Status: Patience, my precious. Patience

It's Never Silent

Nature Is A ***

Joe knew something was wrong with his wife when he came home with their breakfast. What gave it away? Well, for one thing, she was terribly keyed up and on edge. Her eyes were wide and he caught her tugging her shirt sleeves over her knuckles, a habit Marie does to hide her shaking hands. Plus, she was trying too hard to distract Joe from her tense demeanor. She'd talk too fast and stumble over her words. She kept bouncing from one subject to another one. Joe continued to watch her closely until he finally said something about it.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, gently bumping her shoulder.
"Mhm. 'Course I am." Marie took a brisk sip out of her coffee and wouldn't meet Joe's eyes. "So, when will the movers be here?"
"Noon." Joe cocked his head to the side and frowned. "Why are you so jumpy?"
Marie gave Joe a confused look. "I've been jumpy?"
"Very. You sure you okay?"
"Positive." Marie shrugged and tried again to change the subject. "Is there anything else on today's agenda?"
Joe knows what she's doing but he drops it. "Nothing, really. Just rearranging the house and probably stopping by the store later."
Marie nods. "Okay. Since we've got a while until the furniture arrives, we should scope out the land." She prompted casually.
Joe raises an eyebrow. "You make it sound like we're going on a quest or something," he chuckles. "But why not. Wanna go now?"
Marie's eyes lit up as she nodded her head up and down eagerly. "Yes!"

Joe sets his coffee down and offers Marie a hand which she gleefully took. He let her lead him outside and through a dirt path that led into the woods.
"There was a pond last time we were here," Marie said as she stepped over a log.
"Uh, yeah," Joe stumbled but quickly regained balance. "It's further back." Joe gazed around the narrow pathway.
"Can you imagine that in the winter time?" Marie said in a musing tone. "I bet it would be perfect to skate on."
"Sure." Joe stopped abruptly as he felt his phone buzz in his jean pocket. "Hold on," he reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone, glancing at the caller ID. "It's Patrick,"
"It's probably important then." Marie let go of his hand. "Answer it," she urged.
Joe did as he was commanded. "Hello?" He answered, pressing his cell to his ear.

Marie watch Joe suddenly straighten his shoulders. The look Joe gave her told her that it was indeed important.
Marie wasn't sure if Joe needed privacy or not but she gave it to him anyway.
I'll be by the pond, she mouthed to him. Joe gave her a thumbs up, acknowledging her reply.

Marie went ahead of him, walking with a slight skip in her step. Marie glanced over her shoulder when she was a few feet away and saw Joe pacing the path in a circle, talking in a quiet voice.
Biting her bottom lip, she turns and continues along her path until a couple feet later, there's a clearing. Marie ducked under the branches of the trees that arched over, making an arc. Kicking the fallen leaves out of the path, Marie is finally in the clearing where the pond was but she freezes when she sees two little girls in velvet dresses with tights and shiny black Mary Janes, their hands clasped together as they stood on the edge of the pond, nearly tipping in.
"Come on," the girl with blonde ringlets coaxed, "It's not that deep. Close your eyes and it'll be over in no time."
Marie could feel her brow crinkle as she opened her mouth. "Er, excuse me," She said loudly, trying to get the two girl's attention. "Are you girls lost?"
The two girls ignored her.
"Are you sure?" The girl with a red ribbon in her hair asked, looking down wistfully at the murky water.
The blonde girl nodded, squeezing her friend's hand. "I'll be with you the entire time."

Marie frowned. "Um..." She took a step forward but froze when the two little girls bent their knees, taking stance to jump. "No!" Marie leapt forward to stop the two girls but they had already disappeared underneath the water.

Maybe the water was nice any other day, but it was the middle of October. The water was probably freezing.
Without thinking, Marie ran the rest of the way and dove in, her bones locking up as soon as she sunk under the surface. She could feel the shock of the cold water getting to her as her senses seemed to come to a abrupt stop. The bubbles just made everything much more confusing and dizzying. Marie couldn't tell which way was right and which way was left. The cold water stung her skin, a tingling feeling pecking at every inch of her body. Her clothes and boots weighed her down, dragging her down to the bottom.

