Black Veil Brides Army for Life!

Chapter 9

~An hour later~
The whole band has beem trying to get me out of the bathroom. It was a reck. I was throwing clothes everywhere, and I was still going through my bags.
"Where is it?!" I nearly shouted to myself.
"Tish! Please open the door! I had rescedualed our reacoding, and I have to go get your friend Ginger! Just please open the door!" Andy begged from the other side of the door.
"No! Go away Andy! NOW!
"Not untill you open the door."
So I got up, opened the door, and said a few choice words I shouldn't have. When I went top shut the door again, Andy's foot shot out into the door way, preventing me to shut it.
"Calm down. Please. I'm sorry about what happened with Chris." Andy said, trying to get me to think rationally.
"You don't even know the half of it! He is the only thing I care about anymore and he thinks he can just apologize over a text message and I'll be ok!? I can't do it anymore!" By that time Andy had grabbed my wrists and pulled me away from the door. Now we were just standing there, him hugging me as I cried. Then I heard the front door slam shut.
"Who was that?" I asked, looking up to Andy, who was very much taller than me, and wiping away my tears. Andy just shrugged his shoulders and walked to the door.
I saw Jake walk up to Andy and say, " Hey, uhm, Andy?" He ounded extremely worried.
"Chris over heard what Tish said to you. He's going to go get Ginger, and he looked like he hates himself. I'm afraid he's going to do something stupid. Like really stupid. Is everything alright?" Jake had no clue how horrable wrong this five day vacation from our home town has gotten.
"It will be soon." Was all Andy said.
"Andy, I feel better now. You can tell the recording studio you can come in sooner than your rescedualed time." When Andy gave me a quizzical look, I added, " I swear!"
"OK." Andy said after a second. Then he gave me a real fast, compforting hug, then left; dialing a number into his phone. I went back to searching through my bags. I had bought some hair die before I left to come on this trip. I could have sworn put it in one of my bathroom bags.
'Situations, are irrelevant now-' Started playing on my phone signaling that the hotel we had left was calling.
"Hello?" I answered, extremely confused.
"Is this Tish Angel?" A man asked on the other side of the phone.
"Yes. May I ask who is asking?" Man did I sound grown up and professional!
"This is the hotel's manager. You left some hair-dye in the room's bathroom you were occupying. I was wondering if you wanted the bottles back, ma'am." He sounded really nice, and polite.
"Oh my! Thank you so much for finding them sir! I have been looking for those bottles! What time would be the best to come pick them up?"
"Anytime, but rush hour is a little hecktic around here so I do not recremend coming by any time between 11:30 and 3'o'clock."
"Ok. What time is it now? I don't have a clock anywhere near me at the moment, but I also don't think I'll be able to come in today."
"It is 1:30 ma'am. I can put the hair-dye behind the counter in the main loby for you when you can come in. Just ask for Mr. Eddie, and I'll be there to hand the hair-dye to you personally."
"That sound like a plan Mr.Eddie. I will come by to get the bottles as soon as I can. Thank you."
"You're welcome ma'am. Bye-bye."
"Good-bye." Then I hung up the phone.
After I put the phone in my Pj sweat-pants pocket, I pulled my hair up into a pony-tail, put a little bit of eye-liner on, somw light pink eye-shadow, and lip-gloss. I felt like making a simple, but not ignoreable person today, not someone that just crawled out of bed. I walked out of the bathroom, grabbing my purse, and called for the guys.
"Andy! I'm ready! Where are you guys!"
The only responce I got was, " Woof! Woof!". Yes. Literally a dog barking. Then I was tackled by a huge, very furry dog.
"Sparky! Where are you girl!" I heard a familar voice, but could place a face to her voice. "Oh! I'm sorry! Sparky doesn't.. OH MY GAWD TISH! I've missed you so much!" I was crushed in a huge bear hug my my best friend Ginger, it was alittle awkward because I was still on the floor.
"Ginger, did you find your dog?" I heard Chris's voice.
"Yes, Chris. Now help pull Tish up." Ginger said, trying to get me off the ground.
"No, I'm fine Gingy. I'm about to go somewhere anyways." I said as I got up on my own.
"Where? I thought you were coming to the mall with Chris and I?" Ginger said, making it sound like a question.
"No. Last time I checked, I was a stupid, immature, little child. So I'm not going anywhere with you." I said, pointing the last part at Chris.
"Chris! You called Tish that?!" Ginger yelled, whirling around, her eyes almost popping out of head in shock.
"I said I was sorry." He mumbled.
"There you are Tish! You ready to go?" Andy came into the little hallway, interrupting what Ginger was about to say.
"Holy! You're, you're.... ANDREW DENIS BEIRSACK!! Oh My Gawd! I"m In Black Veil Brides's House!" Ginger screamed, having a fan-girl moment.
We went through the whole fan-girl thing. When it was over, Ginger and Chris left for the mall. They wanted; or Ginger to be more precise; wanted me to come with them, but I was still mad at Chris, so I went to the studio with the band. Ginger ended up calling me from Chris's phone. She has one, but she needs to get it fixed. We talked and everything, but once I got to the studio, I had to get off. What I didn't know was that the studio was right next to the mall.
"Ok guys, what songs are you doing today?" The man that was at the studio and did the volume thingy asked.
"Morticians daughter." Andy and Ashley said.
"Savior." Jake and Jinxx said.
"Legacy!" CC almost shouted.
On instinct I added," Coffin. I listened to it on Youtube the other day. I liked it a lot." Once I realized that I spoke, I blushed bright red, being a little emberrassed.
"That's a good idea! What's your name?" The guy asked.
"Tish." I said shyly.
"Ok. What other songs do you like Tish."
"Knives and Pens, Never Give In, and uhm, Perfect weapon. I know everyone like these songs, but oh well." I said, gradually gaining courge as I spoke.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yea. My favorite two are Saviour and Morticians Daughter, though." I reponded.
"What? They all hold meaning to me. I feel like I'm safe and not alone in the world. Sort of like I did before my friend and I got in a fight earlier today."
"You do realize we have cameras and tape recoders in here listening to everything?" CC said, coming out of the little area where they sing and record their songs.
"What?!" I started to panick. "Where's you bathroom? I'm going to hide in there untill the band is done."