Life Like This

Movie Night


Right when we were about to leave to go home Victoria approached me to say thank you. When she was about to leave she grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. Some how it felt weird for her to do that. I guess I just wasn't used to it. When I got in the car Anne was buried deep in thought, staring at the floor of the car. I was beginning to get worried. I knew it was a normal thing for her to space out constantly but now it's just seems to happen more often than it should.

“Hey are you okay?” I asked taking her hand.

“Hello? Anne?” Pat said waving a hand in front of her.

I took a piece of hair that was in front of her face and tucked it behind her ear. I placed my hand on her cheek to see if she was sick. She was warm but not enough to make me think she was sick.

“Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine,” She said finally looking up to me.


I knew something was off. I could tell. Anne wasn't a very hard person to read, that is if she allows you to see into her. She was one of those people who had a talent with their emotions. She's too good at it actually. She bottled up her feelings and covered everything; She would smile and act enthusiastic even if she's in physical pain. I was impressed, but the other hand I felt angry at her. She would put up a facade as long as she need to then when times comes and she's all alone, she would breakdown and cry in silence. She tortured herself. Out of all the years we've been friends I've only seen her cry several times and I felt honored that she trusted me enough to let me see her at when she was weakest. It was I swore to myself that if anything happens to her, whoever did it will answer to me.

When we got home Anne was still pretty gloomy. I told her to get up to her room and try to freshen up while Pat, Malachi and I brought our bag packs up and cleaned the car. After we finished vacuuming the car Malachi told us that he'd finish up and to go ahead and set up for our movie night.
On our way to Anne's room we passed Mrs. Del Valle.

“Hey guys. Easy on the stairs. You break your neck, your parents will break mine,” She said walking away reading her Vogue.

“We will,” We said in unison.

I knocked softly on Anne's door as I turned the knob to open the door.

“Shhh, She's sleeping,” I said to Pat in a hushed voice.

I walked over next to her and sat on the bed and just as I did I felt her hand hold me by the forearm and lightly pulled me, telling me to lie down with her. I lied down parallel to her, with only about two feet between us. I looked at her face, admiring her curled lashes, her cute nose and sweet, pinkish lips. With her eyes still closed she put her hand on my body, moving up my torso, finally finding her hand up the neckline of my hoodie. A second after she gripped on my hoodie and tugged on it, telling me to scoot closer to her. Without argument I obliged.

“Did you get the things we need?” She said wrapping her arms around my body, eyes still closed.

“The cd's and chips are here,” Pat answered not looking away from his phone.

Anne nodded her head in response. We all sat there in a comforting silence. It was still to early to play the movies and the other guys were still out doing what they needed to. A second Pat's phone rang.

“Got Joel and Sean with me. Jared's coming with Erick and Alex. Need to stop by Rachel's. Be there around 7-ish.. -Garrett” Pat said reading his text out loud.

“Tell 'em to bring sodas and extra sleeping bags,”

I looked over at Anne to see if she was listening to Pat and sure enough she was.
“Do you guys mind of I take a quick nap? We still have time anyways.” She said in a low voice “I just feel really-” Yawn “tired.” She finished her sentence and fell quickly to sleep. When I knew she was in deep sleep I unwrapped her arms off of me and in place put a pillow to fill the spot I just left. I motioned for Pat and talked in whispers.

“Let's set up that way when they guys come we're not rushing.”

“oh yeah. Sure”

Pat moved the small sofa Anne had in her room to the far corner as quiet as possible while I brushed off the carpet and spread three sleeping bags, one for me, pat and joel. After we we're done preparing the snacks and our place to crash it was about five-thirty. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and sent Victoria Anne's address. Around quarter to seven Jared's car drove up the street. We heard them greet Mrs. Del Valle at the door and strait to Anne's room.

“Whhattssupp peeps” Jared chimed in loudly.

Pat hushed him then pointed back at the bed to Anne.

“Oh sorry,”

“I didn't know which one you guys wanted so I got Coke and Dr.Pepper.”

“Thanks Alex. Erick could you put this just right there, I gotta go to the bathroom real quick.”

I excused myself to the bathroom. When I got back the door bell rang. Erick then answered the door and came n Garrett and Rachel with Joel and Sean hauling sleeping bags and junk food. Back in Anne's room the guys situated themselves on the floor comfortably while the two girls cuddled in bed.

“Hey love, are you going to watch the movie with us or what?” Rachel said hugging Anne

“Hey. Sorry I felt sleepy,” Anne said in reply. “Is everyone here already?” She said sitting up.

“Almost. Kennedy's with his parents at a dinner party and Victoria's still not here.”

“Oh okay.”

She went to her bathroom to freshen up and came back out to join us, patting her face dry. How can she stand there and look so beautiful. Her shiny, silky hair up held up by a make-up brush, her skin was bare, freshly washed. Suddenly everything else was a blur and only she was clear and definite. Her eyes lit up as she laughed at Pat and Garrett's silliness. I couldn't help but stare; The way her pink lips curls when she smiles, how the apples of her cheeks blush, and the way her curled eyelashes bats and frames her auburn irises. The pinkish light of the Arizona dusk peeked through her windows and it just mesmerizes me; How could you stand there, wearing a spiderman t-shirt and they ugliest pjs with droplets of water on your hair framing your face, no make up on and still look so holy. There was a bell ringing above my head. My brain was out of this world again.