Marie held her breathe as she force herself to focus on getting the two little girls. Marie adjusted herself, blinking as she felt around the bottom. The pond wasn't that deep thankfully but it was still deep enough for Marie to feel a little uncomfortable. Marie scanned the bottom, looking for any sign of life. But her lungs began screaming for air and there was absolutely nothing down at the bottom. Marie surely would've seen something; thrashing of some sort, right? Or hair, their shiny Mary Janes, something. Marie kicked upward, heading back up to the surface. Marie was only inches from the surface when she felt a harsh tug on her ankle, pulling her down.
Confused, Marie peered down at her feet and saw nothing. Marie kicked back up only to be tugged down again. It felt like bony fingers had wrapped around her ankle. Marie tried kicking up again but she was pulled down again.

Panicking, Marie kicked and squirmed in the tight grip. She looked but down but nothing was near her. Her lungs were on fire now and her thoughts were getting clogged. Marie thrashed violently and with her hand, tried reaching up to the surface. Marie could feel her body slowly start to shutdown. Her vision was fading and her thrashing was getting weak. In a last ditch - effort, Marie tried kicking at her invisible attacker with her free leg while still trying to push herself to the surface.

Marie felt a hand wrap around her own and yank her up violently. She broke surface, gasping and inhaling fresh air. She was coughing and choking as Joe quickly pulled the rest of her body out of the freezing water.
She went limp in his arms, shaking furiously, still coughing up water. Joe was breathing heavily but he cradled Marie in his arms tightly as if he was afraid she'd try jumping into the water again.
"What," he started, dragging in a deep breath, "the hell were you doing?"

Marie's vision was still foggy. She was soaking wet and was now getting Joe wet but she didn't really care. She pressed her face in his shoulder, seeking some sort of warmth. "I-I decided to tak-e a dive," she joked weakly, stuttering. "Wassn't tha-at obvious?"
Joe glared at her. He clearly wasn't in the mood for jokes. "Marie, I leave you alone for one second and you nearly drown. What the fuck happened?"
"I. . ." Marie wasn't sure what to say. Joe wouldn't react well to her diving in after imaginary girls. To be honest, she wouldn't blame him. She was used to seeing weird things after a nightmare but this was new to her. Never had she done something like that. "I wass standin-g on on the-e edge and lost-t my balanc-e and fell i-in."

Joe's expression softened but something was clearly freaking his wife out. Her eyes were wide and she looked as if she had just seen a ghost. He let it be for now. He needed to get her back into the house. "C'mon," Joe said, helping her up. "Let's get you inside." He wrapped a arm around her waist to support her.
Marie's joints were still locked up so she walked stiffly and slowly. "W-hat did Patrick want?" She asked. Her chin trembled and her body was engulfed in shivers and shudders.
Joe cleared his throat. "Not now," he said, "Later."
Marie only looked down and didn't say anything more. She knew that meant he was going somewhere for God knows how long.

When they reached the house, Joe immediately made Marie change out of her wet clothing. Joe went to help her but Marie only waved him away, insisting that she could do it herself. So while she got dressed, he started a fire in the fireplace and made some hot chocolate. When Marie came down, Joe sat her down by the fireplace and wrapped a thick, heavy blanket around her shoulders. He left her alone to get the hot chocolate.
He came back in and gave Marie her mug of hot chocolate. "How are you feeling?" He asked her, brushing a damp strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear.

Marie took a sip out of the hot chocolate, feeling relief from the warmth she received from it. "Cold." She answered, taking another sip.
Joe smiled. "What else can I do to make you feel better?" He asked. "Did you want to take a warm bath, maybe?"
"No!" Marie said a little too loudly and a little too quickly, alarming Joe. "I mean, no thank you. I'm fine." Joe was still staring at her and Marie was fidgeting under his questioning gaze. "So, when do you leave?" She asked, changing the subject.
This made Joe look away. "Our plane leaves at 2:30." He muttered.
Marie sighed. "So I guess you won't be around to help with the furniture?"
"I'm sorry." Joe said. Marie could tell he felt guilty even though it wasn't his fault.
"It's fine. Where are you going and how long will you be there for?"

