I’ll Take You There

I’ll take you there (Chapter 1)

“Vic please! Vic please wake up…. Please wake up. Don’t leave me like this…. Vic I need you. I’m so sorry… Please wake up. Vic! I love you too… Baby, please don’t leave me… I need you more than you could ever imagine. You’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay… Please be okay. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Vic. Baby. I wish I would have never done this. Vic. Please...
3 months earlier
Vic’s POV
“Mike where the fuck are we going?!” I huffed as Mike drove us to some unidentified place in the middle of some unidentified location. I hate surprises! Fuck. He has refused to answer that simple little question ever since he woke me up. At 9:00 damn clock.
Chuckling and grinning like an idiot, he just shrugged “You’ll see.”
Internally groaning to myself, I threw my head back on the seat and just waited. Where the hell is he taking me? I could almost feel the smirk on his evil little face as he sat beside me. I silently stared out the window contemplating what my younger brother had in store for me.
Maybe 20 minutes later we pulled up to a music shop and immediately I felt anxiety. “What the fuck?!” I snapped at my brother. He knows I will never play music again. Why the hell did he bring me here?! Was this a joke? Was he doing this to make fun of me?
Throwing his hands up in defense, “Vic calm down, please. You need this. I know you’ve been doing…” He paused to place his words right. “That again…”
My eyes widened as I felt the breath completely leave my body. How did he know?! I’ve been keeping it so secret!? How is this? Oh my god. I can’t breathe. I had to get out of here. Struggling to escape from my seatbelt with shaky hands I suddenly felt a warm hand on my shoulder.
“Vic…” I head my brother whisper. “I know music used to be your escape. I know it helps. Just please, please give this a try and I promise if it doesn’t then I’ll do anything to help. Just please try.” My younger pleated with every piece of his heart.
I finally looked up into his deep brown eyes, I could see pain. All throughout his once bright eyes, which are now dull with, pain. Taking a deep shaky breath, I closed my eyes and spoke softly “Okay Mikey.” Instantly his eyes brightened and I could tell he was happy I agreed.
Trying to keep my breath under control as we walked into this music shop, I noticed it was cute and dainty. I’ve actually never seen this shop though? I was still trying to figure out where exactly we were in town. But I suppose since my brother and our roommates just moved to Orlando, that would make since.
Felling the cold air on my cheeks as we walked into the shop, I felt my anxiety both rise and fall. Mike was right. Music was my escape, or well it was…Making my way slowly around the shop, I instantly notice the most beautiful acoustic guitar just waiting for my approval. Grinning like an idiot, Mike nudged me to the beauty. Picking it up hesitantly I began to strum. It didn’t exactly go as planned; it sounded well it sounded not so well…
“You’ve got some talent man”. I heard a strange voice behind me causing me to both jump and set the guitar down as fast as possible. Turing to meet the strangers eyes, I felt like I was drowning. His eyes, ocean blue with a hint of green and hair that fell so perfectly around his face this thin face.
Looking away quickly as to not seem more awkward than I already am. I finally spoke. “Oh uh thanks…” I said blushing and scratching the back of my head in a nervous tick. “I uh haven’t p-played in a long LONG time.” I stuttered internally face palming my face for stuttering. God why am I such a fuck up.
The stranger gave a smile “Well you know I do give lessons” he said gesturing me to walk with him towards the front counter. I wasn’t exactly sure what to do, but something told me to follow him. Glancing around for Mike I saw him sitting with a hand drum playing his heart out. Music always did run in our family. Did…
“I’m Kellin by the way, nice to meet you…..” He said trailing off with his hand held out for me to shake waiting for me to give my name. Clearing my throat I quickly gave him a quick shake “Vic. And that’s Mike my brother.” I said pointing towards where Mike was sitting.
“Oh right on.” He said with a nod. “So yeah here is my card if you ever want some tune up lessons or anything.” Kellin gave a soft smile and handed me a card with his name and number of the shop on it. Examining the card I felt immediately embarrassed. I didn’t have the same passion for music anymore. I was on the verge of saying ‘no thank you’ I heard the loud footsteps of Mike step up behind me. “He’ll take the lessons” Mike said with a cheeky smile plastered on his face. I lifted me brow at him and pleated with my eyes for him to not speak again.
“Perfect” Kellin whispered with a wink at me. “Just give me a call and we’ll set up a time kay?” He asked. Giving a nod as my response I quickly solved the card in my pocket and gave a small thanks as we walked out the shop doors.
“Sooooo he was cute dontcha think?” Mike said wiggling his eyebrows at me, once we were back in the car. “Mike seriously shut up, and take me home. Please” I whispered yelled buckling my seat belt. He gave a scoff in response.
But Mike did have a point. Kellin was really cute, but it’ll never happen therefor I don’t care. I don’t love music anymore; I just wish I could bring them back. When we all shared music together as a family... But on the other hand music was always my escape. I still can’t believe Mike knows I’ve been cutting again, I can’t help it. Everything was just too much. I have to be more careful next time. Next time…