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British Tea Stereotype

Maybe I should dress like I actually gave a shit. I do care, I don't want Harry to think I'm gross or something. I was walking to Lillies' coffee house in my Led Zeppelin jumper, letting the January sun hit me in the face. It was cold, but I liked it. Shockingly, there was barely anyone on the sidewalk on the 'late' Thursday morning. I hummed a song to myself as I followed a splattered trail of coffee on the pavement that seemed to go on forever.

I knew I was getting close to Lillies' because the coffee splatter was getting thicker. I glanced around for Harry, and sure enough, there he was. He was leaning against the building playing with his shirt and fixing the beanie he'd managed to get over his mop of curls. He saw me striding up the sidewalk and he gave me a beaming grin,"How are you this fine morning Miss Johnson?"

I scoffed,"I'm doing wonderful Mr.Styles. It'd be better if it was summer, but nonetheless wonderful. And how are you handsome?" Right. Cool. Smooth Mora. That probably came off as creepy.

Creepy or not, his smile never faltered. "I'm doing great. You look beautiful this morning."

I chuckled,"Oh can it. I look like I work in a tattoo parlour."

"You do work in a tattoo parlour Mora."

It was finally our turn to order. Well, Harry's turn to order, Jessie already knew what I liked. He ordered a tea and we took a seat in the corner, away from the other few patrons.

"You totally live up to the American coffee sterotype."

I laughed out loud,"I know. But it's so good. You totally live up to the British tea stereotype but I guess they're stereotypes for a reason."

We talked about America and Britain, The Ramones and Pink Floyd and beanies until it was time for me to go.

I stood up and kissed him on the cheek,"I hope your day turns out great today. It was good seeing you this morning."

He smiled and nodded and we headed toward the door,"Hey what are you doing tomorrow? I know it seems fast and all.."

I smiled up at him,"Nothing to my knowledge."

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me tomorrow evening."

"Are you asking me on a date Harold? I would love to."

"How about I pick you up at 7?"

"That sounds awesome. See you tomorrow." I headed toward the alley way toward my shop with thoughts of my outfit and Harry and the tattoo I was about to finish today.
"Oh shit Mora this is totally awesome! I can always count on you!" A newly regular client of mine was gushing over the Captain's helm I had done for her. And it looked damn good if I do say so myself. After she left I was manning the front desk when Harry texted:

-Where something fancy ;)
*Oh, is this a fancy date? ;)
-It might be..
*Okay, see you soon xx.

It was going on four thirty when I started cleaning up my station, telling Stormy I was headed out at 5.

I walked back to my flat, texting Harry my address on my way. When I was inside I jumped into the shower, cleansing my body of the sweat, ink, and cigarette smells. I turned on the TV, to some random channel, for some background noise after I started doing my hair. I was humming to 'Holiday in Cambodia' and glancing at my TV every so often. Bright pink colors and quick flashes caught my attention as the celebrity gossip show started to come on. I was about to change the channel when I saw Harry's name flash across the screen.

The anchor man with a shitty Macklemore-esqe haircut started spewing words faster that light,"Harry Styles was seen with a new girl yesterday morning at a coffee house?! We have no sources or reports as to who the girl is and they left out of the side exit before our photographer could catch a glimpse of her face. Maybe this is love for the youngest member of One Direction. He also sent out a tweet yesterday with a picture of his newest tattoo;a butterfly saying 'Thanks @oxyMORA for the newest addition."

My fucking jaw hit the floor, I've been living under a rock. With all of this moving around with no internet or TV, I didn't realize that MY Harry was THAT Harry. I hadn't checked my Twitter in about a week(I'm sure it was crazy).

I decided to brush it off and finish my hair and make up. I stared at my closet for the longest time before deciding on one of my favorite outfits . It was now about 6:30 and I was seated on my couch with my laptop, researching some more of this gossip about Harry and me. I decided to not do that and check Twitter instead. I saw where @Harry_Styles had mentioned me.

The doorbell rang and I threw my phone in my purse and ran to answer the door. He beamed at me,"Hey. Wow you"

I giggled,"Thank you. And damn Harry are you trying to give people heart attacks tonight?"

He chuckled as we laced arms and headed for his Audi,"I think you're more suited for that task, gorgeous."

He opened my car door and we had a laugh filled conversation on the way to this resturaunt he had chosen.

"Harry did you seriously choose the fanciest place in London?"

He chuckled when closing the car door after me,"Nothing but the best."

"There are people wearing ball gowns Harold! I am totally not dressed for this!"

"You look stunning!"

"Let me just point out something, you look damn good in a blazer."

He gave a deep throaty laugh,"Thank you."

The host led us to a bit of a secluded table and then the waiter appeared out of nowhere it seemed. We gave our orders and continued on with our conversation. I found Harry extremely easy to talk to and easy to open up to, even if the back of my mind didn't want me to. I was never one to talk too much, ecspecially with people I found attractive, but there is something different about Harry. Something that seemed like his situation was just like mine, not very many people to open up too.