Joe bit his lip. "California. It's for the album. Promotion, I guess. And for two weeks."

Two weeks. Marie let that sink in. Joe didn't even get to settle into his own home before being whisked away somewhere. "It's fine," Marie said, smiling softly. "The house will be all clean and organized by the time you get back."

Joe still felt bad. He didn't want to leave his wife all alone like this. Marie is already busy enough as it is and now she has to handle the whole unpacking, rearranging, organizing and cleaning by herself. Plus, Joe was still a little worried about Marie. "I'm sorry. What are you gonna do about the furniture?"
Marie shrugged. "I'll call my brother and see what he's up to." Marie set her mug down by her feet. "You should probably get packing."
"I don't have to," Joe said, "Not right now, at least."
Marie gave him a look and uncrossed her legs. "I'll help you," she offered, starting to get up.

Joe frowned at her. "You stay here and warm up. I can pack my own bags."
"You can but we'll move faster if I help. Besides, I'm fine." Marie said, stretching her still - stuff legs.
Joe stayed behind Marie as the climbed up the stairs to make sure that she didn't fall. Marie threw an empty suitcase on the air mattress and glanced at Joe. Her arms were crossed around her waist as she hugged the blanket tighter against her.
"I'll pack my clothes if you want to get my toiletries," Joe wanted to give Marie an easy job since he didn't want to wear out what little energy she had gained back.

Marie looked back at the master bathroom. She tensed up immediately which didn't go unnoticed by Joe. "Um, how about I pack your clothes and you get your toiletries?" She said casually, smiling at him as if everything was just hunky dory. "Let's face it, you have terrible taste in fashion and you're representing the band. It's best if I pick your clothes."
"Yeah, sure." Joe wasn't sure why she was acting so standoffish about the packing arrangement. It was as if she wanted to be nowhere near the bathroom. "Are you okay, Marie?"
Marie was already rifling through their clothes, picking out the ones she thought was best suitable for Joe. "Of course." She held up a pair of leather jeans. "Ooh. Have fun working in these," she sent him a wicked smirk.

Joe just shrugged and went to go pack up his toiletries, going into the bathroom. Maybe Marie didn't want to be around anything that sprouted water because of her near - drowning experience? Joe wasn't sure but she seemed fine now so he wasn't going to make a huge deal about it.

He finished packing and ducked back into the bedroom, to find his suitcase sitting by the end of the air mattress. Marie sat cross - legged on the air mattress with her hands in her lap and the blanket still strewn tightly around her shoulders. Joe smiled and dropped his bag by the suitcase, collapsing next to Marie on the air mattress. "How ya feelin'?" He ask, rolling over on his stomach and resting his chin on her knee.
"A little cold but otherwise okay." Marie said. She reached over and took Joe's hand in her own.
Joe kissed her knuckle and wagged his eyebrows suggestively. "I know a way to warm you up."
"Joe!" Marie giggled and slapped his arm playfully. "You perv. I already told you that I'm not having sex on an air mattress."
"But I'm going to be gone for two weeks." Joe pouted. "You can't just leave me hangin' like that. Especially when you promised that I would get lucky today."

"Blame whoever wants you guys in California for your lack of sex," Marie shot back. "It's not my fault that you have a really weak self - will."

"But we have time. And besides, it's for health reasons." Joe said in a serious voice, gesturing to her goosebumps. "You might get hyperthermia if I don't warm you up soon."

Marie rolled her eyes.
"You're such an exaggerator."

"Hey, I'm only looking out for you." Joe said. He sat up and pulled her into his lap, her back pressing against his stomach. He leaned over her shoulder and placed a kiss on her jaw and then began kissing down her neck.

Marie rolled her eyes again but didn't pull away. In fact, she welcomed the gesture by tilting her head back and giving Joe more access to her neck. "You're a pretty shitty serenader." She informed him.

"I'll work on it," Joe shrugged. "Let's just hope that the air mattress doesn't pop."

"You're killing the romance."

"It was only a thought."

"Try keeping your thoughts to yourself then."

"Just as long as I don't have to keep my hands to myself."

