Rescue Me


What a surprise, I'm in restraints again. Why am I always in this? Oh, I remember now. It's because they're helping LIARS try to get my secrets.
Anna is sitting by me.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, "Did they get you?"

She shakes her head. She still seems terrified though.

"What happened then?" I ask.

"I watched them shoot you," she says, her voice cracking.

I scream, "Let me up!" The nurse walks over.

"Are you ready to behave?" She asks.

"Tell me, what was it exactly that I did?" I demand.

"You were screaming and you tried to break a window. Then you slammed your door and when Barb the aide came to open it, you knocked her down by grabbing her ankles. You fought with her for a few minutes, then when Dr. Fischer gave you a sedative, you tried to punch him in the face," she says, in a tone that is to try making me feel guilty.

She makes me wait another ten minutes to let me out. Then of course, I head to Zachary. He's sitting at one of the tables with a carton of juice. He looks a little sad. I sit next to him.

"Zachary, is everything ok?" I ask.

"I was just worried about you. You're the only reason I tolerate this place," he confides.

"You make it so much easier for me too," I reply. Under the table, I grab his hands and give them a squeeze and look into his eyes. I add, "You're like my brother even though I've only known you for a week. You make me want to tell someone about what happened to me," I confess.

"I won't push," he promises.

"Thank you," I say, releasing his hands.

I wait for him to finish his juice and when he is done, we start over to the TV area and find the seats furthest from the staff's table.

"So why do you keep having fits?" he asks.

"Because people are after me. Only certain other people seem to be able to see them. They want to kill me so they can have my secrets. Once they get my secrets, they'll feed their armies with my remains so they can attack others too," I warn.

He nods and looks away.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I just miss my family and my boyfriend so much," he says, his voice cracking and his eyes slowly release one tear from each eye.

I hand him a tissue and look away. Mindy walks over.

"Alice! You're alive!" she says, happy to see me.

"I am!" I say loudly, happy to be alive. I walk over and hug her tightly. Anna walks over and we group hug.

"Where's Rita?" I ask. She's with them quite a bit but I haven't seen her lately.

"She's in Phoenix right now fighting LIARS agents. They almost got Joseph last week," she informs.

Joseph is my four-year-old cousin. Anna, Rita, Mindy, and I are all very protective of him. We want to make sure nothing happens to him that has happened to me.

I take Zachary's hand again and pull him out of his chair and into my room when the staff is looking away.

"They almost got my cousin," I say, "so you may be next!"