Status: Might Continue It

The Oyster and His Pearl

His Pearl

He was the oyster,
She was the pearl.
Protecting her from the cruel world,
For he was made for that purpose

She was one of those beautiful and genuinely sweet girls, like a pearl, someone like her was rare to come upon (guys get your mind out of the gutter). Michaela was in one of my favorite bands called Little Mix. She was cute and feisty, but also had a shy side, which I quite enjoyed sometimes. My band was getting ready to leave for one of our sets when I thought I’d give her a call.
“Hello?” Michaela said with a giggle.
“Hello, Michaela I regret to inform you that you have a boyfriend that loves you shit tons” I said with a smirk.
“Hmm let me think what’s is his name again…Oh yeah its Liam! Hey baby what’s up?” she laughed.
“Just going to our set with the boys, Louis told me to tell you hey girl hey by the way. Anyway just checking up on you. You doing okay?”
“Yeah, I mean don’t get me wrong I’d much rather be with you cuddling and watching supernatural, but I’m okay. Although, the ex keeps calling, and let’s just say he’s not very nice.”
“Well I’ll take care of him later, he’s going to be at Warped so it kind of works out if I punch his face in”
“Liam don’t. It’s honestly not worth it. Plus we are happy so that’s all that matters”
“I guess so babe, it’s just what happened in the pass really scares me. I don’t want something like that to happen again.”
“The chances of that happening again now are so slim, thanks to you. You protect me, make me happy, so I’m not going anywhere.”
“Okay” I mumbled.
“Okay” she replied.
The phone call ended then. God I really don’t want the past to repeat itself.
All I could think about what Michaela in the bathroom, struggling to get the pill bottle open. Tears running down her face, she looked like she was in so much pain. I remember exactly how I got the pills away from her, how the bottle flew in the air and causing the pills to explode all over the floor. Crying harder she yelled at me “why wont you just let me die”, slamming her arms on my chest. I had picked her up putting her and my lap and rocked her back and forth. I don’t know what I would have done if she had gotten that bottle open. Michaela gets picked on a lot for this. The tabloids like to publish every detail about our life. People basically attacked her everywhere. Social media sites mostly. They didn’t know the details though. Michaela looks like a “normal” girl, but behind every smile there is a lie. Everyone expected so much out of her. She always had to be the best at everything, whether that was in preforming/singing or her writing. I don’t think people realize you can’t put that kind of pressure on someone. So one day she snapped, and I’m lucky she left her favorite book in my car or else she might not be here right now.
“Liam! Yo snap out of it man.” Zyan said putting his face to close for comfort.
“Yeah man, what do you need?” shaking my head.
“Well you see we are in this thing called a band, ever heard of it. It’s called One Direction. Kind of like you’re butt needs to go in the one direction towards warped tour. Now lets go.” Zyan said.
“Alright I’m coming (seriously guys get your mind out of the gutter) just one sec.” I reached over to my picture of Michaela and put it in my pocket.
Does one of those annoying time leaps, we are now at Michaela’s house, Liam and Michaela are lying in bed aw also in M’s point of view

“Okay I know this is going to sound very weird but, can you get me pickles and Nutella? I’m craving it so much oh my gosh” I told Liam, he just looked at me with a goofy smile and nodded his head.
“Are you sure you’re not pregnant babe” he laughed.
“Well actually Liam, I’ve been needing to talk to you about something.” I gave a very serious look.
“Oh god what’s going on, you’re pregnant aren’t you?” he looked like was going to pass out.
“Yes, and Liam”
“I hope you know I’m just shiting with you” I laughed, “Plus having a baby would require sex and all we do is make-out so I think we are good” I laughed, I basically had tears running down my face.
“You little fucker!” jumping onto the bed he comes up to me and gives me that look, the look of tickles.
“Don’t you do it mister” I said warning him.
“See babe, I the kind of guy that when my girlfriend pranks me, I get her back” he grabbed me and started to tickle me.
“babe” in between laughs all I could get out was “babe stop please I’ll make pizza”
“You had me at pizza”
The End bc I said so
This was made for a good friend of mine, details, names, and events where changed for the plot and theme of this fanfic.

When you’re stressed out remember I am here,
That your friends are always near
I know you try your hardest to be without flaw
But Michaela, you’re a doll.

♠ ♠ ♠
i ship it