Sequel: Her Silver Chain
Status: Rec | Comment and motivate me to keep up. <3

Her Black Cross

Thunder Storm


Thunder boomed through the house as lightning flashed through the sky. I shook slightly. Truth was that I never liked thunder storms. A really loud clap of thunder that nearly shook the house, made me scream but no one was here to hear my screams. The power had long since gone out so I lit some candles and placed them around the bed at a safe distance on the wooden floor. The candle light flickered whenever the wind picked up, casting shadows all over the room, reminding me of old times.

I had already became a shaking mess and she was nowhere to be found. Mia never left me alone in times like these but she wasn’t home yet. Was she so damn busy that she couldn’t come back home? The storm had begun almost an hour ago and she knew of my bad relationship with thunder storms. I ran to the bed and climbed under the covers, trying to calm myself down. It wasn’t really working though and my fear along with anxiety was rising to a whole new level with every minute that passed by.

I didn’t even know someone was in my room until I felt them wrap their arms around me from behind.

“Shh, calm down love.’’ I shook, feeling even more pathetic than I had before.

She was here; she had come back for me.

“It’s okay love, just breathe and relax. I promise that it’s going to be alright.”

I pulled the blankets to the side and looked at her before I pushed my face into her chest, burying myself there hoping her smell would do the trick and calm me. She smelled of heavy cologne, making me want to throw up At least she had come back – at least I wasn’t alone.

She got up from the bed for a while to take off her clothes which seemed to be drenched from the rain. The light from the candles disappeared and she came under the covers with me, joining me in bed with her slightly wet underwear. I opened my eyes only to pull the blankets up around us tightly, realizing that she was slightly shaking too. I had more than enough blankets to cover us both.

I turned and buried my head in her shoulder and she pulled me in, letting me rest my cheek on her chest. “Shhh, it’s alright love. Close your eyes and sleep,” Mia spoke against my temple as she kissed it gently. I tried to do as she said, but I could still see the bolts of lightning behind my eyelids.

Then her soft lips touched mine and I forgot about everything else as I kept my eyes closed till the kiss ended and I slept. I thought I was sleeping as my mind travelled examining what I had witnessed tonight and everything my mind recorded as a memory, every single moment of it.

She wasn’t really cheating on me, yet she did. I knew she was sleeping with him and I also knew she was mine. She knew that all too well too, but why did the smell of his cologne made me think otherwise? She smelled like him, and maybe a little too much like him. My heart was tied in knots and I did my absolute best not to cry.

The question remained though, was I really sleeping or was I just pretending while lying to myself once again?
♠ ♠ ♠
Faith isn't even sure if she's sleeping or being awake anymore. Her feelings have already made her a mess and the only thing that keeps her going is...?

I will let you on a secret; at the next chapter Faith is going to meet somebody important for the safety of her gang. Who is he/she going to be? And what's their relationship like?

Stay subscribed and find out soon my dear readers. :)

Edited by Kayla.

Till later,