Sequel: Her Silver Chain
Status: Rec | Comment and motivate me to keep up. <3

Her Black Cross



She had left and I was all alone in this apartment. It was supposed to be our home, but somewhere along the way it didn’t feel like home anymore. It was just another place; a place where I could see her. Would she come back tonight? Would she stay with him? I didn’t know.

Was there really no other choice than letting that hell of a guy take advantage of her? I had been thinking about it for the past months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. No matter how many times I thought about it, I never found a way to take back what was supposed to be mine. If something, I had started questioning myself, if that something was ever mine to begin with.

I tightened my hand around her mp3 player while I looked outside the window. Winter had come and December’s air was cold enough to make me sick. The night sky was always beautiful, but that night it was even more amazing. It was a starless night and I was alone. I was once loved and yet there I was, possibly unloved.

I had honestly turned to a heartless beast in her heart. She was right though. I was a beast. A beast filled with insanity and never-ending thoughts dancing around in my head; thoughts which always ended with me – seeking her.
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So, I think I've said this before but i will be keeping the chapters of this piece really short. The plot is definetely very different from what I;m used to so I am taking baby steps as some would say. It will be filled with thoughts and drenched in emotion - to the point your heart will cry too. I hope I can make it! Keep reading this please and tell me your thoughts. I like reading what's going on in your head while you read my writings and what you liked or not.

Edited by Kayla. :)

Till later everyone,