I’ll Take You There

I’ll take you there (Chapter 3)

*Kellins POV*
Leaving Vic at the coffee shop made me feel kinda sad. Why though? I literally just met him but you know what they say about knowing if you like someone in the first 30 seconds of meeting them. Yeah I like him. But surly he doesn’t like me right? I mean I know he did blush like crazy when I complimented him. But I kinda felt like he was hiding something? But I don’t care I am a stranger after all. Fuck! Why does he have to be so damn cute?! I really hope he does come tomorrow. I really just wanna see him again…
*Vic’s POV*
The 3 men in black suits didn’t stay very long. More so just here to makes sure things are going well. “No! There fucking not” I wanted to scream at them. But of course I didn’t. I just sat in the chair in the corner and waited for them to leave. They gave us more information that we’ve heard a billion times. “Don’t tell anyone your true information”, “Don’t do this”, “don’t do that”. Blah fucking blah. Kellin. What the hell? Why did he just pop into my mind? He is so cute. But maybe he was just fucking with me right? I hope I didn’t fuck up by telling him I’m from California. I mean surly he isn’t someone who is trying to kiss us because of our parents…. My thoughts were once again dropped short when Mike popped his head into my room.
“You good bro?” He asked, voice sounding extremely worried. I have such an amazing brother. I wish I could be the bigger big brother and take care of him, but sadly it’s not like that yet. Sitting up from my bed I gestured him in “Yeah Mikey I’m good. Just sleepy.” I replied to him as he sat in the chair by my window. I like looking out the window.
“Yeah I noticed” he said with a light chuckle. It’s so good to hear my brother laugh and see him smile. “You slept all night and morning.” He said which immediately woke me up. “What time is it?!” I snapped throwing the covers off of me and running into the bathroom to shower. “Uhh 10:15 why?!” He yelled back which made me panic faster. “I have to see him today. Lessons. Shit. I can’t be late!” I struggled to yell back between brushing my teeth and stripping my clothes from my thin body.
Running out of the shower like I was on fire I threw my clothes just to turn to walk out my door to see a smirking Mike there “What?” I asked him grabbing my beanie. “Oh nothing your just rushing about to go see Kellin and shit. It’s funny bro. I miss you like this.” My younger brother replied and jingled his car keys in my face. “10:27” he said which made my eyes widen. Grabbing my guitar from under my bed I rushed past him out the front door. I don’t exactly know why I did this because considering I refuse to ever drive again, Mike was driving me and his ass was still in the house. Honking the horn Mike finally appeared out of the house.
“I don’t think I actually wanna go.” I said on the ride there. I had finally calmed down about being a bit late and we were sitting outside Kellin shop. “Take me home” I pleated Mike. He simply gave me and evil little smile and got out of the car. I quickly locked the car door knowing he was going to come open my door. “No. No. No!” I yelled at him even though he can’t hear me considering I was in the car and he wasn’t. Using his key Mike unlocked my door. Well damn. Fuck that plan!
“Victor Fuentes get out of my car.” Mike demanded. Sighing in defeat I hopped out of the car and grabbed my guitar from the backseat. “Call me when you’re done” he said just before closing his door and pulling off before I could even refuse. My eyes widened because I didn’t think he was leaving me alone?!
“Viccccy!” I head Kellin say from the door way of the shop. Feeling my body immediately relax to the soothing sound of his beautiful voice. Turning to meet his gaze I felt my heart pace quicken and my stomach tie itself in knots. Why does he have to be so cute?
I gave him a small smile and proceeded to walk towards the door. Thanks god its warm in his shop. “So is this your shop, or…” I trailed off my question once inside. He gave me a smirk as he strolled over to me. “It will be someday.” He said with a smile.
This shop really was awesome. It had every single CD one could possibly desire. Any record ever fucking made. Band posters everywhere. Music instruments! Everything from a piano to a tiny triangle. “I love the piano” I heard Kellin say. Pressing the keys, I sounded like a toddler pressing keys. “I’m not very good.” I said with a chuckle.
