I’ll Take You There

I’ll take you there (Chapter 2)

*Mike’s POV*
“I noticed it you know. The little spark between Vic and that music shop guy, Kellin. I totally saw it.” I thought to myself as I drove Vic and I home. The way Kellin looked at Vic, yeah I saw that shit. The way Victor blushed like a tomato at Kellins words. Mhum saw that shit to. I also noticed the passion that is still there for music as Vic played that Gibson. I know it’s still there. He just has to reopen it again. I hope he does for his sake and all the ones who love him. If this doesn’t work, I don’t know what else to do. This move has been hard on him, but we had absolutely no fucking choice this is our life now. He needs to understand their gone and their never coming back…
“So you gonna call him?” I casually asked Vic as I plopped down on the couch with him. He had been staring at that card Kellin gave him for the past half hour and I swear to fuck if he studies it any longer it might burst into flames. Growing immediately impatient at him not answering my question and continuing to gaze upon the card I nudged him a bit hard. “What?!” Vic snapped at me, furrowing his brows together.
“Well somebody is snappy today” I joked back to Vic as I rolled off the couch to get some food. “I said! Are you going to call him?” I asked him as I threw myself a sandwich together. I made a mental note to make Victor go grocery shopping soon. Then I noticed I was once again being ignored! What the actual fuck?! Suddenly I heard a door slam shut and turned to see Vic gone. Well then.
*Vic’s POV*
I’ve been walking around for the past hour completely mindlessly. I didn’t exactly mean to walk out on Mike but honestly I didn’t feel like talking, especially about guitar lessons or that Kellin guy. When I’m ready for music I’ll be ready. I kind of wish I big sign would just fall from the sky and guide me to the right path. Feeling the cold weather nip at my neck, I made my way into a small coffee shop in the middle of town. Having the heat instantly warm my chilled body I made my way to the front to order a small cappuccino. Coffee always makes me feel better. I remember my mom and I used to have cof… My reminiscing about the past was interrupted by voice behind me.
“Hey, Vic right?” I heard someone say along with a sipping of their coffee. Wait not someone. I knew that voice. Turing my head to the voice I completely lost all feeling in my stomach. Blue eyes staring back at me. Kellin. What? Remind me not to ask for a sign again… “Uh yeah hey. Kellin right?” I said back to the beautiful boy standing in front of me. Wait not beautiful! Get ahold of yourself Victor!
Giving a smile he spoke “You remembered. Mind if I join you?” Shifting awkwardly, I nodded my head and held my hand out to gesture him to the seat. Why the actual fuck am I so awkward?! Kellin made his way to the other side of the table which by the way wasn’t big at all. “You’re not from around here are you?” Kellin spoke breaking the silence giving me a cute confused look.
Chuckling to myself I shook my head as I stared into my coffee cup. “Nope California.” I said moving my gaze to his eyes. His eyes on the other hand went wide and his mouth slightly turned into an ‘O’. What? Did I say something stupid? “Oh wow! It’s always been my dream to go there. Well there and Canada. Why in the world did you move to this hell hole?” Kellin asked still staring at me wide eyed.
Feeling anxiety rise in my chest at his question I tried to push it away. Clearing my throat I tried to place my words right but Kellin piped in first. “Oh shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get all up in your business. I’m just a stranger after all. I was just you know curious and I….”
I quickly cut his rambling off. No matter how cute it was I felt a bit bad “No! Kells its okay.” I said chuckling at his flushed cheeks. “My brother and I just uh..” I trailed off trying not to think about why we actually moved here. “needed a change”. I finished with a nod.
Kellins smile grew on his face. “Everyone needs a change, I totally understand. Have you thought anymore about the guitar lessons?” He asked as we sipped on our hot coffees. “You really do have talent.” He added with a wink. Feeling my face blush red I smiled down into my lap “I have thought about it, but I’m just not sure.”
Allowing a dramatized gasp flow from his lips Kellins said “Oh Victor this just won’t do. I’ll be meeting you tomorrow. At my shop. 10:30. No questions.” Kellin stated as he rose from his spot at the table. There was no use in arguing with him. “See you tomorrow Vicky.” Kellin insisted. As he walked away his arm brushed by my side and I felt chills run through my body. I’ve never felt anything like that before, such a small brush giving such a giant impact.
Allowing myself to smile as Kellin left the shop, I felt like a high school kid with a crush. “You like him” I whispered to myself as I took the last sip of my coffee.
Putting my key into the lock and making my way into the small apartment Mike and I shared I was instantly overwhelmed by 3 men in black suits. Panic rose in my body and fear took over. I froze in my spot and was just about to scream but Mike appeared from the kitchen and grabbed me into a hug. “Vic! Bro it’s okay. Breathe. There just from the Witness Protection office. There here to make sure were doing okay and everything…”