas and Happy New year”

She smiled and clicked end to the call. She tossed the phone to TJ and she stood up. He made a whiney noise when she stopped touching his ear. She closed the laptop and walked lifted his arm. She cleaned his arm and took out the needle from his vein. She bandaged him up and smiled at him.

“Feel any better?”

“Not really, but I am hungry”

She nodded and she got Adam’s laptop. TJ looked at me and stood up.

“I won’t tell anyone” I said as I followed him out the room.

“You may have like 4 inches on me, but I can still get someone to beat you up”

I laughed and followed him down the stairs. Bella followed us downstairs and I noticed the dining table was being set.

“Just in time”

Eric gave TJ a pat and Bella made her way over to Adam. He groaned but let Bella cuddle up to him.

“You feeling alright?”

Eric looked at them and Adam looked up at her.

“Yea, I just didn’t sleep well”

She nodded and kissed his cheek. He mumbled something and she laughed. Mel began putting plates of food on the table and she whistled. Bella sat up and so did Adam.

“It’s to early!”

Bella laughed and made her way over.


I looked at Eric and he pointed up. I heard Bella laugh and I followed his finger. I chuckled when I saw the mistletoe hanging.

“Well Bella who are you to disagree with a mistletoe”

Bella laughed and my lips met hers.

“Ohh the mistletoe!”

I pulled away and looked up.

“Who put it there?”

Chris grinned and pulled Jas into a hug.

“Santa did”

I laughed and we got settled to eat Christmas breakfast.

“So did your suit fit you?”

TJ looked at Bella and nodded.

“Yea it did, surprisingly really good”

Bella smiled and nodded. Mel looked at her ring and smiled at her hand.

“Mom is flying up next week”

“Uh why?”

Jas hit Chris and he shrugged.

“My mom loves you!”

“She’s just annoying”

I laughed and TJ choked on his drink when Eric agreed with Chris. This family is something.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for taking so long to post, but i am still currently getting slaughtered by Calculus. Something tells me i'll be like this all quarter. Anyways, it's a long weekend so i'll try to post a chapter everyday. I need to go eat dinner so Tata!