Marie felt her cheeks warm up and Joe smirked in triumph. He pushed her down on the air mattress and pressed his lips against hers, loving how her mouth moved with his in the same passionate pace.

Joe had achieved his goal because Marie was completely warmed up now. His hand slid up her shirt and stopped on her hipbone. When he began rubbing his thumb in circular motion on her skin, she could feel herself internally screaming, wanting more friction and growing frustrated with this teasing.

Just as clothing was slowly beginning to be stripped, Marie was hit with an overwhelming feeling of unease. She swore someone was watching them very carefully. She placed a hand on Joe's chest, indicating her desire to stop.
Joe let go of her lips, opening his eyes. "What?"
Marie glanced over his shoulder, quickly scanning the room. "I... Sorry. Forget it."

She leaned back in, waiting to be kissed and Joe bit his own lip, wanting nothing more than to shove her back down and dominate her, to please her but he knew something was up. Maybe she seriously just wasn't up for sex. Which was understandable since she did nearly drown only thirty minutes ago. "We don't have to do anything if you're not feeling up to it..." Joe told her.

Marie ignored the unsettling sensation that hovered above her and smiled at Joe, pulling him to her. She leaned in so that their lips were barely touching. "Oh trust me," she said, kissing the corner of his mouth. "I want it."

• • •

By the time that Joe and Marie finally got out of bed, the furniture had arrived. Joe stayed a little longer to help out but ended up leaving shortly after. Marie had offered to drop him off at the airport but Joe declined, since he knew she had enough to do around the house. And to help with the furniture, Marie had recruited her brother.

"Do you think the couch looks good where it is now or should we push up against a different wall?" Marie asked, brainstorming ideas for the living room.
Her brother, Joshua, shrugged. "I think it looks fine where it's at."

"Are you saying that because you want to leave or because you really believe it?"

Joshua grinned at his sister. "Both."

Marie laughed. "Fine, fine. Thank you for helping me. You are now relieved of your duties."
"Anytime," Joshua pulled his sister into a one - armed hug. "Call me if you decide on any more adjustments."
Marie hugged him back. "Yeah, of course. I really do appreciate you coming out."
"It's no problem." Joshua let Marie go but touched her shoulder softly. "Joe would be here if he could," he told her, knowing that he was probably on her mind.
"I know. It just sucks because we aren't even settled in and he's already off somewhere," Marie gave her brother a small smile. "I get it though. I know he didn't want to leave but it's work. I understand."
Joshua smiled back at Marie and kissed the top of her head. "Good. Alright kiddo, I gotta go. It's date night with the wife and I need to get ready."
Marie chuckled and walked her brother to the door. "Have fun. Don't stay out too late." She opened the front door and stepped to the side so Joshua could get out.
"I'll try not to." Joshua raised his hand in goodbye. "Don't work too hard."

After exchanging another round of goodbyes, Marie had shut the door and locked it. The house still needed to be cleaned and boxes needed to be unpacked but at least the furniture was here.
Marie glanced at the boxes that were still stacked against the living room wall and then looked at the couch. She could sit down and take a break, maybe read a book or something or she could knock more things off her to - do list.

Groaning to herself, Marie grudgingly made her way to the stack of boxes. She grabbed one and ripped the top off. It was full of Joe's Star Wars figurines. Marie knew how stingy Joe was about his Star Wars stuff so she took it up to the spare room, the one that was acting as an "office" for Joe.
She dropped it by the doorway. Tomorrow, she'd go to the store and buy shelves for his Star Wars collection.
Marie went back downstairs and into the living room, grabbing a box and began to open it. Marie smiled when she realized that it was her and Joe's wedding picture. She held up the frame, thinking about where she should hang it.

"You don't ever sit still, do you?"

Marie jumped and dropped the picture. It fell to the floor with a clatter and she heard the glass smash against the floor. She turned and froze, locking up immediately.

Standing by the fireplace was the gaunt man Marie had saw earlier in the bathroom.
Instinctively, Marie snapped her eyes shut. It's only in your head; you're only imagining it, she told herself.