We were drinking wine and talking when we saw flashes out of the window nearest us. I didn't pay too much attention at first and we continued talking. It started getting loud over by the front door of the resturaunt with hosts and hostesses telling people to polietly leave. I automatically knew that it was because Harry and I were here. I figured that Harry dealt with this sort of thing all the time he didn't look too alarmed, just a little exasperated. I could tell he was totally done with all of this shit so I leaned across the table('unladylike') and whispered in his ear,"Why don't we go back to mine and watch movies?" I smiled at him and he nodded.

He jotted down a quick thank-you to the resturaunt and laid 350 pounds on the table. He handed me a pair of sunglasses from his blazer pocket.

I looked at him like he'd gone insane. He just chuckled are grabbed my hand,"Keep your head down and stay close to me please."

I put on the sunglasses and gave his hand a squeeze telling him I was ready to leave. He gave a smile and a sincere thank you to the staff by the door. As soon as we approached the glass doors we were bombarded by flashes and men yelling.

"Harry! Harry!"
"What's your name?!"
"Was this a date?!"

I had to laugh at myself for that last question. Of course it was a date you mouth breather. Harry led me back to the car with the photographers following the whole way. Being the genteman he was, he opened the door for me and jogged to his side with those men pressing him up to the car. In my mind I was thinking that if they hurt one square centimeter of him I'd have to run over someone.

When he finally got in he backed out of the parking lot,"What were you laughing about back there?" The corners of his lips were turned up in a smile but he was focused on the traffic.

I smirked at myself,"The sarcastic, rude responses I had in my head to some of those questions they were asking."

When we got back to my flat I let us in and threw my jacket over the bright yellow coat rack next to my door. He did the same with his coat and continued to look over my living room/kitchen. I smiled at him,"You'd like with all the colors in here that'd I'd dress a bit brighter."

He laughed at my sarcastic tone,"I happen to think the way you dress is wonderful. It's different."

I grabbed his hand and led him up to my master bedroom,"We are not having sex, but I didn't think that that was what you had on your mind anyway."

"I wasn't expecting to. You are much better than that."

I plopped down on the covered bench I had infront of my king sized bed,blushing, and started to take my shoes off.

My mind was jambled from knowing that he had a high level of respect for me. I didn't know what to say so I just flat out told him,"You can take your clothes off." As soon as it come out of my mouth I wanted to vomit, but I tried to fix it instead,"What I meant to say is that belts aren's comfortable and neither is chilling out in your boots."

He laughed but it was more with me than at me,"I understand."

I got my shoes off and my jewlery off and all that was left was the dress. I turned my back to Harry and moved my hair out of the zipper,"Do you mind?"

"No of course not." He unzipped my dress and I walked to my closet to change into a pair GWBB boxer briefs and an old Cheap Trick t-shirt. I took a look in the mirror at the thing I was so quick to hide from everyone else. I had tattooed over them but the raised scars were still a little visible. But I kinda didn't want to hide them from Harry. I took the blush off of my face and kind of left the eyeliner. When I came back Harry was in his boxers and white t shirt looking through the DVD collection I had.

When he saw me coming out of my ajoining bathroom he smiled,"Are you a Stanley Kubric fan because I think you have every single movie of his."

"I've never seen A Clockwork Orange though. Your parlour is named Clockwork, is that where you got it?"

"Yes. It's my favorite movie ever. And book for that matter."

We put in A Clockwork Orange and ended up cuddling in my bed. After the first 20 minutes of ultra-violence he spoke up,"Mora, I'm so sorry for what happened at dinner. I have no idea how they found out about us or where we were or anything."

I spoke slow and quiet,"I saw us on TV earlier today. They were talking about seeing us at the coffee house yesterday and how they were like stalking me."

I could feel the low groan in my side,"I am so sorry Mora. I could totally understand why you wouldn't want to see me anymore. Its difficult dealing with all this and I don't want you to get wrapped up in it."

I raised up on my elbow and kissed him gingerly,"Dont you dare apologize for something you didn't do or can't control, not now and not ever. I asked you to coffee, remember?"

"But its because of me that they were there. If you were dating someone normal that could have been the best date of your life."

I laughed out loud,"If you haven't noticed Harold, I don't always like normal. Normal is often redundant. And it was the best date of my life, by far. I didn't even realize who you were until I saw the gossip bit on television this evening. When I asked you out I wanted to go with Harry, not Harry Styles the pop star."

He leaned over and kissed me in return, "Thank you."


"Being you"

We didn't say too much else. I eventually fell asleep next to Harry's warm body for the first of hopefully many nights.
♠ ♠ ♠
If there are any errors, I apologize. I will correct them soon. The chapter thing is being dumb and deleting everything.
And as always, thanks for reading