Status: Slowly Updating

Tragedy's Happiness

Sully was never given anything good in life and didn't expect anything to change. As a child she lived in a single parent home and never received any sort of spoiling, only once a year at Christmas. As she grew up she met Adam and married him not long after graduating high school. It didn't take long for the beating to start, and when it did, Sully didn't do anything to stop it. She thought it was God telling her she needed to be punished for not being a good enough person. Silly, right?

When the outbreak happened, Adam and Sully hid in the Georgia forest and managed to survive a long summer and winter. Something broke, though, Sully snapped and ended up killing Adam with no remorse. He had broken her, practically killed her, he deserved it. Surviving in the forest for months with limited resources she is found by Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon.

Sully soon becomes a part of the prison family and grows closer to Rick- the man she is growing feelings for, Daryl- the man who understands her scars, and Carol- the quiet woman who happens to know what Sully went through. Maybe something was finally changing for Sully for the better, or maybe it's all a trick?
  1. Chapter One
    "He showed his true colors and it's my fault that he beat me."
  2. Chapter Two
    He can't hurt me anymore, he can't touch me.