Baby, Don't Fear the Reaper

Baby, Don't Fear The Reaper (One-Shot)

Baby, Don’t Fear The Reaper
“Vicccky!” Kellin whined when I told him I didn’t want to go to prom tonight, again. I’ve told him I didn’t want to go like 15 times. I’m guessing he thought I would change my mind? “Why can’t we go?!” he questioned with his lip poked out as he stood in front of me blocking my view of everything.
Since I was sitting at the edge of my bed I pulled his hips towards me as I told him, “Kells, baby I love you but prom sucks. Everyone pays way too much money to dance in a hot smelly room.” I told him for the billionth time with a scrunched up nose. Damn prom. Why the actual fuck do people make that thing called prom? It’s ignorant and I swear to fuck, I refuse to go.
Kellin slowly crept around behind me and laced his arms around my shoulders sending shivers down my spine. It’s been 3 years yet he still gives me chill bumps. How? Leaning down to my ear her whispered seductively “If you don’t take me to prom, then we’ll do nothing else.” He growled.
Turing to meet his beautiful blue eyes, they were filled with lust. Kellin biting his lip sent my teenage hormones over the edge. Flipping us over so I was on top of his body I began placing small kisses on his neck. “Oh? And what do you wanna do?” I asked him continuing this little game of seductiveness. Feeling the chills rise over his pale skin I smirked into my kisses as my effect on him hit hard.
His breathing hitched yet he still tried to talk “You r-remember that cute little abandoned house on B-Balcony Street?” he questioned in a fit of breaths. “Mhum” I replied still placing kisses on his neck to his jaw while I rocked our lower bodies together in synch. “Let’s go there then sine y-you won’t take me t-to prom..” Kellin moaned out the last part.
I immediately jumped off of him and strolled my way to the door, tuning back to see him glaring at me. ”What? You wanted to go right?” I said to him with a smirk just before turning to leave out of my bedroom. Hearing a groan escape from his lips made my chuckle as I walked down the hall way.
“There it is!” Kellin squeaked and pointed to the house. Well what was left of the house that is. I pulled into the dirt drive way and immediately felt my skin crawl. I’m not into scary shit, but my baby wanted to come here, so here we are getting out of my nice warm car into the cold night air. This house is one of those everyone has on the street, that one creepy house that nobody takes a second look at. The windows had broken pieces everywhere, probably from other stupid teenagers wanting inside. Vines grew up the side of the house; the bushes appear to have been untouched for years.
Walking through the front door Kellin tightened his grip in my arm. “So apparently some family was killed here. Murdered by the reaper.” He whispered the last part, still clinging to my arm. I chuckled at my lover and pulled him into a kiss up against the banister. Kellin though had a different idea because suddenly he slipped under my arms, turned heel and took off around the corner before I could stop him. “Kells!” I whispered yelled internally groaning to myself. I didn’t want him getting lost in this place. There is no fucking telling what the hell is here. “Baby! Come back.” I pleated starting to worry.
Suddenly though I felt a cold chill rise up my back and my body froze in place. The darkness that rose around me wasn’t like a normal darkness. Hearing a low giggle coming from, well I have no fucking idea where it came from. Was that Kellin? I’ve never heard a giggle come from him like that? I felt something come up behind me, but I couldn’t move. My feet were glued to the floor
“Boo!” I heard Kellin screech from behind me as he wrapped his arms around my thin frame. “I found something” he said in his low seductive voice into my ear. Pulling me by my jacket sleeve, he pulled us into what appeared to be a bedroom.
Falling onto the dusty bed his lip connected with mine instantly. Our bodies rocked back and forth as the heat rose in the room. Suddenly I heard a creek coming from the doorway. “Shhh what was that?” I asked Kellin as he tried to undo my pants button. “Musta been the reaper.” He giggled pulling my boxers to my knees.
Wrapping his hand around my length, I completely forgot about the creek at the door. Letting out a low moan I ran my fingers through his hair pulling it lightly. Slowly his lips found their way around me and he sucked in slightly causing me to take a sharp intake of breath. “Fuck” I gasp as I stared into his beautiful eyes as he work my body to his liking, I knew I wouldn’t last long.
He flicked his tongue around my tip as I gripped the sheets under my naked body. Throwing my head back onto the dirty pillow I rolled my eyes shut. Using his hand to get what he couldn’t fit in his mouth, I pumped upward to feel more of him on me. “Mmmm” Kellin growled at the back of his throat. It vibrated my entire body which tipped me over the edge. Soon I was spilling all over my stomach which he happily licked up of me.
“Fuck Kells, can it f-fucking be prom every day?” I stuttered still coming down from my high. He simply gave me smirk and handed me my pants.
Walking out of the door and back down the drive way, I felt like we were being watched again. Turning my head to look back up at the house, I saw him… A giant black figure standing in the window of the room Kellin and I were just in. The feeling of this figure glaring into my soul was enough to make me look away yet I just couldn’t.
Feeling Kellin tug at my jacket sleeve pulled me out of my trance. Blinking rapidly and shaking my head I snapped my eyes back up to the window to see it completely empty… “What’s wrong babe?” Kellin whispered with his arms wrapped tightly around my arm. “I-I saw it.” I said barely above a whisper still not drawing my gaze away from the window. Kellin giggled and pulled my chin into a kiss “Baby, don’t fear the reaper.”