Rescue Me

Still Stuck.

After what feels like days, I'm still in the seclusion room. Mindy is standing in the corner.

Mindy is my only friend. She follows me everywhere. She's been with me since "the thing" happened. She knows not to ask about it. We met outside my house one day. I was sitting on my steps when I was 5, drawing with chalk. She rode up to me on her tricycle (the exact same one I had wanted when I was three, her age) and we started talking. She started to color with my chalk and we talked for at least an hour. Then my mom called me in for my bath.

That day stands out to me because it was August 4th, the day before my birthday. I know I can trust her with everything. She knows about "the thing" but no one else does.

Laying here with my arms and legs restrained, I start remembering. I remember the things I longed to forget. I look over and see Mindy and Rita in the corner talking. Mindy is 19 and Rita is 20. They're my two best friends. I only have three friends. Everyone else hates me.

Which is why I'm here. Everyone hates me. They all told me to kill myself, so I tried. I guess taking a month's supply of Ambien and Xanax isn't the best idea.

All I remember is that I came home from school crying. Everyone at school, including Mickey, Presley, and Chester, told me to kill myself because I'm nothing but a psycho freak. Which I am, minus the psycho part. This was nothing unusual, but even one of my teachers joined in. She told me life would be easier without me.

I went home, wrote my note, placed it on the refrigerator, and went upstairs. I grabbed my pills, downed the entire bottles, and then I sliced my arms both horizontally and vertically. I remember feeling really confused and heavy. I tried to sing along with my radio, but my mouth wouldn't work with my brain. Everything I said came out slurred and delayed. I couldn't see right. Mindy kept telling me to spit them out, but I didn't listen to her. Chester, Presley, and Mickey all were there swearing at me and spitting on me. Chester told me he can't wait for me to die. Presley and I have each other the death glare. She threw the razor at me, barely missing me. Then everything went black.

That's why I wound up where I am today. I still don't know why I'm in the restraints, but I'm sure I'll find out soon.

Now that I'm remembering this, I start shaking. I can't help but scream. I'm also remembering "the thing". The lady doctor comes in and I'm thrashing around. I feel a prick.

I just don't feel like fighting against them anymore. My wrists and ankles have been rubbed almost raw. Hopefully by the time I wake up, they'll have left me alone and I'll be home. I'm so tired. Oh, so tired. I feel myself drifting off. I close my eyes and I'm out.