Sean got up and out the door. “I'll get it.”

“John. Hey! What's up with you?”

It was weird. I knew they were there and I was aware of the things going on around me but somehow I felt dazed. I just stood there, not moving, not thinking, not even blinking. I just continued to stare steadily at the direction Anne was. She threw the towel on her bed and slowly as if time had slowed she walked towards me. Closer. Closer I thought. She was right there in front of me, arms length apart. I was still stationed standing there, like a dumb statue. I felt her hands cup my cheeks. She looked me right in the eye as I looked into hers. Anne stood so close that I felt as if she breathed the air that I exhaled.

Everything went silent, not one sound of cars passing by, not even the sound of the air that flowed from the vent. Her voice was all I heard. Her soft, comforting voice. “Hey John are you okay?”

“Do you feel sick?” She said putting her hand on my forehead while the other was on hers.

“Do you John Cornelius O'callaghan V take Anne Clarrise Del Valle to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health till death do you part?” I do. I would. Yes.

“Yes.” I uttered loudly.

“Huh? Yes what? Hey, you're starting to scare us.” Anne said her hands still on my face. She turned to Pat. “What happened while I was sleeping?”

“Nothing. We just put together the sleeping bags and stuff then he went to the bathroom. He was stood there when he came out of the bathroom after they got here.”

She turned to look at me again, this time with the face of worry. “Are you high or drunk?”

“Hey guys!” I snapped out of space and turned to face the doorway. It was Victoria and behind her a little boy stood probably about ten years old.

“No! Uh yeah. No. I'm fine. Yep. I'm fine” I said looking around to everyone on the room, taking Anne's hands from my face.

“Alright. Wanna let go now?” She asked as I looked down on my hands still grasping hers.

I let go of her hands and buried mine in my pockets almost immediately. There was an awkward silence. Anne and I stayed standing still in the middle of the room while Sean, Victoria and the little boy in the doorway. The rest just sat there looking at each other, observing the uneasiness that filled the air.

“So.. I got pizza!” Victoria said finally breaking the ice.

“Ohh great! What you get?” Jared said with enthusiasm.

Anne invited them in and made sure everyone was comfortable. The rest of the night rolled in, everyone was scattered on the floor while we watched 'Of Mice & Men'. Andrew, Victoria's neighbor's kid, Hardly understood what went on with the movie. Plans switched as Garrett and Rachel took over the bed cuddling, it was too awkward for Anne so she moved and lied down on her stomach beside me. It was a sight to see our group bundles together in one room. Pat and Jared we're piled up on each other while the Silverman brothers cuddled with Joel. Erick was on the other side of me quietly bickering with Andrew and Victoria next to them. We munched on chips and pizza, it was about nine when Anne's mom knocked on the door.

“I'll get it,” Anne said walking over to the door.

“Hey Mom, what's up?”

“I just wanted to make sure you guys are okay,” She said looking over all of us.

“Hi Juliana,” We all said in unison

“Hi,” she said waving a hand. She turned to talk to her daughter again. “Your dad and I are going out to your uncle Gene, Maudie's in charge okay?”

“This late?”

“Your grandpa called him and called in an emergency meeting. We'll be back my midnight. Anything happens you have your phone, okay? And Malachi's on speed dial. If anyone needs a ride call him and make sure they get home safe. Got it?”

“Yes Mom. Got it”

“Okay. You need me to get you anything?”

Anne turned back to us, looking around then back to her Mom again. “We could use some soda?” She said sounding more like asking for a permission.

Juliana let out a defeated sigh and kissed her daughter on the forehead and took her in for a hug. “Okay, be good.” then out the door.

Anne closed the door behind her mom and sat back down beside me pulling the blanket up her waist. 'Of Mice & Men' ended and we decided a bathroom break was necessary before we watched Dracula.
We expected the cheesiness considering it was from 1924, but somehow we still found it enjoyable. Ten minutes passed and everybody got back to Anne's room.

“I wanna sit next to her!” Andrew spatted out loudly.

Anne looked at the kid confused and slightly annoyed. “Stop bothering people please.” Victoria pleaded. “It's okay, I don't mind.” Anne said preventing the up coming tantrum that was sure to follow.
Andrew happily skipped his way to Anne and sat too close to her. He yanked her arms and wrapped his around it. I had the urge to pull him away, but I found myself in a similar situation. Victoria fell sleepy and rested her head on my shoulders. I wasn't sure if she was awake or not so I just stayed there. We were sandwiched between the two. This by far is the awkwardest movie night we've had. Halfway through the movie almost everyone was asleep. Garrett and Rachel were out on the bed and Jared and Pat were hugging in their sleeping bags. While Alex and Sean used Joel's thighs as pillows. Victoria and Andrew were passed out on our shoulders. One by one they dropped to their sleep. First Erick, then Joel, then a second later Anne's head fell to my other shoulder and I knew she was out. Finally it was just me awake. I leaned my head on Anne's and let the tiredness take over.