Status: moved here from quizilla.



My legs were strewn against the cushions of the couch. My eyes were fixated on the television, in which a reality show was showing. Currently, a bratty and annoying wife was nagging to her husband because he hadn’t bought her a fourty-thousand dollar purse. I heard footsteps trudging down the stairs and I looked up, seeing Mom come down them.

“I spoke to your father last night about the whole situation with Acel. He didn’t like the outcome much, but I think I’ve done my motherly job in supporting my daughter,” she said. I wasn’t quite sure if she enjoyed using big words, but if it was, that was possibly where I obtained it. “Also, tomorrow morning, your father and I are going to be leaving for Winston for four days and three nights. I’m
sure you want your freedom.”

I smiled at her softly. “Thanks, Mom. I absolutely love the fact that you’re my mom.”

“And I absolutely love the fact that you’re my daughter.” She smiled back at me, wide and beautiful. “But there are a few rules to your father and I being gone. You may have company over, but I want you to be mature and responsible. If you do decide to invite Acel over, then there are even more rules. I don’t want any drugs in my house, any violence, and if you do have sex, you need to be protected.”

I blushed, but shook my head. “There’ll be no drugs and no sex. I can’t promise that there’ll be no violence. I’m quite a violent person by nature,” I admitted. I took the elastic band out of my hair and allowed my hair to laden my back.

She sighed. “I trust you.” Mom walked further into the living room and took a seat on the couch next to me. She laid her head on my shoulder, concentrating on The Real Housewives of Houston. “I don’t see how you can watch this show.”

“I don’t either, to be completely honest. I hate it,” I said. My phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I fished my hand into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone, checking the text messages. Surprisingly, it was Emory, whose number I kept in my phone for no reason whatsoever. I slid my phone across the screen, opening the thread and reading it. ‘Do you mind coming over for a sleepover?’ I considered. I wasn’t very fond with her, but one sleepover couldn’t hurt. “Is it alright with you if I spend the night at Acel’s? His sister wants me to come over.”

Mom sat up and raised her eyebrow. “He has a sister? How old is she?”

“I, umm, I think she’s seventeen or eighteen. Her name is Emory. She’s a brunette, a little taller than me,” I explained. I brushed my hair off of my shoulders and shrugged them. “So, umm, can I?”

She ran her fingers through her blonde hair. “Of course you can. Just know that your father and I will most likely be gone before you get home so take your keys with you. What time are you planning on going over there?”

“Soon enough,” I responded.

Acel furrowed his brow as he answered the door. “I didn’t expect you to be here today.” He stood out of the way and I walked in, holding the harnesses of my book bag tightly. Acel closed the front door. He bent his neck downward and I stood on my tipped-toes to make it easier for him. He kissed my lips softly.

“Surprisingly, Emory asked me to come over for a sleepover. This should be quite interesting.” He nodded his head, silently agreeing with me. “I bring good news, though. I’m not quite sure what his problem with you is, but my mom got my dad to lighten his spirit.”

He smiled a small smile, but it was enough. “That gladdens me. Since you’re not my company for tonight, though, I’m not going to hold you captive. Emory’s in the kitchen. I wish you the best of luck.”

“Thanks. I’m going to need it.” I walked through the living room and turned the corner, eyeing over pictures of Emory and Acel as children. I entered the kitchen to see Emory standing over the sink, washing a few dishes. In an attempt to not disturb her, I set my bag on a chair silently and leaned on the table. She turned around swiftly, smiling at me.

She exclaimed, “I didn’t think you’d come!” I nodded my head.

“I never thought you’d invite me over, honestly. I could’ve sworn that you hated me.” I bit my lip. “You do hate me, don’t you?”

Emory shook her head promptly. “Maybe just a bit, but in order to hate someone, you must care for them.” She dried her hands on a white towel and smiled desolately. “But no, it’s not hate that I feel towards you—it’s envy. And the way that I have behaved toward you is completely uncalled for.”

“You envy me?” I took the elastic band from my wrist and put my hair into a sloppy bun. “Would you mind telling me why?”

Emory laughed lightly at me. “For one, Bella, you’re pretty, despite all the things I’ve said about you before. You also have a well-constructed family. You have a mother and a father that loves you equally. You’ve got someone that adores you and someone that you adore, though I have no clue what you see in my brother. And most of all, I think you’re fabulous.”

“Thanks?” I laughed a shaky laugh. I wasn’t sure how to take all of this. It was sudden and unexpected. “If anything, though, you’re way prettier than I. And how well-constructed can a family be when they have a corrupted daughter?” I asked. I didn’t wait for her reply. “Thank you, though.”

Emory smiled and it looked quite genuine to me. “That’s great. I hope to be friends with you. I really am sorry for the way I’ve acted.” I nodded understandingly. “If you want, you can put your bag in my room or Acel’s. It doesn’t really matter. Better yet, just give it to Acel to put up.”

I slung my bag over my shoulder and nodded, walking out to the living room where Acel sat on the couch. “Baby,” I murmured. He looked up and his eyes softened. “Will you put this up for me, preferably in Emory’s room?”

He stood up and walked over to me. He pulled me into an embrace, his hands settling on my bottom. “What if I wanted you to sleep in my room?” Acel’s voice was deep and husky, sending chills down my back, and it took all of me not to melt in his arms.

I smirked and handed him my bag. “Nice try, buddy. But I’m having a sleepover with Emory, not you.”

“But you could turn it into a sleepover with me. All you have to do is ditch Emory.” I laughed and shook my head. Acel sat the bag down onto the floor. “Then at least let me do this.” I arched my back at the feel of his fingers moving against my skin ever so gently. He pressed his lips against mine, his fingers playing in the loops of jeans. His lips moved slowly with mine, taking his time.

A throat was cleared, but it wasn’t ours. I pulled away from Acel to see Emory and reddened sheepishly. “I—I’m sorry. I got distracted.” Acel winked at me and grabbed the bag, escaping up stairs.