Life Like This

Wake up


getting back to my room I saw John holding chips in his hand and movie cd in the other. He was looking at me as if something was wrong with me face. I halted at the door frame.

“What?” I asked him.

Shaking his head looking as if he'd just spaced out he responded.

“Uh-what? Oh nothing, never mind.”

“Mmkay...” I said suspiciously, walking slowly to my bed.

John inserted the disk in the console then turned to leap on the bed.

“Oh come on, John. You're putting chips all over the bed.” I said whining.

I slipped under the comforter, sitting up, leaned against a small mound of pillows. John finally sitting up, gathered the chip he spilled and set it on the corner of my nightstand. After he piled two pillows on top of each other against the headboard and laid next to me. He took the bag of chips and put it on my lap after taking a handful. The movie began with it's usual beginning credits.

“What movie did you play?” I asked leaning my head on his left shoulder.

“Snow white by the Grimm Brothers.”

“Ooh, I haven't seen that in a while.” I said sounding enthusiastic.

“I know.” He said sounding proud of himself.

“We need to buy more movies, we've pretty much seen all the ones you have on the shelf.” he went on.

“I have nothing to do after school so we can stop by the store tomorrow if you're free. Do you have baseball practice?”

“Baseball doesn't start till March. I'm free so I think we could go.” He said smiling.

“Okay then, I'll tell Malachi.” I said turning my attention to the movie.

Halfway through the movie John's head leaned on mine, a minute later I knew he was out. Very slowly I moved, fixing him to a more comfortable position. I laid his head on the pillow and pulled the blanket up to his shoulders. With his eyes still closed John pulled the blanket up beneath his chin and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me down to lie with him. I didn't fight him. I laid down and scoot over closer to him, pulling the blanket over my shoulders. John wrapped his arm tighter around my waist, our bodies now pressed up against each other; His other hand playfully stroking my hair. My arms were tight between his chest and mine. It felt awkward. I wanted to wrap my arms around him too, but I didn't want to wake him. Instead I just laid there enjoying the comfort and the silence, hearing only the sound of our breaths. Minutes after my eyes began to feel heavy, my head lighter. I kept looking at John, his long, curled eyelashes, his soft pink lips, his perfect cheekbones. How do I even manage to resist him? What could I have done in my past life to deserve him in my life? I continued to wrestle with my thoughts, falling asleep after the passing of another second.

There was a rowdy noise that woke me up. I can feel other in the people in the room with us. I opened my eyes to see three other guys sitting scattered on the bed. I tried to get up but John had his arms wrapped around me. As gentle as I could I moved my hands and tapped John on his chest, waking him up. He opened his eyes and stared at mine for a moment till I moved my head, motioning to the others in the room. He unwrapped his arms from my body and rubbed his tired eyes, making an effort to get up. I moved, sitting up to see Pat, Garrett and Joel looking at us, waiting for a reaction.

“When did you guys get here?” I asked looking around the bed for my phone.

“Just about fifteen minutes ago,” Garrett said with his mouth full of chips.

Joel looked at us with a taunting smirk and said began teasing. “You guys looked comfortable. How was you daaayy?”

Without warning John hit Joel with a pillow, knocking him off the bed. All of us began laughing.

“Okay, okay Mr. Grumpy-pants. I was just joking.” Joel said giggling, emerging from the edge of the bed.

A second or two later a potato chip hit me and the face. I turned towards the direction it came from and gave Pat a look of slight shock.

“How come you guys are having a movie night without us huh?” He said sounding childishly.

“We didn't mean to. I just got bored and asked John to play anything from the shelf.” I said defensively.

“We can have a movie night this Saturday if you guys want. Just tell me who's coming so we can get enough snacks for everybody.” I went on suggestively.

“Okay, yeah!” Said Pat excitedly