“Here come this way and we’ll start the lesson.” Kellin spoke and placed his hand on my lower back for me to follow him causing the hair on my neck to stand straight up . Following him into a small-ish room I noticed it had 2 small couches and a bunch of electrical instruments. Opening my guitar case I took a deep breath in. “I haven’t looked at this thing in probably 2 years.” I said with a light laugh trying to push away the memories. With a shake of my head I forced memories away, I opened the case. Feeling anxiety rise immediately in my chest I stood up and paced, Kellin hot on my heels.
“Hey hey. What’s wrong Vic?” Kellin asked as he put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks but I whipped them away as quick as they fell. Clearing my throat I wiped my face from top to bottom with the sleeve of my hoodie. “I’m sorry Kellin. I just uh – I j-just get a bit nervous. And I haven’t o-opened that case in forever. And I just d-don’t think I can do this tod…” But my words were cut short with warm lips on mine. Immediately falling into his kiss my mind went blank it I felt like I was on a cloud. Pulling away Kellins face was flushed and his lips pushed out slightly.
“Sorry you were just rambling and I wanted to stop you and I just um god I’m sorry Vic you probably didn’t even like that and your probably disgusted with me now if you want to leave you totally can I’ll….” Grabbing his neck and slightly pulling him into me I placed my lips back on his. The taste of his lips on mine was one I could never forget. Pulling away I held his chin “Kellin I like you I don’t know what it is. I just – just get this fuzzy feeling in my stomach around you. But it’s a good feeling.” I told him. His lips pulled into a grin and he looked down at his feet.
Kellin let out a giggle and put his hands on my hips. “I like you too Vicccy.” Pulling away from Kellin I went to the guitar and picked it up. “So lessons?” I questioned him with a smile. His smile widened and he rushed over to his guitar sitting on its holder.
“Okay let’s start out with what you know” He told me. Taking a deep breath my fingers started to strum. My favorite song ‘Hold On ‘till May’. I hummed the lyrics in my head as I played. Keeping my eyes closed I finished in the middle of the song, my anxiety rose just a bit when I finished though. Keeping my eyes on the floor Kellin spoke “Vic. That was – that was amazing!” he exclaimed. Finally meeting my gaze to his, his eyes were bright and his smile was still on his lips.
Kellin and I played a bit more I showed him some songs and he showed me some songs. Looking at my phone I gasp seeing it was already 6:45. “Damn!” I said “It’s already 6:45”. I said laughing.
“I can give you a ride home if you need?” he questioned me placing his guitar pack on its stool. Thinking about it for a moment I was about to refuse and call Mike but he told me “It’s cool. I honestly don’t mind Vic.” That sold me. I gave a quick nod and placed my guitar back in its case.
The ride home was a bit awkward to be totally honest. I mean we joked but like it were just weird. Maybe because I didn’t know what we are? Dating? No right? “Oh! So what do I owe you for my lesson?” I questioned furrowing my brows at him.
“Hum I was thinking somewhere along the lines of a date?” Kellin replied with a smile. Feeling my cheeks blush I nodded. I gave him my number and he gave me his but just as I was getting out of the car Kellin pulled my sleeve back down and placed a small kiss on my lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow Vicccy.”
“Vicccy. I love youuuuuu give me kissy kiss.” Mike joked as soon as my feet hit the front steps. “Omg Victor. Kissing on the first date?!” he said in the gayest voice ever throwing his hand over his mouth continuing his little scene.
“Hush Michael!” I tried to sound angry but I just couldn’t. I ended up laughing with him as I fell onto the couch. “Mike he is so just. I don’t even know.” I said letting out a sigh. “I do like him. But I don’t think it’s a good idea though. Like I’m worried I’ll get hurt... Again…” I said trailing off.
Mike sat beside me and placed his hand on my shoulder and reassured “Vic it’s okay. Danny is gone. I know he took everything away from you well hell from us, but it’s okay. We’ll be okay. He is gone and never coming back. Ever I promise.” He said as he pulled me into a tight hug. “Now go take a shower. You get to see Kelly Bear tomorrow.” He said back to his joking self. I gave him a scoff and threw a pillow at his head. Letting out an excaudated gasp Mike scurried off to the kitchen.
I do like Kellin. God I fucking do. But I’m just scared of what will happen. My wall has been up for years but maybe Kellin could help me take it down. Slowly. I know Danny is in jail. But his posies is still out there. God why do I still pray? Nothing ever changes I just need to sleep.