Wishful Thinking


Matt was reaching the end of his patience. There was only so much he could take, and his limit was being pushed. He was getting fed up to the point where he was honestly considering handing in his notice and trying to find another job.

What was so wrong?

Two words. Alex Gaskarth.

Every day Alex would flirt to a stupid extreme with Matt. Walking around in his underwear on the bus, bending over in front of Matt to give him a good view of his perfect ass, snuggling up to him when he was drunk, making crude jokes about him on stage, rubbing his body up against Matt’s at every chance…and Matt was sick of it!

What made it even worse was that Matt was now dating Danny. Danny Kurily was the nicest guy that had ever been interested in Matt, and Matt was honestly happy with him. Seeing Danny walk up to him with his beautiful smile genuinely made his day better. But Danny had noticed how Alex was behaving (so had every else in the band and crew, Alex isn’t exactly subtle), and Matt could tell it was affecting him. He knows how insecure Danny is, and having super-confident Alex hitting on him every day wasn’t helping.

And it wasn’t as if Matt was encouraging Alex either. He pushed him away, he ignored him, he told him no, never, not in a million years. But Alex wouldn’t give up. Apparently he was determined to fuck Matt, and as flattering as Matt thought that would be for most people, he didn’t find it flattering at all. He just wished Alex would see that.

“Mm, baby, you’re looking good. What are you doing tonight?” Alex purred.

“Not you,” Matt said bluntly, earning laughter from the people around them, “and I’m not your baby,”

Alex pouted, stepping even closer to Matt. Matt rolled his eyes and picked up his clip board, looking down at what still had to be done before the show tonight.

“That was mean. You should make it up to me,” Alex pouted.

“Not going to happen,” Matt snapped.

“But why? I’ll make it worth it,” Alex insisted.

“Stop acting like a child. I’m not going to sleep with you, get that in your thick head. Go spread your legs for someone else,” Matt said firmly.

Alex’s mouth pressed in a tight thin line, but he walked away. Matt sighed and leant against the wall, not even aware of Danny walking up to him until he placed a hand gently on his shoulder.

“Are you okay?” Danny asked softly.

“I am now,” Matt said, offering a smile.

“You cheeseball,” Danny laughed, blushing slightly, “but seriously, you look stressed,”

“Wouldn’t you be if you had a petulant man-child trying to get into your pants non-stop?” Matt groaned.

Danny just stayed silent, biting his bottom lip, making Matt feel even worse. Sure, Matt might feel annoyed, but he could only imagine how bad it was for his boyfriend.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why you put up with me,” Matt said softly.

Don’t know why you put up with Alex hitting on me.

“Because you’re worth it,” Danny said, smiling.

“Now who’s the cheeseball,” Matt teased.

Danny just laughed and leant his head up slightly, pressing his lips firmly to Matt’s. This was what made it all worth it. Being able to kiss Danny, to hold him in his arms. Danny was perfect, and Matt knew he didn’t tell him that enough. Matt nipped Danny’s bottom lip for access, and Danny moaned softly as their tongues met, pressing himself harder against Matt’s body.

“Woah, get a room,” Vinny teased, walking past with a box of merch.

Danny was blushing when he pulled away, making Matt smile. Danny looked adorable when he blushed.

“I don’t care how much Alex begs, or how perfect his ass looks in his jeans, or how willing he is to spread his legs for me. I only want you,” Matt said warmly.

“Good. Because I overheard Alex saying that he was going to wait naked in your bunk for you tonight. Just thought I’d give you a heads up,” Danny grinned.

Matt scowled. Fucking Alex.

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Just a short fun one!
I don't think I'll ever stop writing about Flyzik, even if he has left the ATL crew.
It was also one of the prompts on my list from ages ago (do any of you remember that blog?!) so I thought I'd write it!
It is nearly the weekend, after all :)

Feedback is welcome!