Rescue Me


I wake up to a dim light shining through a small window that I don't remember having. The rest is utter darkness. My bed is harder than usual and smells weird. I move my hands to scratch my nose, but I can't. Something is holding my arms and legs down. I must have been kidnapped! How else would I be restrained like this?

I start to feel an all-too-familiar sinking and tightening in my chest and feel my breathing hitch. Without even realizing it, I scream. It isn't a regular scream that is emitted when you get hit with a dodgeball, scared by a prankster, or on a roller coaster. This is a scream unlike any I've heard before, much less made.

The light is turned on and I'm blinded by my bright white surroundings. People in white lab coats rush in.

"Where am I?" I demand.

"You're in the Westfield Mental Institution," the female doctor said.

"Why?" I ask, still terrified. "why did you kidnap me?"

"You weren't kidnapped, Alice. You were placed here for your own safety," the male doctor said.

"I'm not crazy! I'm not crazy! I don't belong here!" I yell, struggling against the leather straps holding down my extremities.

"You're not 'crazy', but as of right now you're a danger to yourself and others," he said calmly.

"Why? Because I know what's going to happen? Because I'm trying to save everyone? I try to be a hero and this is what I get?" I say, the words rushing out.

The doctors scribble something on some papers in their clipboards, their faces expressionless. They whisper to each other and leave the room. The lights go out and I'm stuck alone with the ones who got me here in the first place.