Life Like This

Fifth and Sixth

The next day was terrible. Fifth and sixth period bored me to hell. Why did I sign up for chemistry anyways? And world history? What need is there to know about how the Aztecs disappeared, I mean do we really need to bring back human sacrifices? The good thing though is at least I have my friends to suffer with me. Joel, Jared and Eric we're all in my classes and they even saved me a seat.

Without noticing I was thinking out loud “I wonder what class she has.”

“Who?” Jared said looking up to me.

Joel throws a pencil at him laughing, then turns to me with a smirk “He means Anne.”

“She has government class then theater, it think. You're not really missing much, if that's what's bothering you” Eric said finally joining the conversation.

Moments passed till the door came open and the whole class turned to stare down the person who came in late. “Please take a tardy pass from the folder right by the corridor” Said the teacher with out looking away from the board. It was relieving to finally see Kennedy after four days.

“Kennedy! Over here!” I said waving a hand

Kennedy took the seat across mine and settled in, burying his face in his hands, looking as tired as ever.
Eric, Joel, Jared and I were looking at each other, communicating with our eyes. A few nods and shakes of the head I decided it was up to me to start the conversation.

“Hey, You okay? You look like you took a detour to hell.” I said giving him a nudge.

Kennedy looked up, emerging from his hand, his face showing more brightly in the light.

“Holy shit you look terrible!” Jared looking shocked.

“I know, I've been sick. What's worse is the school counselor messed up my schedule and now I have Technical Theater.” said Kennedy

After he said that our whole table bursted in laughing. Everyone else in the room flashed our group with the look. We quiet down and got back in to talking in our hushed voices.

“You have theater?!” Joel said teasing.

“Ha! Ha! Very Funny! Laugh all you want. First of all, it's TECHNICAL THEATER. Second it's not that bad, it's an easy class so it should do.” Kennedy said defensively.

“Technical? What do you do in technical theater?” Erick asked.

“We handle things like the lighting, sound effects, props. Basically we help out the actual Theater class.” He explained.

“Man do I feel bad for you.” I said giving him a pat on the back.

“Did I mention they merged our class with Dramatic Theater? You guys get to have fun in your fifth period history class, while I get to do stuff with girls and actual fun with people.”

Kennedy was right. History is boring. I'd rather make props for drama than talk about history. My train of thought traveled and I turned my attention to the chemical I was mixing. Kennedy picked up Jared's notebook and read his notes, trying to catch up on what we're doing. Joel and Jared were going through the drawers looking for beakers and test tubes while Eric doodled on our lab hand-out with nothing to do. We began actually working on our chemistry lab experiment. The guys moved around me mixing powders and acids while I was still focused on my blue liquid, not paying attention to anything. It wasn't till Kennedy said something that my brain traveled back to Earth.

“And Anne's in the class they merged us with.” Kennedy said as he poured acid to a measuring cup.

Just like that Kennedy got my full attention. I looked at him, putting down the beaker of chemical in my hand. Joel looked at me as if I was crazy or something.

“Wait what?” I asked “Repeat what you said I didn't hear it right.”

“Oh yeah, Anne...” Kennedy paused and took the beaker I just put down and mixed in the acid he just measured. “...She's in Dramatic Theater. They merged her class with mine.” He finished.

“Lucky bastard. How? Who else is in your class?” I asked sounding immature.

“Uhhmm...” Kennedy's attention were centered to the chemistry assignment. He moved beakers and test tubes, pouring and mixing liquids. “...There's Victoria, you know the girl from eighth grade? Then Katy, Regina, Rachel.. Who else? I think Nick is there too, but he's absent. Garrett skipped class today, ohh and Pat. Yep. Pretty much them and a bunch I don't know.”

“Oh okay” I answered back.

So Anne has theater same time I have History. I wonder what class she has now. I'll just ask her in Spanish class I guess.