The man sighed, leaning against the fireplace. "I know, you think you're hallucinating but you aren't. Now open your eyes, please."

Marie hesitantly opened her eyes. She could feel her heart racing in her chest. "W-who are you then?" This had to be all in her head. There was no way she was actually speaking with this THING.

"I'm formally known as Jasper." His bare black eyes pierced her, making her very uncomfortable. The fact that his sunken eye sockets seemed to be rotting didn't at all help ease the tension. Jasper noticed her staring at him and he chuckled, slapping a pale hand to his face. "I'm sorry. I forgot that this form of me tends to scare people. Hold on." He disappeared and that made Marie look around the room, wondering if she had finally lost her sanity.

"Right here, dear." Jasper was now standing next to her. Marie turned her head and was quite taken back by the liveliness. Jasper now looked human; alive.

His inky black hair was clean and slightly hung in his face. She could now identify that he had olive skin, with dimples punctured into his cheeks. His eyes were a forest green. A warm forest green, if that made any sense. He looked about Marie's age, maybe a little bit younger. His plump pink lips stretched into a smile and he raised a callused hand which Marie tentatively shook. She shivered when she felt his fingers wrap firmly around her hand. He felt so real. But Marie's mind was far too clogged up to even comprehend just what was going on right now.

"I've been waiting to meet you, Marie."

Marie blinked, pulling her hand back. "What else can you change into?" She blurted out. She wasn't sure where that came form but she was genuinely curious to know how he changed from an ugly beast to a rather good looking man. What else could he form into? Just what was he, anyway?

Jasper chuckled at her. "I'm a ghost, not a shape shifter, Marie. That was my dead form, how I looked when I was buried and this is my... 'Alive' form, so to speak. Still a ghost regardless I just have more human - like qualities in this form."

Well, that answered a few of her questions. "Oh... So you're a ghost? Are you like, haunting me?" Marie inwardly slapped herself when she realized how lame that sounded.

Jasper let out a loud, clear laugh. "No. I'm kind of like a guide. A ghost guide."
Marie frowned. "And why do I need a ghost guide?"
"You mean you haven't figured it out yet?" Jasper clucked his tongue, looking amused.


"The nightmares? The hallucinations you get afterwards? How you see the the world?"

Marie frowned, growing more confused. "Still haven't figured it out."
She said dryly.

Jasper knitted his fingers together and studied Marie. "You're a psychic."


"You are a psychic." Jasper said again but this time much slowly, as if he was talking to a young child.

"I don't understand..." Marie's head was swarming with so many questions that she was beginning to feel dizzy.

"Yeah, I know. It's a little overwhelming to believe and I'm sure you have lots of questions which I'll be happy to answer." Jasper said, patting Marie on the shoulder.
Marie swallowed, feeling a nagging headache coming on. "Why should I trust you?"

Jasper's smile faded and he drew his hand back from Marie. "You're really gonna play that card, aren't you?" Jasper sighed. "I've been watching you for a long time, Marie. I know lots of things about your family. Including one dirty little secret that you don't know."

Marie raised her eyebrow. "And what might that be?"

Jasper smirked. "I could tell you but why should I when the proof is all you need? Problem is, I don't have the proof on hand at the moment."

Marie sighed in annoyance. "Well, where is the proof?"

"In the back of your parent's closet, locked away in a shoebox." Jasper watched Marie closely. "Your parents aren't home right now."
Marie stared at him. "How do you know that?"

Jasper sighed. "Look, do you want to ask more questions or get answers?"

Marie considered this. "You really want to leave now?"

Jasper shrugged. "You'll thank me later."
Marie had a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach but something in her chest was urging her to go.

Marie sighed and patted her back jean pocket, making sure her car keys were there. "Let's go."
♠ ♠ ♠
{ Chapter title: In Bloom - Nirvana }

SUCH SUSPENSE. Not really but do you think Jasper's a friend... Or a foe? *cues suspenseful music*

Also, I realized today that I apparently have two subscribers. I never got notified by Mibba nor will it show up so I don't know who y'all are but I love you and we're gonna be homies now<3

Anyway. Hope you guys enjoyed. I'll have the next chapter up sometime next week :-)