Life Like This

First day of school


I came over for breakfast today like tradition has it since 2nd grade first day started. As usual the Del Valles was going on about their usual ways, fancy breakfast, suit and sundresses, pretty much anything usual people would call 'too fancy'.Anne was there and as her best friend I teased her as always. It was a usual routine and I'd know I succeeded whenever I'd hear “I'll get back at you!”
She always ask what it meant, telling me it doesn't make sense and that it's stupid. To be honest I never really knew what it meant either. It just felt right to say it.

“Hey, it's just eggs and veggies. It doesn't require deep thoughts you know. Eat up.” Anne said snapping me out of space.

“Oh yeah, I spaced out for a second there.” I replied.

“Well you two better eat fast, school starts earlier this year I think.” Mrs. Del Valle said.

“Oh Shhhhiiii..oooOhhh Crap you're right!” I said cautiously after catching Mrs. Del Valle's warning eyes.

“Oh Shit that's right!” Anne said almost to a shout.

She grabbed me by the elbow then drags me out the door with her. I looked back at her parents, seeing her father indifferent and her mother a little shocked always made me laugh a little. I mean it did feel weird to see someone who were prim and proper as Anne swear, but they knew already knew their daughter cussed. Yet it always still seem to shock her mother. Then there's her father who just seems to think “Yup, that's my daughter. You better watch out, she does kick boxing.” They're a peculiar family, but I love them anyways, they we're an extension of mine.

“Dude, stop spacing out. Get in we're late.” Anne said shoving my bag pack to my chest, getting into the car.

As usual on the way to school we talked about friends we expect to see, teachers we love and hate and the over all school paranoia.

“So do you think we'd have the same classes together this year?” said Anne, popping the usual question she always asked since 2nd grade.

“We better. Besides why do you even ask? Can't you just talk to the school again this to put us in the same schedule again this year? You did that for elementary and middle school anyways.” I replied

“We're not doing that this year. Dad said I have to learn to deal with it. All part of his business lesson he says”

It was true. Anne always had her way with the school. Her parents talked to the school to put her in the same classes and schedule as mine after realizing their daughter was being isolated by her peers. They didn't hate her, at least not all of them. They just found her unusual, with all her formalities and 'ethics'. They got intimidated. It's been like that since.

“I don't get why you take business lessons this early. It's sophomore year Annie, do stupid things for once! You think being friends with me for song long would've already taught you that...” I said, encouraging her to trouble like always.

“I don't really get it either, Dad said it's like that with the whole family. Anyways, you're getting off topic again. Do you think they guys will have the same class as ours?”

“Guys? Who?”

“Guys. Dudes. You know? Garrett, Pat, Erick and all the others?” She asked impatiently.

“OHH! Yeah, of course! All the teachers know we're a handful bunch so the councilors figured it'll be best to keep us in one area.”

“Okay then. See? We get to have conversation that make sense when you listen.” Anne said with her usual sarcasm.